Archive of feed items published on the 5th of November 2011
Medicaid Settlement in New York Prompts Fears About Cuts from NY Times Health
Climate summit set for flying row from BBC News: Science & Nature
Conflict Over Wolves Yields New Dynamic Between Ranchers and Conservationists from NY Times Science
As Wind Energy Use Grows, Utilities Seek to Stabilize Power Grid from NY Times Science
Crew Ends Trek to Mars, Mock Mission Accomplished from NY Times Science
National Briefing | Environment: March Against Pipeline Planned from NY Times Science
After Storm Shuts Home, Vermont Seeks Beds for Mentally Ill from NY Times Health
Shortcuts: Self-Improvement, at the Risk of Self-Acceptance from NY Times Health
Unique bipolar compounds enhance functionality of organic electronics from Physorg
Concurrent chemo and radiation confers survival benefit in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients from Physorg
Nutritional intervention helps in mild Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
Apple's March 2012 sandbox rule angers developers from Physorg
Research aims to prevent diabetic kidney failure from Physorg
Common bacteria cause some colon tumors by altering peroxide-producing gene from Physorg
Cassini to photograph Enceladus from UPI
Turning back clocks can disrupt sleep from UPI
Yahoo investor demands board ouster of co-founder from Physorg
Personal Genomics And Privacy
Best Space Photos of the Week - Nov. 5, 2011 from
Steve Jobs 'Lost Interview' coming to theaters from Physorg
Time Warner bids 1B euros to acquire Endemol from Physorg
Best Science Photos of the Week - Nov. 5, 2011 from Live Science
Quarter-mile-wide asteroid coming close to Earth from Physorg
Well Blog: Squash Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Teachers Overpaid? Underpaid? Irrelevant Questions
Video: Asteroid to graze Earth's atmosphere from CBSNews - Science
Genetic Information And Privacy
Apple security chief pays price for lost iPhone from CBSNews - Science
Voyager 2 to Switch to Backup Thruster Set from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Beneath The Volcano: The Magma Chamber
Anthropogenic Activities Influence Invasion By Exotic Plant Species
Virus hitting salmon in British Columbia? from UPI
Developing Countries Keep Global CO2 Emissions Rising
Developing Countries Keep Global CO2 Emissions Rising
Mothers and Sleep Medication from NY Times Health
Dr. John F. Burke, Dies at 89; Created Synthetic Skin from NY Times Health
Prototype: Simple Innovation Is Often the Most Successful - Prototype from NY Times Science
Chirps and Cheers: China’s Crickets Clash, and Bets Are Made from NY Times Science
E-Mail Jolts Berkeley Into Quake Panic from NY Times Science
Dr. John F. Burke, Dies at 89; Created Synthetic Skin from NY Times Science
Abused and Used : At State Homes, Simple Tasks and Fatal Results from NY Times Health
The Texas Tribune: DNA Exonerations Continue, but Not for One Texas Inmate from NY Times Health
The Texas Tribune: DNA Exonerations Continue, but Not for One Texas Inmate from NY Times Science
AP-1 Protein Causes Varicose Veins
Dutch scientist accused of falsifying data from LA Times - Science
AP-1 Protein Causes Varicose Veins