Archive of feed items published on the 11th of January 2010
Kids' movie safety portrayals improved: study from CBC: Health
New method of measuring ocean carbon dioxide uptake could lead to climate change 'early warning system' from Science Daily
Nanoscience goes 'big': Discovery could lead to enhanced electronics from Science Daily
Brain activity levels affect self-perception: 'Rose-colored glasses' correlate with less frontal lobe use from Science Daily
Single atom controls motility required for bacterial infection from Science Daily
New test may help address costly parasite in sheep industry from Science Daily
Liver stiffness measurements identify patients with rapid or slow fibrosis from Science Daily
Hunting oscillation of muon to electron: Neutrino data to flow in 2010; NOvA scientists tune design from Science Daily
Sex Life May Hold Key To Honeybee Survival from Science Daily
Tiotropium associated with reduced mortality in patients with COPD from Science Daily
Well-traveled Wasps Provide Hope For Vanishing Species from Science Daily
Quantum computer calculates exact energy of molecular hydrogen from Science Blog
Combining Components of Marijuana Enhances Inhibitory Effects on Brain Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Buckle up! Kid films getting better at safety from AP Health
NYC asks food manufacturers to cut salt content from AP Health
New York Seeks National Effort to Curb Salt Use from NY Times Health
In Colorado, Craving Reform of Health Care and Congress from NY Times Health
Large Price Jumps Reported for Small but Vital Drugs from NY Times Health
Using a Pfizer Grant, Courses Aim to Avoid Bias from NY Times Health
NYC asks food manufacturers to cut salt content from Physorg
Researchers Identify microRNA targets in C. elegans from Biology News Net
Study explains why light worsens migraine headaches from Biology News Net
Despite dangers, some get illicit silicone shots from Physorg
Study sheds light on role of stem cells in children's brain tumor from Physorg
Can a drop of water cause sunburn or fire? from Physorg
S.Korea announces multi-billion dollar plan for new city from Physorg
Toxic metal found in kids' jewelry very dangerous from AP Health
Hollywood, Web and gadgets a winning mix at CES from Physorg
Medical alchemy from BBC News: Science & Nature
A simple stretch loosens back, legs from LA Times - Health
More study needed on nasal capsaicin from LA Times - Health
Common tablespoons may not accurately measure medicine from LA Times - Health
U.S. rules altered for foreigners with HIV from LA Times - Health
Opioid painkiller overload from LA Times - Health
On 'Scrubs,' a few more tests and some bedside reality are needed from LA Times - Health
Study: Youth now have more mental health issues from AP Health
MP3 co-creator wants to smarten-up dumb devices from Physorg
Tide squeeze warms tiny moon from Science Alert
A massive star is born from MIT Research
Figuring out where to put the carbon from MIT Research
8,000-year-old home, hippo bones found near Tel Aviv from Physorg
Early bloomers get stroppy from Science Alert
Introducing the Light Touch interactive projector (w/ Video) from Physorg
Gadgets: BlackBerry speakerphone clips to car's visor from Physorg
N.S. patients may be sent to Moncton during strike from CBC: Health
Study: Youth now have more mental health issues from Physorg
Abnormal blood calcium levels deadly for kidney disease patients
New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprints in the human genome
Useful, useless and unusual at US gadget show from Physorg
Australian World War II shipwreck filmed from AP Science
Big freeze 'good for pond life' from BBC News: Science & Nature
A solid case of entanglement from Science Blog
Observation about how nervous system learns and encodes motion could improve stroke recovery
Mobile bushfire monitoring
Screening and treating girls doesn't reduce prevalence of chlamydia in teens
Brain imaging may help diagnose autism
How plants 'feel' the temperature rise
CSHL scientists uncover role of protein critical for activating DNA replication
How the Earth survived birth
Immune illness helps research from Science Alert
New lights make false claims from Science Alert
Layout hinders travel chatting from Science Alert
Henna helps catch prints from Science Alert
Egypt tombs suggest pyramids not built by slaves from Reuters:Science
Will Lidia Brito put the science back into UNESCO? from SciDev
For this microbe, cousins not particularly welcome
Study investigates immune system alterations in the brain
Quantum computer calculates exact energy of molecular hydrogen
Discovery of enzyme activation process could lead to new heart attack treatments
Research adds to evidence that autism is a brain 'connectivity' disorder
Pediatric cancer survivors at risk for diseases that predispose them to heart disease
Study explains why light worsens migraine headaches
UC Prof Creates iPhone Application Resulting from Personal 'To Do' List from Physorg
Loosely coiled DNA helps trypanosomes make their escape from Physorg
Evolution and ailments: Scientists suggest systemic changes are linked to rise in disorders from Physorg
A massive star is born: Time-lapse movie shows that massive stars form like their smaller siblings from Physorg
Early puberty leads to increased aggression in women from Physorg
December Was 7th Warmest of the Past 31 Years from Newswise - Scinews
Climate confusion from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cocaine changes how genes work in brain from Reuters:Science
Old antidepressant offers promise in treating heart failure
Quitline messages that stress benefits of quitting may improve smoking cessation
New approach to fighting Alzheimer's shows potential in clinical trial
Molecule repairs alcohol metabolism enzyme
New system helps explain salmon migration
Golden ratio discovered in a quantum world
A role for calcium in taste perception
Britain boosts offshore with $160 billion from UPI
Pyramids not built by slaves: scientists from CBC: Technology & Science
Study sheds light on role of stem cells in children's brain tumour
What came first in the origin of life? A study contradicts the 'metabolism first' hypothesis
Researchers find mechanism that could prevent or treat deadly peroxisome diseases
Biologists develop efficient genetic modification of human embryonic stem cells
Periodic paralysis study reveals gene causing disorder
Early lessons from the H1N1 pandemic: Critical illness in children unpredictable but survivable
Cannibal Galaxies Gobble the Little Guys from
Global Trade Fuels Invasive Species from Live Science
Blurry Vision in Old Age: What to Do from Live Science
Deep heat powers once-in-a-billion-year volcanoes on icy moon from Physorg
Public transport behaviours explained from Physorg
Figuring out where to put the carbon from Physorg
Camera traps yield first-time film of tigress and cubs
Duda, where'd my spines go?
Coral can recover from climate change damage
All sustainable transportation subsidies shouldn't be created equal, experts say
Paper strips can quickly detect toxin in drinking water
Rules governing RNA's anatomy revealed
Mirror testing at NASA breaks superstitious myths
Electronics show's winners and losers from CBC: Technology & Science
Ottawa coyote-killing contest spurs protests from CBC: Technology & Science
Ice topples Labrador communications tower from CBC: Technology & Science
Are these artifacts fake or not? from MSNBC: Science
Free men 'built Egypt's pyramids' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pulsar bursts move 'faster than light' from Physics World
Isotope delay would be 'extremely serious:' MDs from CBC: Health
Study finds increased presence, severity of coronary artery plaques in HIV-infected men
Bering Strait influenced ice age climate patterns worldwide
Echinoderms contribute to global carbon sink
Staying safe in snow
Sleeping Beauty hooks up with herpes to fight brain disease
Fossil footprints give land vertebrates a much longer history
Liver donations from living donors increase 42 percent after educational intervention
Quantum entanglement achieved in solid-state circuitry from Science Daily
New ways to pressure HIV from Science Daily
Ford Fusion Hybrid wins 2010 car of year award from AP Health
Isotope delay would be 'extremely serious:' MDs from CBC: Technology & Science
Fuel Efficiency Projects to be Unveiled from CBSNews - Science
FORUM: Why Can't We Take Good Photos of Pluto? from
New ways to pressure HIV from Science Blog
Physicians' moods affect quality of care, according to Ben-Gurion University study from Science Blog
Neuroimaging may shed light on how Alzheimer's disease develops from Science Blog
A new species of lichen discovered in the Iberian Peninsula from Science Blog
Why do people 'play the longshot' and buy insurance? It's in our genes from Science Blog
Considering the evidence in health care from Science Blog
The Asia-Pacific Partnership and the Kyoto Protocols: In conflict or cooperation? from Science Blog
Ongoing human evolution could explain recent rise in certain disorders from Science Blog
EPA: Bankrupt chemical firms must pay for site clean up from Chemistry World
Evonik refocuses from Chemistry World
Locking molecular motors from Chemistry World
Photocatalyst sees the light from Chemistry World
Monitoring drug release as it happens from Chemistry World
Gilded Graphene from C&EN
Deep brain stimulation successful for treatment of severely depressive patient
30000-year-old teeth shed new light on human evolution
Nanoscience goes 'big'
Researchers identify microRNA targets in C. elegans
Researchers say vaccine appears to 'mop up' leukaemia cells Gleevec leaves behind
SNPs in C-reactive protein are not associated with increased risk of cancer
Baffin Island caribou sightings few: Inuit from CBC: Technology & Science
What the EPA's "Chemicals of Concern" Plans Really Mean from Scientific American
Melting tundra creating vast river of waste into Arctic Ocean from Physorg
New spider species discovered from Physorg
Why do people 'play the longshot' and buy insurance? It's in our genes from Physorg
A solid case of entanglement from Physorg
Warmer climate could stifle carbon uptake by trees, says CU-Boulder study
UF urologists use robot to shave time off vasectomy reversal
Each pound at birth lowers risk of developing TB
Researchers discover molecular security system that protects cells from potentially harmful DNA
Researchers identify an immune cell linked to inflammation and scarring in Graves' eye disease
Cold War offered odd benefit - it limited species invasions
Study: Quantum fluctuations are key in superconductors
Serbian route for South Stream unclear from UPI
Total launches carbon capture facility from UPI
Minsk playing hardball in oil spat? from UPI
Egypt downplays gas concerns from UPI
Ongoing human evolution could explain recent rise in certain disorders from Science Daily
New spider species is largest of its type in Middle East from Science Daily
Melting tundra creating vast river of waste into Arctic Ocean from Science Daily
The Asia-Pacific Partnership and the Kyoto Protocols: In conflict or cooperation? from Science Daily
Neuroimaging may shed light on how Alzheimer's disease develops from Science Daily
UK vicar invokes God's blessing on BlackBerrys from Physorg
Shipworm threatens archaeological treasures from Physorg
Big Spider Discovered in Disappearing Sand Dunes from Live Science
More Evidence Slaves Didn't Build Pyramids from CBSNews - Science
Britain bracing for gas crunch from UPI
Cod fishery seeks renewable approval from UPI
Security haunts Nigeria's oil sector from UPI
Russia explores atomic space engine from UPI
The Asia-Pacific Partnership and the Kyoto Protocols: In conflict or cooperation? from Physorg
Ford Fusion Hybrid wins 2010 car of year award from Physorg
Race, obesity affect outcomes among diabetics following prostatectomy from Physorg
New ways to pressure HIV from Physorg
Finnish firm to market cancer-prevention capsule from Physorg
Report: Google phone $5 less to make than iPhone from Physorg
NASA Weighs Potential Delay to Next Shuttle Mission from
Scientists' breakthrough in production of biofuels
Can a drop of water cause sunburn or fire?
Wild Iberian horses contributed to the origin of the current Iberian domestic stock
Study finds H1N1 virus spreads easily by plane
Florida utilities brace for record cold from UPI
National Zoo panda inseminated from UPI
Enbridge responds to N. Dakota oil spill from UPI
Can a drop of water cause sunburn or fire? Leaves of certain plants are susceptible to leaf burn from too much sun from Science Daily
New target discovered for treatment of cancer from Science Daily
How high can a rock climber go? from Science Daily
Similar effectiveness among options for managing low-risk prostate cancer, report suggests from Science Daily
Minor faults in catalyst impose an obstacle to the chemical industry from Science Daily
Charles Darwin: More than the origin from Science Daily
How common type of children's brain cancer can arise from stem cells from Science Daily
Weight is a prickly problem: Key role found for hedgehog signaling in controlling fat storage from Science Daily
Fisheries: Catch shares improve consistency, not health, of fisheries from Science Daily
Solving the problem of school timetabling from Science Daily
Best time to toilet train children pinpointed through research from Science Daily
New species of lichen discovered in Iberian Peninsula from Science Daily
Physicians' moods affect quality of care, according new study from Science Daily
Report: Tackle overlooked threat of hepatitis B, C from AP Health
Wild crows reveal tool skills from Physorg
IOM report recommends steps to tackle hepatitis B and C from Physorg
Segregating out UbcH10's role in tumor formation from Physorg
Neuroimaging may shed light on how Alzheimer's disease develops from Physorg
Hybrid systems get strengthened through diversity from Physorg
A new species of lichen discovered in the Iberian Peninsula from Physorg
Physicians' moods affect quality of care: study from Physorg
Research Reveals First Evidence of Bimusicalism in Untrained Listeners from Physorg
Loss of epigenetic regulators causes mental retardation (w/ Video) from Physorg
Economists: Appliance rebates waste government money from Physorg
'Wet computer' project kicks off from BBC News: Science & Nature
IOM report recommends steps to tackle hepatitis B and C from Science Blog
Race, obesity affect outcomes among diabetics following prostatectomy from Science Blog
Economists: Appliance rebates waste government money from Science Blog
Do Our Genes Explain Why We Take Financial Risks?
Neanderthals wore make-up from UPI
Considering the evidence in health care from Physorg
Study reveals how one form of natural vitamin E protects brain after stroke from Physorg
Study shows key role environment plays in developing reading skills from Physorg
TV show Hoarders fights urge to clutter from CBC: Health
N.L. mine operator charged with safety violations from CBC: Health
WWII Shipwreck Filmed Off Australian Coast from CBSNews - Science
Australia's freshwater crocodiles at risk from UPI
Turkmen gas flowing to Russia from UPI
Croatia's Mesic slated for South Stream? from UPI
Prehistoric building found in modern Israeli city from MSNBC: Science
A deadly scorpion provides a safe pesticide from Physorg
Yoga reduces cytokine levels known to promote inflammation from Physorg
New target discovered for treatment of cancer from Physorg
TB diagnosis boosted by faster, cheaper test from SciDev
Tunisia launches first nanotech project from SciDev
'Jurassic' tree survives Scotland's big freeze from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stat defence from BBC News: Science & Nature
A deadly scorpion provides a safe pesticide from Science Blog
Biologists merge methods, results from different disciplines to find new meaning in old data from Science Blog
Mango effective in preventing, stopping certain colon, breast cancer cells from Science Blog
Ongoing Evolution May Explain Rise In Autoimmune Diseases, Reproductive Cancers
Researchers probe how migraines worsened by light from CBC: Technology & Science
Researchers probe how migraines worsened by light from CBC: Health
Gene that controls heart beat discovered from UPI
Mango effective in preventing, stopping certain colon, breast cancer cells from Physorg
AOL to lay off up to 1,200 workers to reach target from Physorg
Biologists merge methods, results from different disciplines to find new meaning in old data from Physorg
Insecticide-treated net program in Tanzania from Physorg
Cuphea Does Wonders for Wheat and Corn in Rotations from Physorg
Ancient Egyptians' Cosmetics Protected Against Eye Disease
Study of alcohol reaction may revolutionize drug development from Physorg
Excess protein in urine is indicator of heart disease risk in whites, but not blacks from Physorg
New research suggests Neanderthals weren't stupid from Physorg
Surveying the X-ray Sky from Physorg
Alda-1 Repairs Defective Alcohol Metabolism Enzyme
Microsoft To Allow Windows, Office Rental from CBSNews - Science
Video: Britain Airport Scanner Flawed? from CBSNews - Science
Your Digital Privacy: Already an Illusion? from CBSNews - Science
Ancient eyeliner guard against bacteria from UPI
The solution to a 200-year-old encryption from Physorg
New Procedure Allows Diagnosis, Treatment of Small Intestine without Surgery (w/ Video) from Physorg
Still safely at sea, Edzani now a tropical storm from Physorg
Drug shows promise as new treatment for gut tumor from Physorg
Ongoing Evolution May Explain Mysterious Rise in Diseases from Live Science
Friendship may help stem rise of obesity in children, study finds from Physorg
Oceans losing ability to absorb greenhouse gas from Physorg
Follow Antarctic Expedition Blog from Newswise - Scinews
Drug shows promise as new treatment for gut tumor from Science Blog
Still safely at sea, Edzani now a tropical storm from Science Blog
Friendship may help stem rise of obesity in children, study finds from Science Blog
New scanners use terahertz waves from UPI
Dead Sea-dwelling microbes reveal roots of protein common to all higher life forms from Physorg
Taking Japan to court over whaling is risky, says international legal expert from Physorg
Study: Second cochlear implant can restore two important facets of binaural hearing from Physorg
Energy Efficient Appliances Are A Waste Of Money (And Energy)
Shell jewelry shows Neanderthal no dummy: researchers from CBC: Technology & Science
Record Migration: Small Birds Travel 50,000 Miles from Live Science
Blocking nuclear receptor may cut off tumor blood supply from Physorg
Researchers trace HIV mutations that lead to drug resistance from Physorg
Highlight: Quasi-Crystalline Order at Nanoscale from Physorg
Discovery provides new drug targets for malaria cure from Physorg
Got cognitive activity? It does a mind good from Physorg
Study shows that delivering stem cells improves repair of major bone injuries in rats from Physorg
Less than six hours sleep a night more dangerous for premenopausal women from Physorg
Genetic variant associated with aggressive form of prostate cancer from Physorg
Climate conditions in 2050 crucial to avoid harmful impacts in 2100 from Physorg
Microbe understudies await their turn in the limelight from Physorg
Bering Strait Had Profound Impact On Ice Age Climate
Pandas attempt to mate at National Zoo from MSNBC: Science
Can we trust the results of research done on children? from Physorg
Climate Conditions in 2050 Crucial to Avoid Harmful Impacts in 2100 from Newswise - Scinews
Prehistoric building found in modern Israeli city from AP Science
Judge has questions in gay marriage trial in CA from AP Science
Raft or bridge: How did iguanas reach tiny Pacific islands? from Science Blog
Got cognitive activity? It does a mind good from Science Blog
Prehistoric Building Found in Tel Aviv from CBSNews - Science
Toyota's Pint-Sized Hybrid Concept Car from CBSNews - Science
Tablet Computer Mkt. Waits For Apple from CBSNews - Science
Microsoft To Allow Windows, Office Rental from CBSNews - Science
Ban Ki-moon announces Year of Biodiversity from UPI
India Developing Anti-Satellite Spacecraft from
Big spider discovered in shrinking habitat from MSNBC: Science
Laminated linen protected Alexander the Great from MSNBC: Science
Ex-top NASA official charged in Mississippi from Physorg
Raft or bridge: How did iguanas reach tiny Pacific islands? from Physorg
Study quantifies minority enrollment losses if affirmative action is eliminated from Physorg
Argonne gets wind of new energy models from Physorg
Ex-top NASA official charged in Mississippi from AP Science
HIV drug-resistance rates fall in B.C. from CBC: Health
Video: Solar Phone Charger? from CBSNews - Science
Britain's 'energy crisis' not yet over from UPI
Couch Potatoes May Have Shorter Lives from Live Science
Genes for Dogs Breeds Discovered from Live Science
Disconnect Between Brain Regions in ADHD from Physorg
As The Crust Turns: Cassini Data Show Enceladus in Motion from Physorg
Scientists Ask Farm Bureau to Recognize Climate Change from Newswise - Scinews
New Jersey Assembly Approves Medical Marijuana from NY Times Health
New York City aims to cut salt intake from CBC: Health
NASA Still Aims for February Shuttle Launch Despite Broken Hoses from
Bifocals may slow progression of nearsightedness in children from Physorg
Top 10 Sci-Tech Stories Of The Decade from Physorg
Microbe understudies await their turn in the limelight from Science Blog
Disconnect between brain regions in ADHD from Science Blog
Faster and more efficient software for the US Air Force from Science Blog
New quantum cascade lasers emit more light than heat from Science Blog
Emergency spine stabilization overrated for some patients from
Mind: Before You Quit Antidepressants ... from NY Times Health
18 and Under: To Treat Bed-Wetting, Healthy Doses of Patience from NY Times Health
Hunting Fossil Viruses in Human DNA from NY Times Health
Counting of Calories Isn’t Always Accurate from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Regimens: Withdrawal Warning on Parkinson’s Drugs from NY Times Health
Global Update: Anthrax: In Scotland, Six Heroin Users Die of Anthrax Poisoning from NY Times Health
Vital Signs: Awareness: To Measure Medicine, Mind the Spoon from NY Times Health
Personal Health: Healthy Aging, With Nary a Supplement from NY Times Health
Really?: The Claim: Milk Thistle is Good for the Liver. from NY Times Health
Q&A: Thinking About Shrinking from NY Times Health
Hunting Fossil Viruses in Human DNA from NY Times Science
With Updated Hubble Telescope, Reaching Farther Back in Time from NY Times Science
Findings: The Madness of Crowds and an Internet Delusion from NY Times Science
Not All Ski Slopes Are Environmentally Equal, Study Concludes from NY Times Science
18 and Under: To Treat Bed-Wetting, Healthy Doses of Patience from NY Times Science
Mind: Before You Quit Antidepressants ... from NY Times Science
Global Update: Anthrax: In Scotland, Six Heroin Users Die of Anthrax Poisoning from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Regimens: Withdrawal Warning on Parkinson’s Drugs from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Awareness: To Measure Medicine, Mind the Spoon from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Risks: Loss of Bone Mass Linked to Contraceptive from NY Times Science
Counting of Calories Isn’t Always Accurate from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Mental Health: Deficiencies in Treatment of Depression from NY Times Science
Observatory: Warmed by the Sun, Asteroid Changes Shape from NY Times Science
Observatory: Tracking Device Reports a Round-Trip Wonder from NY Times Science
Q&A: Thinking About Shrinking from NY Times Science
Personal Health: Healthy Aging, With Nary a Supplement from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Milk Thistle is Good for the Liver. from NY Times Science
Light worsens migraine headaches from Harvard Science
Temperatures 10,000 Times Hotter Than Sun Remain Imprinted on Ancient Supernova Remnant from PopSci
Doomsday Clock to Change This Week from Live Science
Butterflies Reeling From Impacts of Climate and Development from Physorg
Martian Landform Observations Fill Special Journal Issue from Physorg
Small amounts of lead may damage children's kidneys from Physorg
Exercise associated with preventing, improving mild cognitive impairment from Physorg
Reducing dosage of Parkinson's drugs can cause symptoms similar to those of cocaine withdrawal from Physorg
The secrets of the Sahara revealed from Physorg
Cornea cell density predictive of graft failure at 6 months post-transplant from Physorg
Engineering A Cell Switch
Arctic terns take break en route south for winter from AP Science
Can the World's Telecoms Slash Their Energy Consumption 1,000-Fold? from Scientific American
Scientists sequence genome of the woodland strawberry, a model system for rosaceae plants from Physorg
Outsmarting bacteria: Researchers develop faster method to generate new antibiotics from Physorg
Blindness groups, ASU settle suit over Kindle from Physorg
CES show attendance rebounds after dip in 2009 from Physorg
Regulatory network balances stem cell maintenance, differentiation from Physorg
Faster and more efficient software for the US Air Force from Physorg
Sedentary TV time may cut life short from Physorg
New quantum cascade lasers emit more light than heat from Physorg
Hydrothermal vent environments not necessarily static from
Skip spine stabilization and get to the hospital from
How Did Iguanas Reach Fiji?
Coal Is Linked to Cancer in China Province from NY Times Health
Chimps and Monkeys Could Talk. Why Don’t They? from NY Times Science
Second Opinion: Facing End-of-Life Talks, Doctors Choose to Wait from NY Times Science
Digital Care: Denmark Leads Way from NY Times Science
Coal Is Linked to Cancer in China Province from NY Times Science
Letters: Another Look at F.D.R. (2 Letters) from NY Times Science
Letters: Understanding Patients (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Tetrahedrons in a River (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Raft or bridge: How did iguanas reach tiny Pacific islands? from Biology News Net
A deadly scorpion provides a safe pesticide from Biology News Net
Ancient Egyptian cosmetics: 'Magical' makeup may have been medicine for eye disease from Biology News Net
Expand hepatitis shots, awareness: U.S. report from CBC: Health
U.S. stores sell kids' jewelry made of toxic cadmium from CBC: Health
N.B. toddler critical after drinking methadone from CBC: Health
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
For gunshot and stab victims, on-scene spine immobilization may do more harm than good from Physorg
Impact of FDA safety warnings examined from Physorg
Electronic Arts lowers guidance for 2010 from Physorg
Arctic terns take break en route south for winter from Physorg
Breast cancer multigene test helping patients avoid chemotherapy from Physorg
Gastroenterologists study mind/body techniques for treating celiac disease from Physorg
Hydrothermal vent environments not unchanging from
Education Keeps Your Memory Sharp
Growth factor hit by cancer drugs also protects heart from Science Blog
Workers' comp research provides insight into curbing health-care costs from Science Blog
UC Davis study: Butterflies reeling from impacts of climate and development from Science Blog
Regulatory network balances stem cell maintenance, differentiation from Science Blog
Scientists sequence genome of the woodland strawberry, a model system for rosaceae plants from Science Blog
Why Light Makes Migraines Worse from Science NOW
Bering Strait's Ups and Downs Alter Climate from Science NOW
Signs of Symbolic Smarts in Neandertal Jewelry from Science NOW
Second Opinion: Facing End-of-Life Talks, Doctors Choose to Wait from NY Times Health
Digital Care: Denmark Leads Way from NY Times Health
Letters: Another Look at F.D.R. (2 Letters) from NY Times Health
Letters: Understanding Patients (1 Letter) from NY Times Health
eSolar strikes deal with China from UPI
Program may prevent knee injuries in young female soccer players from Physorg
Biodiesel industry on hold after tax credit runs out from Physorg
Weekend strokes may receive more aggressive treatment from Physorg
New research suggests Sierra Nevadas older than previously thought from Physorg
TV time shortens life, study suggests from CBC: Health
FOR KIDS: A light delay from
FOR KIDS: Dino-bite! from
Too Much Couch Time May Cut Your Life Short
Bird's yearly trek averages record 44,000 miles from MSNBC: Science
Workers' comp research provides insight into curbing health-care costs from Physorg
Growth factor hit by cancer drugs also protects heart from Physorg
Why light makes migraines worse from
Study examines prescribing of antipsychotic medications for nursing home residents from Physorg
China unveils 'world's fastest train link' from Physorg
Mammography availability linked to breast cancer mortality rate from Physorg
Qualcomm's profile rises as wireless invades consumer tech from Physorg
Arctic tern's epic journey mapped from BBC News: Science & Nature
Making Pesticides Out Of Scorpions
Florida airport gets commercial spaceport license from Reuters:Science
Video: Climate Summit Junket? from CBSNews - Science
Diabetic eye disease more severe in African-Americans who consume more calories, sodium from Physorg
Kodak, Samsung agree on licensing pact from Physorg
Environment Influences Our Reading Skills As We Grow
Imaging studies help detect underlying cancers in patients with neurologic symptoms from Physorg
Bifocals slow progression of myopia in children, study shows from LA Times - Science
Butterflies Feeling Effects Of Climate Change, Habitat Alteration
Con Mine geothermal plan nets federal funding from CBC: Technology & Science
Doomsday clock to change this week from MSNBC: Science
Screening could curb hospital superbug from Reuters:Science
Scientists decode secrets of dog breeding from MSNBC: Science
Protection status for Lundy sea from BBC News: Science & Nature
Can evolution explain rise in certain diseases? from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Microbe Understudies Await Their Turn in the Limelight from Newswise - Scinews
New Jersey passes medical marijuana bill from CBC: Health
Mystery Behind Galaxy Shapes Solved from
Watching TV shortens lifespan, study shows from LA Times - Science
Use of body ornamentation shows Neanderthal mind capable of advanced thought from Science Daily
Bifocals may slow progression of nearsightedness in children from Science Daily
Mango effective in preventing, stopping certain colon, breast cancer cells, food scientists find from Science Daily
Breast cancer multigene test helping patients avoid chemotherapy from Science Daily
New quantum cascade lasers emit more light than heat from Science Daily
Sedentary TV time may cut life short from Science Daily
Genetic variant associated with aggressive form of prostate cancer from Science Daily
Delivering stem cells improves repair of major bone injuries in rats, study shows from Science Daily
Diabetic eye disease more severe in African-Americans who consume more calories, sodium from Science Daily
For gunshot and stab victims, on-scene spine immobilization may do more harm than good from Science Daily
Ancient Egyptian cosmetics: 'Magical' makeup may have been medicine for eye disease from Science Daily
Disconnect between brain regions in ADHD from Science Daily
Researchers trace HIV mutations that lead to drug resistance from Science Daily
Imaging studies help detect underlying cancers in patients with neurologic symptoms from Science Daily
Mirror testing at NASA breaks superstitious myths from Science Daily
Workers' comp research provides insight into curbing health-care costs from Science Daily
Butterflies reeling from impacts of climate and development from Science Daily
Why certain anticancer drugs can cause heart failure in some patients from Science Daily
Excess protein in urine is indicator of heart disease risk in whites, but not blacks, study suggests from Science Daily
Tobacco company helped shape European policy system favoring corporate profits over public health, study finds from Science Daily
Insect cells provide the key to alternative swine flu vaccination from Science Daily
Alzheimer's: Immune system alterations in mouse brain reduces two characteristic features of disease from Science Daily
Genome of woodland strawberry, a model system for rosaceae plants, sequenced from Science Daily
Segregating out UbcH10's role in tumor formation from Science Daily
Biologists merge methods, results from different disciplines to find new meaning in old data from Science Daily
Clustering MRSA in Europe indicates diffusion through regional health-care networks from Science Daily
President Signals Flexibility on Health Plan Tax from NY Times Health