Archive of feed items published on the 1st of December 2009
Study: Bhopal's drinking water still toxic from UPI
Peru: Social stigma delaying TB diagnosis, says study from SciDev
Loneliness is contagious, study suggests from
Scientists trace shark fins to their geographic origin for first time using DNA tools from Science Blog
Chang'E-1 has blazed a new trail in China's deep space exploration from Science Blog
Investigators identify successful weight control strategies for adolescents from Science Blog
More than 1,000 patients in US admitted annually for aviation-related injuries from Science Blog
Acid Test: Study Reveals Both Losers and Winners of CO2-induced Ocean Acidification from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Trace Shark Fins to Their Homes for 1st Time Using DNA Tools from Newswise - Scinews
No Big Cost Rise in U.S. Premiums Is Seen in Study from NY Times Health
Study Questions Safety of Mammograms for Young Women at High Risk of Cancer from NY Times Health
Fall Wave of Swine Flu Has Peaked, Data Confirm from NY Times Health
World Briefing | Europe: Switzerland: Record for Collider from NY Times Science
Fish Populations Reveal 'Shocking' Declines from Newswise - Scinews
Mammography may increase breast cancer risk in some high-risk women from Science Blog
MRI helps detect life-threatening pregnancy complication from Science Blog
Special ultrasound accurately identifies skin cancer from Science Blog
Fear of anxiety linked to depression in above-average worriers from Science Blog
Childhood lead exposure causes permanent brain damage from Science Blog
Severe asymptomatic heart disease may accompany narrowing in leg arteries from Science Blog
Overweight children may develop back pain and spinal abnormalities from Science Blog
Scientists trace shark fins to their geographic origin for first time using DNA tools from Science Blog
Astronaut Thirsk back on Earth from CBC: Technology & Science
Space station crew return to Earth from Reuters:Science
ESA astronaut Frank De Winne safely back on Earth from European Space Agency
Rosetta sees a living planet from European Space Agency
Australian opposition switches on climate from BBC News: Science & Nature
More protection for Scotland's eagles from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nepal cabinet to meet on Everest to highlight global warming threats from BBC News: Science & Nature
Colour change test for arsenic from Chemistry World
Unlocked Key Mechanism Behind Breast Cancer Metastases
Final report from BBC News: Science & Nature
GE, Vivendi deal paves way for NBC sale to Comcast from Physorg
French scientists create skin fast from stem cells from Reuters:Science
Photos, Video Available: Second Tiger Undergoes Minimally Invasive Surgery at Cummings School from Newswise - Scinews
The real thing? from MIT Research
3 Questions: Suzanne Corkin on the world’s most famous amnesic from MIT Research
Michael Jackson tops Yahoo's search charts in 2009 from Physorg
Loneliness can be contagious from Physorg
Winds drive icebergs away from New Zealand from Physorg
FTC explores future of journalism in Internet age from Physorg
Listen up from BBC News: Science & Nature
Special ultrasound accurately identifies skin cancer from Physorg
Overweight children may develop back pain and spinal abnormalities from Physorg
Scientists trace shark fins to their geographic origin for first time using DNA tools from Physorg
Chicken capsules good for aching joints from Physorg
Chang'E-1 has blazed a new trail in China's deep space exploration from Physorg
Study shows dream-enacting behavior is common in healthy young adults from Physorg
Childhood lead exposure causes permanent brain damage from Physorg
Sleep changes predict the onset of physical changes associated with puberty from Physorg
Is cannabis the answer to Booze Britain's problems? from Physorg
ISS astronauts land safely in Kazakhstan from Physorg
Study shows antibiotic unsuccessful in preventing preterm labor from Physorg
First comprehensive review of the state of Antarctica's climate from Physorg
Mammography may increase breast cancer risk in some high-risk women from Physorg
Ambulatory surgical centers may exceed performance of hospitals for certain procedures from Physorg
Fear of anxiety linked to depression in above-average worriers from Physorg
Sun vitamin prevents diabetes from Science Alert
Clever ravens cooperatively hunt from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pork meat grown in the laboratory from Physorg
Aussie shoppers stay plastic from Science Alert
More than 1,000 patients in US admitted annually for aviation-related injuries from Physorg
MRI helps detect life-threatening pregnancy complication from Physorg
Investigators identify successful weight control strategies for adolescents from Physorg
Space station crew back on Earth from BBC News: Science & Nature
Severe asymptomatic heart disease may accompany narrowing in leg arteries from Physorg
Study shows that adults have dreamlike thoughts during sleepwalking and sleep terrors episodes from Physorg
Glucose intolerance in pregnancy associated with postpartum cardiovascular risk from Science Blog
Cardiovascular risk in youth with type 1 diabetes linked primarily to insulin resistance from Science Blog
Top 10 Yahoo! Internet Searches of 2009 from CBSNews - Science
Funding snag hurts AIDS fight from Science Alert
Study shows modest improvement in advanced lung cancer overall survival rates from Science Blog
Glucose intolerance in pregnancy associated with postpartum cardiovascular risk from Science Blog
Cardiovascular risk in youth with type 1 diabetes linked primarily to insulin resistance from Science Blog
Nanoimaging in 3-D from Physorg
WHO updates HIV recommendations from SciDev
Loneliness Spreads Like a Virus from Live Science
Study shows modest improvement in advanced lung cancer overall survival rates from Physorg
Cardiovascular risk in youth with type 1 diabetes linked primarily to insulin resistance from Physorg
ERK's got rhythm: Protein that controls cell growth found to cycle in and out of cell nucleus (w/ Video) from Physorg
When Health Food Is Unhealthy from Live Science
God’s beliefs sound familiar from Science Alert
Glucose intolerance in pregnancy associated with postpartum cardiovascular risk from Physorg
Security ID cards with built-in holograms (w/ Video) from Physorg
More than 1,000 patients in US admitted annually for aviation-related injuries from Science Daily
ERK's got rhythm: Protein that controls cell growth found to cycle in and out of cell nucleus from Science Blog
Mean Old Levee - Homeland Security's Levee PLUGS Pass A Second Test from Newswise - Scinews
Shape Shifters: Researchers Create New Breed Of Antennas from Newswise - Scinews
Reporters document Antarctica changes from UPI
Hubble Photographs Billowing Clouds of Cosmic Dust from Live Science
Hubble Photographs Billowing Clouds of Cosmic Dust from
Mixed signals from BBC News: Science & Nature
Depressed women can lose weight as successfully as others do from Science Blog
Will copper keep us safe from the superbugs? from Science Blog
How did flowering plants evolve to dominate Earth? from Science Blog
Preventing repeat strokes -- are survivors taking their medicine? from Science Blog
Shape shifters: Researchers create new breed of antennas from Science Blog
Elsevier announces the November 2009 issue of Reproductive Health Matters on criminalization from Science Blog
Careful diagnosis helps fracture patients put best foot forward from Science Blog
Glucose intolerance in pregnancy associated with postpartum cardiovascular risk from Science Daily
Hospitals get same payout from Science Alert
FYI: Can a Paper Cut Be Deadly? from PopSci
Robotic Clam Could Detonate Underwater Mines from Live Science
New tool found for autoimmune diseases from UPI
Will copper keep us safe from the superbugs? from Physorg
WHO approves Glaxo's swine flu shot from Physorg
Gift Guide: A focus on HD video, at many prices from Physorg
How did flowering plants evolve to dominate Earth? from Physorg
Nokia sues top LCD, CRT display makers from Physorg
Crime scene measurements can be taken from a single image from Science Daily
Tumor-attacking virus strikes with 'one-two punch' from Science Daily
Traditional wood-carving craft industry goes high-tech from Science Daily
Brown fat cells make 'spare tires' shrink; promising new approach to combat obesity from Science Daily
Careful diagnosis helps fracture patients put best foot forward from Science Daily
Data from outer space open new frontiers for researchers from Science Daily
Shape shifters: Researchers create new breed of antennas from Science Daily
How did flowering plants evolve to dominate Earth? from Science Daily
Will copper keep us safe from the superbugs? from Science Daily
Air Force Center of Excellence Awarded in Nanostructures & Improved Cognition from Newswise - Scinews
Mars Odyssey orbiter experiences a problem from UPI
Clearing the way for detecting pulmonary embolism from Physorg
Brown fat cells make 'spare tires' shrink from Physorg
Tumor-attacking virus strikes with 'one-two punch' from Physorg
Facebook profiles capture true personality, according to new psychology research from Physorg
A modernized methodology for obtaining new varieties of potato from Physorg
Pick for Environment Post Raises Some Eyebrows from NY Times Science
Atlantic Hurricane Season Ends Quietly from NY Times Science
Fall Wave of Swine Flu Has Peaked, Data Confirm from NY Times Science
My perspective on the IPCC e-mail flap and Obama's upcoming trip to Copenhagen from Science Blog
Plasma Devices Kill Drug-Resistant Bacteria, Even in Chronic Wounds from PopSci
Binge drinking youths find getting old a drag from Physorg
Tuberculosis: On the path to prevention from Physorg
Innovation puts next-generation solar cells on the horizon from Physorg
'Global surge' in rhino poaching from BBC News: Science & Nature
'ClimateGate' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Seamount diary: In Pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Magnesium cage shows promise for carbon capture from Chemistry World
Overfishing linked to algal blooms from News @ Nature
China's climate target: is it achievable? from News @ Nature
Technology transfer on the table from News @ Nature
Japan budget threat sparks backlash from News @ Nature
Spanish awards rekindle old rivalries from News @ Nature
Dessert on your mind? Your muscles may be getting the message from Physorg
Can heart disease treatments combat AMD? from Physorg
Are the effects of pornography negligible? from Physorg
New source discovered for generation of nerve cells in brain from Science Daily
Homicide rates linked to trust in government, sense of belonging, study suggests from Science Daily
Study Finds Ozone Hole Repair Contributes To Global Warming, Sea Level Rise from PopSci
Super Earths May Be Superior at Fostering Life from
Marine aquaculture could feed growing world population from Physorg
Bacterial gut symbionts are tightly linked with the evolution of herbivory in ants from Physorg
Homicide rates linked to trust in governement, sense of belonging, study suggests from Physorg
EU 'should cut emissions by 30%' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Satellite insurance to pay farmers if land turns brown from SciDev
People Who Hate Their Government Kill Other People, Historian Claims
Bill to ease exports of AIDS drugs gains support from CBC: Health
Stem cell scientists share concerns from CBC: Health
Stem cell scientists share concerns from CBC: Technology & Science
Microsoft Checking `Black Screen Of Death' from CBSNews - Science
How Obama Is Like Star Trek's Spock from CBSNews - Science
Rom Houben's Coma Real, Communication Maybe Not from Live Science
To keep muscles strong, the 'garbage' has to go from Physorg
MU researchers develop digital solutions to support divorced families from Physorg
Typhoon Nida's cloud tops dropping as it zigzags in wind shear from Physorg
Mathematical formula predicts the perfect toy from CBC: Technology & Science
Cat food recall information is updated from UPI
Study: Some sharks have stereo rear vision from UPI
Pancreatic tumor marker found from UPI
EPA postpones more ethanol in gasoline from UPI
Bacteria prefer prime real estate from MSNBC: Science
Murdoch: Media must get readers to pay for online from Physorg
Researchers create first transgenic prairie voles from Physorg
Scientists discover genetic pattern that indicates early-stage lung cancer from Physorg
North Pole wolf emails locations to researchers from Physorg
U.N.: El Nino Likely to Last until May from CBSNews - Science
Global Warming Roils Aussie Politics from CBSNews - Science
Naked mole rats help medical researchers from UPI
New forensic technique gives clues about sharks from bite damage from Physorg
White House rhetoric is important in forming foreign policy opinions from Physorg
Depressed women can lose weight as successfully as others do from Physorg
New study measures HIV anti-retroviral regimens' safety and efficacy from Physorg
World Newspaper Congress opens in India from Physorg
Vital Signs: Hazards: ‘Stay-Tabs’ on Cans Aren’t Staying Out of Children from NY Times Health
Hospital price transparancy laws in California fall short, study finds from Physorg
Preventing repeat strokes -- are survivors taking their medicine? from Physorg
Black Friday LCD-TV prices down 22 pct, sales up from Physorg
Good stress response enhances recovery from surgery, study shows from Physorg
Arts and sciences join to develop greener, more efficient conferences and exhibits from Physorg
Careful diagnosis helps fracture patients put best foot forward from Physorg
New safety concern related to antipsychotic treatment from Physorg
Shape shifters: Researchers create new breed of antennas from Physorg
Crime scene measurements can be taken from a single image from Physorg
Facebook Profiles Reveal Accurate Personality Portraits
Heavy metal paradox could point toward new therapy for Lou Gehrig's disease from Science Daily
New study released on World AIDS Day measures HIV anti-retroviral regimens' safety and efficacy from Science Daily
First metallic nanoparticles resistant to extreme heat from Science Daily
Symbiosis: Bacterial gut symbionts are tightly linked with the evolution of herbivory in ants from Science Daily
Digital solutions developed to support divorced families from Science Daily
New forensic technique gives clues about sharks from bite damage from Science Daily
First transgenic prairie voles may help unlock secrets of pair bonding from Science Daily
Facebook profiles capture true personality, according to new psychology research from Science Daily
HIV progress seen bypassing Canadian natives from CBC: Health
U.K. climate scientist investigated from CBC: Technology & Science
Global warming threatens Hawaiian songbird from UPI
Shark fins traced to endangered populations from MSNBC: Science
New source discovered for the generation of nerve cells in the brain from Physorg
Blushing dusty nebula from Physorg
Are You SAD? Updates On Seasonal Affective Disorder
H1N1 flu cases decline, but still taking heavy toll from LA Times - Health
Genetic Pattern Indicates Early-Stage Lung Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
All decked out: Networks of chitin filaments are integral components of diatom silica shells from Physorg
Genetic pattern indicates early-stage lung cancer from Science Daily
Marine aquaculture could feed growing world population from Science Daily
Dessert on your mind? Your muscles may be getting the message from Science Daily
To keep muscles strong, the 'garbage' has to go from Science Daily
Blushing dusty nebula from Science Daily
Pleasant dietary habits are necessary for health from Science Blog
Tumor-attacking virus strikes with 'one-two punch' from Science Blog
Crime scene measurements can be taken from a single image from Science Blog
Traditional craft industry with a bright future from Science Blog
Binge drinking youths find getting old a drag from Science Blog
Facebook profiles capture true personality, according to new psychology research from Science Blog
A modernized methodology for obtaining new varieties of potato from Science Blog
White House rhetoric is important in forming foreign policy opinions from Science Blog
Standards agency boss talks priorities from News @ Nature
Overfishing linked to algal blooms from News @ Nature
DNA Reveals Origins of Shark Fin Soup from Live Science
Kuwait Bay sea temperature rising quickly from UPI
Another Mars Orbiter Goes Into Safe Mode from
A closer look at the Hudson Canyon shows why the canyon is critical for fish from Physorg
Can cleft palate be healed before birth? from Physorg
Psychologists suggest parents should wait to teach toddlers self-control from Physorg
TacSat-4 spacecraft complete and awaiting launch from Physorg
Traditional craft industry with a bright future from Physorg
Elusive triangular snowflakes explained from
A Little Stress Could Speed Recovery After Surgery
Funds to fuel study into child brain disorders from CBC: Health
Michael Jackson tops Google, Yahoo searches from CBC: Technology & Science
New Way of Detecting Exomoons Broadens Search for Extraterrestrial Life from PopSci
Flat-Panel TVs: 10 Things to Know Before You Buy from Live Science
iPhones Are Musical Instruments in New Course and Ensemble from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists track arctic wolf pack leader from UPI
Improving female reproductive health and empowerment through control of NTDs from Physorg
Air Force Center of Excellence awarded in nanostructures and improved cognition from Physorg
Aspirin, tylenol may decrease effectiveness of vaccines from Physorg
Dutch PhD student develops device to combat noise from Physorg
Timing of surgery for knee injuries may not affect outcomes from Physorg
Nokia alleges price fixing among LCD makers from CBC: Technology & Science
Funds to fuel study into child brain disorders from CBC: Technology & Science
New stem cell technology developed from UPI
New cancer study takes major step toward improved treatment from Physorg
Acid test: Study reveals both losers and winners of CO2-induced ocean acidification from Physorg
Too much physical activity may lead to arthritis, study suggests from Science Daily
Sugary cola drinks linked to higher risk of gestational diabetes from Science Daily
Clinical trials launched for treating most aggressive brain tumor with personalized cell vaccines from Science Daily
Resonating feathers produce courtship song in rare bird from Science Daily
First comprehensive review of the state of Antarctica's climate from Science Daily
Elastography reduces unnecessary breast biopsies from Science Daily
New discoveries about the experience of anger from Science Daily
Western diets turn on fat genes: Energy-dense foods may activate genes that ultimately make us obese from Science Daily
Believers' inferences about God's beliefs are uniquely egocentric from Science Daily
PICTURES: Best Microscopic-Life Images of 2009 Named from National Geographic
Russian Satellite Debris Zooms by Space Station from
Home Field Advantage Often Overestimated In College Football from Physorg
Ethnic pride key to black teen mental health from Physorg
Gay, bisexual men who have social anxiety tend to engage in risky sex from Physorg
Mathematical model of a simple circuit in a chicken brain raises fundamental questions from Physorg
51% of ICU patients infected from CBC: Health
B.C. records 8 more swine flu deaths from CBC: Health
St. John's cancer hospice to close for Christmas from CBC: Health
Suspended Winnipeg doctor had convictions in U.S. from CBC: Health
H1N1 concerns ease at Eastern Health facilities from CBC: Health
French scientist wins retrovirology prize from UPI
Top Quark: The Elusive Truth, Perimeter Institute Public Lecture from Newswise - Scinews
'Outbreaks Near Me' app now available for Android mobile phones from Physorg
Unified approach to premature infant care improves patient outcomes from Physorg
Mars Odyssey Orbiter Puts Itself Into Safe Standby from Physorg
WHO's New Guidelines on HIV Care Call For Earlier Treatment from Scientific American
UK climate scientist to temporarily step down from AP Science
Study: Acidified water good for lobsters from UPI
Research sheds new light on epilepsy from UPI
Heart failure linked to gene variant affecting vitamin D activation from Physorg
CT imaging taken post avastin may predict survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer from Physorg
Researchers demonstrate 100-watt-level mid-infrared lasers from Physorg
Google to let publishers limit free website access from Physorg
Facebook, MySpace ban New York sex offenders from Physorg
Poached hammerhead fins traced to the source from
New ocean wave-energy system developed from UPI
Scientists identify possible therapy target for aggressive cancer from Physorg
Poached hammerhead fins traced to endangered populations from
Taking Aspirin, Tylenol Could Decrease Effectiveness Of H1N1 Vaccine
American Indians Stand to Gain in Health Care Overhaul from NY Times Science
American Indians Stand to Gain in Health Care Overhaul from NY Times Health
Canadian copyright law to trump ACTA, Clement says from CBC: Technology & Science
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
In CO2-Rich Environment, Some Ocean Dwellers Increase Shell Production from Newswise - Scinews
Wide Disparities Found in Age of Hospitalization for Patients of Different Races from Physorg
Study finds that infections are common in ICUs worldwide from Physorg
Timing of surgery for knee injuries may not affect outcomes from Science Blog
CT imaging taken post avastin may predict survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer from Science Blog
UT Southwestern scientists identify possible therapy target for aggressive cancer from Science Blog
Aspirin, tylenol may decrease effectiveness of vaccines from Science Blog
TacSat-4 spacecraft complete and awaiting launch from Science Blog
Improving female reproductive health and empowerment through control of NTDs from Science Blog
Researchers demonstrate 100-watt-level mid-infrared lasers from Science Blog
Ethnic pride key to black teen mental health from Science Blog
Acidic Oceans May Be a Boon for Some Marine Dwellers from Science NOW
The Quasar That Built a Galaxy from Science NOW
Breaking News on "Climate-Gate," and H1N1 Vaccine for Sale from Science NOW
ERK's got rhythm: Protein that controls cell growth found to cycle in and out of cell nucleus from Biology News Net
Scientists trace shark fins to their geographic origin for first time using DNA tools from Biology News Net
New data on highly effective treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps from Biology News Net
How did flowering plants evolve to dominate Earth? from Biology News Net
In CO2-rich environment, some ocean dwellers increase shell production from Biology News Net
The real thing? People are often unsure about telling authentic luxury goods from fakes from Physorg
Manufacturing, reinvented from Physorg
South Africa to treat all HIV-positive babies from Physorg
ARS Survey Helps Growers Track Two Key Cotton Pests from Physorg
Horse racing was best before British, says historian from Physorg
Researchers look at water-energy impacts of climate change from Physorg
Glial cells can cross from the central to the peripheral nervous system (w/ Video) from Physorg
Gene stops tumors but only when it's gone from
Manitoba pledges more transparency on MDs from CBC: Health
Another Stall of Right-Rear Wheel Ends Drive from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Orbiter Puts Itself Into Safe Standby from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
iPhones are musical instruments in new course and ensemble (w/ Video) from Physorg
Bone Marrow Stem Cells May Prevent Chronic Lung Disease from Physorg
Message for women and dogs: keeping ovaries is linked to longevity from Physorg
Chubby hubby is common, but ethnicity matters from Physorg
WISE Snug in Its Nose Cone; Launch Set for Dec. 9 from Physorg
How Do You Treat Cancer? Fool It Into Committing Suicide
Electromagnetic fields as cutting tools from Physorg
3 Questions: Suzanne Corkin on the world's most famous amnesic from Physorg
AT&T to release cellphone with optional projector from Physorg
Intelligent blood bags from Physorg
Death from childhood stroke from Physorg
Death-inducing proteins key to complications of bone marrow transplantation from Physorg
Intensive fungicide use may lead to azole resistance in humans from Physorg
Rabbits Milked for Human Protein; Drug Soon for Sale? from National Geographic
Climate data row man steps down from BBC News: Science & Nature
Balloon hunt goes viral from MSNBC: Science
Why females live longer than males: is it due to the father's sperm? from Physorg
UK climate scientist to temporarily step down from Physorg
Public's Foreign Policy Opinions Based On White House Rhetoric
Australia's global warming bill defeated from AP Science
Preterm births higher among deprived mothers, despite equal care from Physorg
Rhino poaching surges in Asia, Africa from Physorg
Revolutionary relics dredged from Delaware from UPI
Europe Bypassed on Climate Summit from NY Times Science
Climatologist Leaves Post in Inquiry Over E-Mail Leaks from NY Times Science
N.Y. Sex Offenders Kicked off Social Sites from CBSNews - Science
Murdoch: Readers Need To Pay For Online from CBSNews - Science
Hand sanitizers work best with scrubbed hands from CBC: Health
SPACE PHOTOS THIS WEEK: Rosy Haze, Black Hole Jet, More from National Geographic
Australia's Global Warming Bill Defeated from CBSNews - Science
NIST on Facebook and Twitter from Newswise - Scinews
NIST Develops Experimental Validation Tool for Cell Phone Forensics from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Put a New Spin on Atomic Musical Chairs from Newswise - Scinews
Nervy Research: Researchers Take Initial Look at Ion Channels in a Model System from Newswise - Scinews
Digital avalanche rescue dog from Physorg
Why females live longer than males: is it due to the father's sperm? from Science Daily
Aspirin, Tylenol may decrease effectiveness of vaccines from Science Daily
Shark fins traced to their geographic origin for first time using DNA tools from Science Daily
Loneliness can be contagious from Science Daily
In carbon dioxide-rich environment, some ocean dwellers increase shell production from Science Daily
Innovation puts next-generation solar cells on the horizon from Science Daily
Death-inducing proteins key to complications of bone marrow transplantation from Science Daily
Psychologists suggest parents should wait to teach toddlers self-control from Science Daily
Scientists identify possible therapy target for aggressive cancer from Science Daily
Scientists reveal malaria parasites' tactics for outwitting our immune systems from Science Daily
Can heart disease treatments combat age-related macular degeneration? from Science Daily
Artificial refuges created to save the reptiles of Doñana, Spain from Science Daily
Binge drinking youths find getting old a drag from Science Daily
Infections are common in ICUs worldwide, study finds from Science Daily
Heart failure linked to gene variant affecting vitamin D activation from Science Daily
ERK's got rhythm: Protein that controls cell growth found to cycle in and out of cell nucleus from Science Daily
High urea levels in chronic kidney failure might be toxic after all from Science Daily
GOES-14 (O) moving into on-orbit storage around Earth from Science Daily
New safety concern related to antipsychotic treatment from Science Daily