Archive of feed items published on the 27th of April 2011
Well: Does Exercise Really Boost Your Mood? from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Shrimp and Mango Tacos from NY Times Health
LA school head joins chef Oliver on TV after clash from AP Health
AP Source: Chrysler nearing deal to refinance aid from AP Health
South Koreans flock to bathhouses offering every comfort from LA Times - Science
Remnants of oil spill linger in Montebello tributary from LA Times - Science
Justices weigh privacy and drug marketing from LA Times - Science
New study: Health reform to make health insurance affordable for nearly all families from Science Blog
Alien Bacteria Could Breed in Extreme 'Hypergravity' from Live Science
Explanation Proposed for Weird Space Anomaly Seen By Pioneer Probes from Live Science
E.T., Hold Please: SETI Halts Alien Search Due to Cutbacks from Live Science
Antimatter-Hunting Experiment Ready for Space Mission from Live Science
New study: Health reform to make health insurance affordable for nearly all families from Physorg
GoQBot: Caterpillars inspire new movements in soft robots (w/ video) from Physorg
PlayStation users told to check credit accounts from CBSNews - Science
Forecasters predict multiple US hurricane landfalls from Physorg
News Corp. seeking $100 million for Myspace: WSJ from Physorg
Himalayan farmers give early pointers on climate change from Physorg
LA school head joins chef Oliver on TV after clash from Physorg
Chrysler nearing deal to refinance aid from Physorg
Origami: Not just for paper anymore from MIT Research
India's Wipro Q4 profit up 14 percent from Physorg
Scientists engineer a surface to trap a rainbow from Physorg
Urban birds have bigger brains from BBC News: Science & Nature
Organic food label imparts 'health halo,' study finds from Physorg
UF researcher's work takes Florida a step closer to disease-resistant grapes from Physorg
Origami: Not just for paper anymore from Physorg
Floridians' consumer confidence falls for third straight month from Physorg
Researchers develop non-invasive early diagnostic test for gastric cancer from Physorg
End the wasteful tyranny of reviewer experiments from News @ Nature
New drug targets raise hopes for hepatitis C cure from News @ Nature
Collaborative efforts key to employee satisfaction from Physorg
New Triton submarine in race to reach ocean bottom from Physorg
Major malaria study leads WHO to revise treatment guidelines from Physorg
Astronomy technique could help assess deadly melanomas from Physorg
Study: True memories are rich with varied details from Physorg
Mouse Study Suggests Why Addictions Are Hard to Forget from Scientific American
Radiation worries sushi consumers from CBC: Health
Space Tourism Pioneer: Q & A With Private Spaceflyer Dennis Tito from
First Space Tourist: How a U.S. Millionaire Bought a Ticket to Orbit from
Multiple emulsion droplet design from Chemistry World
MacNeil's Downfall: PBS's Autism Now Closes On Just As Sour A Note
Lawsuit to legalize assisted suicide filed in B.C. from CBC: Health
Japanese threatened by asbestos from CBC: Health
Sensitivity of precision measurements enhanced by the environment from Physorg
Alien search telescope is shelved from BBC News: Science & Nature
Israel seeks energy independence from UPI
Tymoshenko sues over gas deal from UPI
U.S. approves oil purchases from Libya from UPI
Increased metabolic rate may lead to accelerated aging from Science Blog
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with different types of obesity in black and white children from Science Blog
Ancient DNA: Curse of the Pharaoh's DNA from News @ Nature
End the wasteful tyranny of reviewer experiments from News @ Nature
Seed banks need to grow from Science Alert
Silicon crystals slow light from Science Alert
Kids’ skin infections on the rise from Science Alert
Smoking mums: problem child from Science Alert
Graphite paper beats steel from Science Alert
EIA has cautious optimism for U.S. energy from UPI
U.S. weighs in on Mekong dam project from UPI
Putin: Nord Stream pipeline almost done from UPI
Obama targets big tax breaks for big oil from UPI
An overlooked detail may invalidate the results of some prior experiments with nanoparticles from Physorg
Study: Resiniferatoxin may increase sepsis-related mortality from Science Blog
Green: A Second Life for the Electric Car Battery from NY Times Science
Is FutureGen betting on the wrong rock? from News @ Nature
Ancient DNA: Curse of the Pharaoh's DNA from News @ Nature
'Peter' and 'Deborah' Are Top CEO Names from Live Science
Top Names for Professionals Worldwide from Live Science
Scientists identify natural defence cells that impede chemotherapy treatment from Physorg
Chernobyl, 25 Years Later: Lessons for Japan? from Physorg
Energy tied to military power, U.S. says from UPI
Parts of Russia face gasoline deficit from UPI
End near for TNK-BP? from UPI
Apple: We don't track user location on iPhones from CBSNews - Science
Astronomers mull merger of missions from News @ Nature
Is FutureGen betting on the wrong rock? from News @ Nature
Itsy Bitsy, Teensy Weensy, Polka-Dotted … Bugs from Live Science
Smoking during pregnancy factor in childhood behavioural disorders from Physorg
Australian-led research in nanotechnology a huge breakthrough from Physorg
This heat pump can last 10 000 years from Physorg
Who was afraid of Prince Rupert's dog?: The enduring power of seventeenth-century propaganda from Physorg
Understanding how glasses ‘relax’ provides some relief for manufacturers from Science Blog
NIST seeks improved recovery of samples from biohazard events from Science Blog
‘Explosive’ evolution in pupfish from Science Blog
A less painful colonoscopy from Science Blog
Drug cocktails greater than the sum of their parts from Chemistry World
Animals have personalities too from Science Daily
1918 influenza pandemic (Spanish flu): Large differences in mortality between urban and isolated rural areas from Science Daily
A less painful colonoscopy from Science Daily
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with different types of obesity in black and white children from Science Daily
Increased metabolic rate may lead to accelerated aging from Science Daily
U.S. health reform to make health insurance affordable for nearly all families from Science Daily
Plant extract may be new therapy for hay fever, study suggests from Science Daily
Out of Africa: How the fruit fly made its way in the world from Science Daily
Andromeda’s coat of many colours from European Space Agency
Improved recovery of samples sought from biohazard events from Physorg
Two graphene layers may be better than one from Physorg
NIST prototypes framework for evaluating sustainability standards from Physorg
Chicken fat fuel emissions look cleaner, greener from Physorg
NASA robotics technology looks inside Japan's nuclear reactor from Physorg
NASA mission seeks to uncover a rainfall mystery from Physorg
Two studies map pollutant threats to turtles from Physorg
Sharp annual profit more than quadruples from Physorg
LG Electronics posts 2nd straight quarterly loss from Physorg
White iPhone finally goes on sale from Physorg
Turkey to build huge waterway to bypass Bosphorus from Physorg
Nokia says to cut 4,000 jobs, outsource 3,000 from Physorg
Apple denies tracking iPhones, to fix 'bugs' from Physorg
When it comes to infidelity, does power trump gender? from Physorg
Nanomagnets offer food for thought about computer memories from Physorg
New theory proposed to explain Pioneer probe gravitational anomaly from Physorg
Historic Star Explosion's Trigger Discovered from
Scientists Can Track Origin of Shark Fins Using DNA Zip-Coding from Newswise - Scinews
Desert dragonflies arrive in UK from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dot Earth: The Many Shapes of Climate Knowledge from NY Times Science
OFA awards 8 students for artistic excellence from Harvard Science
Face transplanted for 30-year-old in Boston from CBC: Health
PlayStation data breach in 'top 5 ever': researcher from CBC: Technology & Science
Guinness record for largest oak leaf held by Ont. boy from CBC: Technology & Science
P.E.I. company hits iPhone top 40 from CBC: Technology & Science
UMaine students test wireless sensors on rocket from Physorg
Severity of hepatitis C and HIV co-infection in mothers contribute to HCV transmission to child from Physorg
Training program for dealing with behavioral problems is available for home computers from Physorg
Antarctica's ice puts electric vehicles to test from Physorg
New study to assess safety of meningitis vaccine during pregnancy from Physorg
Andromeda's coat of many colors (w/ video) from Physorg
A better imaging agent for heart disease and breast cancer from Physorg
Study suggests lower risk of coronary heart disease from alcohol, even with hazardous drinking from Physorg
Spanish scientific journals must raise professional standards in order to compete from Physorg
Long struggle for appropriately processed manufacturer data leads to a new assessment of memantine from Physorg
Out of Africa -- how the fruit fly made its way in the world from Physorg
Obese adolescents lacking vitamin D from Physorg
iPad 2 hits Japan, other countries, this week from Physorg
Russia launches cargo vessel for space station from Physorg
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with different types of obesity in black and white children from Physorg
Guns in the home provide greater health risk than benefit from Physorg
New test shows promise for detecting warning signs of joint replacement failure from Physorg
Hepatitis B virus reemerges with long-term nucleoside analog treatment from Physorg
A less painful colonoscopy: Researchers could have answer to problem known as 'looping' from Physorg
Looking to a bright, sunny future from Physorg
Scientists can track origin of shark fins using 'zip codes' in their DNA from Physorg
Study: Resiniferatoxin may increase sepsis-related mortality from Physorg
Large differences in mortality between urban and isolated rural areas from Physorg
Laser printing speeds parts on demand to manufacturers from Science Blog
Good eggs: NIST nanomagnets offer food for thought about computer memories from Science Blog
Obese adolescents lacking vitamin D from Science Blog
Travel hazards: 2 studies start to map pollutant threats to turtles from Science Blog
Hepatitis B virus reemerges with long-term nucleoside analog treatment from Science Blog
2 graphene layers may be better than 1 from Science Blog
NIST prototypes framework for evaluating sustainability standards from Science Blog
Tobacco-derived compound prevents memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease mice from Science Blog
Severity of hepatitis C and HIV co-infection in mothers contribute to HCV transmission to child from Science Blog
Long struggle for appropriately processed manufacturer data leads to a new assessment of memantine from Science Blog
Green: On Our Radar: Big Profits for Big Oil from NY Times Science
Nigeria must press ahead with GM crops from SciDev
Is Mark Kelly ready for space mission? from CBSNews - Science
PlayStation breach teaches security lessons from CBSNews - Science
Video: Friend says Mark Kelly can overcome distractions from CBSNews - Science
California ponders cell-banking venture from News @ Nature
Astronomers mull merger of missions from News @ Nature
Apple denies storing iPhone tracking data from CBC: Technology & Science
L.A., Bakersfield remain among U.S.'s most polluted cities, report says from LA Times - Science
Music changes perception from Science Daily
Guns in the home provide greater health risk than benefit from Science Daily
Pain medication, resiniferatoxin, may increase sepsis-related mortality from Science Daily
Understanding how glasses 'relax' provides some relief for manufacturers from Physorg
Shuttle Endeavour will be visible over UK just after final launch from Physorg
Rare orchids mimic fungus to attract flies from Physorg
Tropical blueberries are extreme super fruits from Physorg
Tobacco-derived compound prevents memory loss in Alzheimer's disease mice from Physorg
'Explosive' evolution in pupfish from Physorg
Myths and truths of life with schizophrenia from Physorg
Storage for spent nuclear fuel more crucial than ever from Physorg
Laser printing speeds parts on demand to manufacturers from Physorg
Increased metabolic rate may lead to accelerated aging from Physorg
Eradicating malaria a tall order from Physorg
Texas Tech researchers gauge new Chinese cotton policy shift from Physorg
Preventing close encounters of the orbiting kind from Physorg
Andromeda’s coat of many colors from Science Blog
Patent Office Delays Reforms from C&EN
Giffords heads to Florida for shuttle launch from Reuters:Science
The Curious Cook: In Salts, a Pinch of Bali or a Dash of Spain from NY Times Science
Live Chat: Is it Ethical to Study Dolphins in Captivity? from Science NOW
The New Old Age: Older and Colder from NY Times Health
Seven days: 22–28 April 2011 from News @ Nature
California ponders cell-banking venture from News @ Nature
Shale gas worse than coal: study from CBC: Technology & Science
Research in Action from Live Science
NanoSail-D satellite continues to slowly de-orbit Earth's upper atmosphere from Physorg
Chemists shed new light on antibiotics and the survival of bacteria from Physorg
Americans still may not be getting enough calcium from Physorg
New research aims to improve natural gas production from Physorg
Medical sleuthing linked muscle, kidney problems to kava tea from Physorg
Research Aims to Improve Natural Gas Production from Newswise - Scinews
NIST Seeks Improved Recovery of Samples from Biohazard Events from Newswise - Scinews
Two Graphene Layers May Be Better Than One from Newswise - Scinews
Travel Hazards: Two Studies Start to Map Pollutant Threats to Turtles from Newswise - Scinews
Andrew Toms Receives AMS Centennial Fellowship from Newswise - Scinews
Good Eggs: Nanomagnets are Food for Thought on Computer Memories from Newswise - Scinews
Gas line blast hikes Israeli energy fears from UPI
Americans still may not be getting enough calcium from Science Blog
Medical sleuthing linked muscle, kidney problems to kava tea from Science Blog
Satellite tracking will reveal turtle wanderings from News @ Nature
Seven days: 22–28 April 2011 from News @ Nature
NASA braces for Giffords, Obama, huge launch crowd from AP Science
After 30 Years, Computer Mouse Still Prevails from Live Science
Israel unveils 'first sin-free Yiddish smartphone' from Physorg
Samsung to invest $7.04 bn in wetland green town from Physorg
Nigerian biosafety bill may fail, say scientists from SciDev
Modest volcano-monitoring 'can still save lives' from SciDev
Prescriptions: Test of Eye Drug Is Said to Show Success in Elderly from NY Times Health
Cancer cells’ survival kit from Harvard Science
Harvard-trained Tibetan leader from Harvard Science
Video: Sony PlayStation hacked; Data stolen from 77 million users from CBSNews - Science
Tech clues to top names for CEOs, athletes from CBSNews - Science
Hepatitis B virus reemerges with long-term nucleoside analog treatment from Biology News Net
Out of Africa -- how the fruit fly made its way in the world from Biology News Net
'Explosive' evolution in pupfish from Biology News Net
Tropical blueberries are extreme super fruits from Biology News Net
Geologists solve mystery of the Colorado Plateau from Physorg
Brain regions can take short naps during wakefulness, leading to errors from Physorg
A surprise: China's energy consumption will stabilize from Physorg
Discovery could change the way doctors treat patients with cancer and autoimmune diseases from Physorg
Neurorobotics reveals brain mechanisms of self-consciousness from Physorg
New target structure for antidepressants on the horizon? from Physorg
Mercury converted to its most toxic form in ocean waters: study from Physorg
Researchers ID promising pancreatic cancer screening marker from Physorg
For peacocks, the eyespots don't lie from Physorg
Researchers observe disruptions of daily rhythms in Alzheimer's patients' brains from Physorg
Sweden overrun by lemmings from UPI
BP with less Q1 profit, gulf spill costs from UPI
Microrockets Take Off from C&EN
First Stars Were Spinning Tops from Science NOW
Scientists Lobby European Court to Maintain Stem Cell Patents from Science NOW
Prescriptions: WellPoint Joins Other Insurers in Strong Earnings from NY Times Health
Half-asleep rats look wide awake from
Wipeout: Beauty And The Geek—Behind The Scenes
Video: Kelly credits friends, family and crew in helping to keep focus from CBSNews - Science
Old laptop features we do - and don't - miss from CBSNews - Science
Maritimers reminded to avoid pigeons from CBC: Health
Rogers to launch LTE network in 2011 from CBC: Technology & Science
Study: First stars were massive, fast-spinning from AP Science
Surreptitious sleep states uncovered from News @ Nature
Satellite tracking will reveal turtle wanderings from News @ Nature
Memory Lapses Linked to Brain Cells Napping from Live Science
Five Things About NASA's Voyager Mission from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Technology Looks Inside Japan's Nuclear Reactor from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Invites Public to Journey Toward Interstellar Space from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPL Tweetup Previews Missions: Mars, Jupiter and More from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Agulhas leakage fueled by global warming could stabilize Atlantic overturning circulation: study from Physorg
First Stars in Universe May Have Spun Like Crazy from
NASA Clears Space Shuttle Endeavour for One Last Launch from
WWF warns of massive forest loss from UPI
African Astronomical Society debuts in Cape Town from Physics World
Transparent material opens a new window on solar energy from Physics World
Scientists oppose European stem cell patent ban from Reuters:Science
Florida Legislature Nears Medicaid Overhaul Vote from NY Times Health
Twin dangers: malnutrition and obesity from Harvard Science
What the Heck Is This? from Live Science
Grand Canyon's Birth Linked to Deep Earth 'Drip' from Live Science
Cancer-fighting cells' potency in melanoma patients extended by new technique from Physorg
Bariatric surgery more effective than dieting for glucose control from Physorg
Secret of royal jelly's super-sizing effect on queen bees appears to be special protein royalactin from Physorg
Getting a sneak peek at Qualcomms new processors from Physorg
Study: First stars were massive, fast-spinning from Physorg
Research outlines mysterious evolution of nematodes -- one of Earth`s first animals from Physorg
ASTRO publishes evidence-based guideline for thoracic radiotherapy from Physorg
NASA braces for Giffords, Obama, huge launch crowd from Physorg
Geologists Gain New Insight on How the West Was Formed from Newswise - Scinews
Brain Regions Can Take Short Naps During Wakefulness, Leading to Errors from Newswise - Scinews
Understanding How Glasses 'Relax' Provides Some Relief for Manufacturers from Newswise - Scinews
Tired neurons caught nodding off in sleep-deprived rats from Science Blog
NASA mission seeks to uncover a rainfall mystery from Science Blog
For peacocks, the eyespots don’t lie from Science Blog
MIT: Advances in DNA ‘origami’ from Science Blog
Researchers observe disruptions of daily rhythms in Alzheimer’s patients’ brains from Science Blog
Researchers ID promising pancreatic cancer screening marker from Science Blog
Mercury converted to its most toxic form in ocean waters from Science Blog
Discovery could change the way doctors treat patients with cancer and autoimmune diseases from Science Blog
A surprise: China’s energy consumption will stabilize from Science Blog
ASTRO publishes evidence-based guideline for thoracic radiotherapy from Science Blog
Marijuana Trade Threatens African Gorilla Refuge from National Geographic
Mercury converted to its most toxic form in ocean waters from Science Daily
Origami not just for paper anymore: DNA, folded into complex shapes, could have a big impact on nanotechnology from Science Daily
Neurorobotics reveals brain mechanisms of self-consciousness from Science Daily
Agulhas ocean current leakage, fueled by global warming, could stabilize Atlantic overturning circulation from Science Daily
Serious skin infection rates double in children since 1990 from Physorg
Nanoscience may hold key to surgical recovery from Physorg
NASA invites 150 lucky twitter followers to Endeavour launch from Physorg
Yahoo! sells Delicious to YouTube founders from Physorg
Zynga buys British mobile game maker Wonderland from Physorg
Neglected current may warm Europe from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ban on stem-cell patents 'wrong' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Japan emperor sees quake-hit port from BBC News: Science & Nature
Turkey plans 'project of the century' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mystery donor gifts Picasso to fund scientific research from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nuclear fears from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dinged by Katrina, Endeavour fuel tank has scars from AP Science
Five things about NASA's Voyager mission from Physorg
Technique reveals quantum phase transition; could lead to superconducting transistors from Physorg
Endeavour astronauts to take YouTube questions from Physorg
California may use vibrational energy of driving to generate power from Physorg
NIH researchers create comprehensive collection of approved drugs to identify new therapies from Physorg
Social media can alter research priorities, study says from Physorg
Dinged by Katrina, Endeavour fuel tank has scars from Physorg
SDSU Releases Soybean Germplasm Lines from Newswise - Scinews
NIST Prototypes Framework for Evaluating Sustainability Standards from Newswise - Scinews
NIH researchers create comprehensive collection of approved drugs to identify new therapies from Science Blog
Scientists hope to illuminate universe's dark side from Reuters:Science
Preventable Chronic Diseases Are Now the World's Biggest Killers from Science NOW
Well: School Nurses See Both Bullies and Victims from NY Times Health
Heating the kettle from Harvard Science
Is Your Brain Sleeping While You're Awake? from National Geographic
MIT class studies Kenyan slum's clinic quandary from AP Health
FDA panel backs experimental Merck hepatitis drug from AP Health
A surprise: China’s energy consumption will stabilize from Science Daily
Promising pancreatic cancer screening marker identified from Science Daily
Disruptions of daily rhythms in Alzheimer's patients' brains from Science Daily
For peacocks, the eyespots don't lie from Science Daily
Medical sleuthing linked muscle, kidney problems to kava tea from Science Daily
Americans still may not be getting enough calcium from Science Daily
Severity of hepatitis C and HIV co-infection in mothers contribute to HCV transmission to child from Science Daily
Tobacco-derived compound prevents memory loss in Alzheimer's disease mice from Science Daily
Protective T-cells, which are used in stem-cell treatment, can cause the body to attack itself from Science Daily
Scientists identify genetic risk for major depression from Science Daily
Microsleep: Brain regions can take short naps during wakefulness, leading to errors from Science Daily
Geologists solve mystery of the Colorado Plateau from Science Daily
Giffords Shooting Devastated Space Shuttle Endeavour's Close-Knit Crew from
The First Stars, Massive and Fast-Spinning from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work: Microbial Life in the Ocean's Desert from NY Times Science
Green: Waste-to-Electricity Plan Draws Mixed Response in N.Y. from NY Times Science
Memory lapses linked to napping brain cells from CBSNews - Science
Painkillers may block antidepressants: study from CBC: Health
Patients With ALS Disease Crowdsource Their Own Clinical Study from PopSci
Earthquake Drill This Week in Midwest: Prudent or Silly? from Live Science
2D beats 3D: Ceria in platelet form stores more oxygen than nanocrystalline form from Physorg
Can traumatic memories be erased? Cell biology offers promise from Physorg
What can movie stars tell us about marriage? That education matters, study finds from Physorg
Fish Can Detect Marine 'Dead Zones' from Newswise - Scinews
Cornell Chips in For Final Endeavour from Newswise - Scinews
NASA: Brush Fire Near Space Shuttle Launch Site Poses No Threat from
Exploring the superconducting transition in ultra thin films from Science Blog
Scorpion venom — bad for bugs, good for pesticides from Science Blog
What can movie stars tell us about marriage? That education matters, study finds from Science Blog
Threading the climate needle: The Agulhas current system from Science Blog
Can traumatic memories be erased? from Science Blog
A director of BGLTQ student life from Harvard Science
Universe's first stars found to be mad whirlers from CBSNews - Science
Caterpillar Fungus Making Tibetan Herders Rich from National Geographic
Time Travel Impossible, Mini "Big Bang" Hints from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Painkillers may block antidepressants: study from CBC: Technology & Science
Creationism headed to Texas classes? from MSNBC: Science
Can traumatic memories be erased? from Science Daily
What can movie stars tell us about marriage? That education matters, study finds from Science Daily
Two graphene layers may be better than one from Science Daily
City Dwellers and Old People Fare Better During Flu Epidemics from Live Science
Recent Deadly Storms Fueled By Lingering La Niña from Live Science
Research initiative to enhance integrity of integrated circuits from Physorg
Male wasps help to defend the nest from Physorg
US panel gives nod to Merck hepatitis C drug from Physorg
RIM buys scheduling app Tungle from Physorg
Scorpion venom -- bad for bugs, good for pesticides from Physorg
MIT class studies Kenyan slum's clinic quandary from Physorg
Researchers create terahertz invisibility cloak from Physorg
Sweet chemistry: Carbohydrate adhesion gives stainless steel implants beneficial new functions from Physorg
Researchers take a step toward valleytronics from Physorg
FBI warns of China-related wire transfer scam from CBSNews - Science
Brown Recluse Spiders May Invade Northern U.S. as Planet Warms from Live Science
Scientists show how the brain's estimate of Newton's laws affects perceived object stability from Physorg
Record number of whales, krill found in Antarctic bays from Physorg
Evolution in the back yard -- census of 750,000 banded snails leads to surprising results from Physorg
Hidden water holds the key to a changing desert from Physorg
NRL researchers take a step toward valleytronics from Science Blog
Researchers create terahertz invisibility cloak from Science Blog
Sweet chemistry: Carbohydrate adhesion gives stainless steel implants beneficial new functions from Science Blog
Rare Pennsylvania fungus is named for Philadelphia botanist from Science Blog
Yes, You Can Get Leprosy From an Armadillo from Science NOW
Biggest Ever Assemblage of Whales Isn't Necessarily Good News from Science NOW
Scientists Urge Greater Protection for Arctic as Ice Recedes from Science NOW
FOR KIDS: New source for healthy fats from
FOR KIDS: A curious cosmic explosion from
FOR KIDS: The dark side of the universe from
Most Neandertals were right-handers from
Armadillos may spread leprosy from
Armadillos pass leprosy to humans, study finds from LA Times - Science
Scorpion venom: Bad for bugs, good for pesticides from Science Daily
Exploring the superconducting transition in ultra thin films from Science Daily
People power: Social media can alter research priorities from Science Daily
Comprehensive collection of approved drugs created to identify new therapies from Science Daily
'Explosive' evolution in pupfish from Science Daily
Leprosy Jumps from U.S. Armadillos to Humans from Live Science
Your Perception of Gravity Is All Relative, Study Finds from Live Science
Indigenous cases of leprosy found in the United States from Physorg
Online social network members donate personal data for public health research from Physorg
Versatility of stem cells controlled by alliances, competitions of proteins from Physorg
Identifying beaked whale foraging habitat in the tongue of the ocean, Bahamas from Physorg
EBay first-quarter profit rises 20 percent from Physorg
18 novel subtype-dependent genetic variants for autism spectrum disorders revealed from Physorg
Rare Pennsylvania fungus is named for Philadelphia botanist from Physorg
The doctor will see all of you now? Group doctor visits may be feasible for Parkinson's disease from Physorg
Get a whiff of this: Low-cost sensor can diagnose bacterial infections from Physorg
Psychologists ask how well -- or badly -- we remember together from Physorg
Colonial-Era Erosion May Have Fueled Wetland Growth from Science NOW
Where Armadillo’s on the Menu, Leprosy Persists from NY Times Health
Bacteria found to survive "hypergravity" from CBSNews - Science
Armadillos Likely Transmitting Leprosy to Humans in Southern U.S. from Scientific American
Bad Memories Could Be Erased, Study Suggests from Live Science
Will Wrinkle-Smoother Restylane Be Approved as Lip Enhancer? from Live Science
Prescription Narcotics Overdoses Kill More Than Heroin and Cocaine Combined from Live Science
Ecologist: La Nina one major cause for Texas wildfires from Physorg
Penn research demonstrates motivation plays a critical role in determining IQ test scores from Science Blog
Vitamin E helps diminish a type of fatty liver disease in children from Science Blog
Psychologists ask how well — or badly — we remember together from Science Blog
GSA Bulletin highlights: New research posted April 12-18, 2011 from Science Blog
Paul Feyerabend - "Science's Greatest Enemy" Attacks From The Grave
News in Brief: Life from
Meteors from Halley's Comet from Science @ NASA
Armadillos likely spread leprosy in U.S. South from CBC: Health
DNA tests link leprosy in South to armadillo from CBSNews - Science
DNA tests link Southern leprosy cases to armadillo from AP Health
Psychologists ask how well -- or badly -- we remember together from Science Daily
Vitamin E helps diminish a type of fatty liver disease in children, study suggests from Science Daily
Motivation plays a critical role in determining IQ test scores from Science Daily
Carbohydrate adhesion gives stainless steel implants beneficial new functions from Science Daily
Identifying beaked whale foraging habitat in the Bahamas from Science Daily
Record number of whales, krill found in Antarctic bays from Science Daily
New technique extends cancer-fighting cells' potency in melanoma patients from Science Daily
Scientists can track origin of shark fins using 'zip codes' in their DNA from Science Daily
Sleep-deprived brains can go 'off-line' from UPI
Kennedy fire no drama for shuttle from BBC News: Science & Nature
Antidepressants Don't Stop All Symptoms of Disease from Live Science
New crops show potential for sustainable biomass from Physorg
Get a whiff of this: Low-cost sensor can diagnose bacterial infections from Science Blog
Obama to attend April 29 space shuttle launch from Reuters:Science
Logic for Midwest quake drill called a bit shaky from MSNBC: Science
Sea water turns inorganic mercury toxic from UPI
Want to Marry a Movie Star? You Might Need to Study Up from Live Science
Prince William and Kate Toss Fans a Digital Bouquet from Live Science
Where Armadillo’s on the Menu, Leprosy Persists from NY Times Science
Endeavour flight has high-profile cargo, commander from Reuters:Science
Video: Chris Pirillo on the PSN and the great data leak of 2011 from CBSNews - Science
Electronics: A step toward valleytronics from Science Daily
The Most Hated Baby Names from Live Science
Heart attacks are more serious if they occur at certain times of the day from Science Blog
Manitoba pushes defibrillators in public places from CBC: Health
New material creates invisibility from UPI
New test has a 'nose' for bacteria from UPI
Evidence of medical complicity in torture at Guantánamo Bay from Science Blog
Cancer-fighting cells get memory boost from CBC: Health
N.S. sets smoking reduction targets from CBC: Health
Get a whiff of this: Low-cost sensor can diagnose bacterial infections from Science Daily
Currents' impact on climate studied from UPI
Scienitists looking at 'erasing' memories from UPI
Report: Doctors ignored Guantanamo torture from UPI
Massive study of rainfall launched from UPI
Scientists looking at 'erasing' memories from UPI
'Explosive' evolution rate seen in fish from UPI
Genetic risk for major depression found from UPI
China's energy use, emissions predicted from UPI
Squids In Space--Seriously
Artificial retinal implants must adapt to unique features of human eye to be effective, experts say from Science Daily
Rare Pennsylvania fungus is named for Philadelphia botanist from Science Daily
Researchers reveal 18 novel subtype-dependent genetic variants for autism spectrum disorders and identify potential genetic markers for diagnostic screening from Science Daily
Versatility of stem cells controlled by alliances, competitions of proteins from Science Daily
Evolution in the back yard: Census of 750,000 banded snails leads to surprising results from Science Daily
Online social network members donate personal data for public health research from Science Daily
Bariatric surgery better than dieting for glucose control from Science Daily
Indigenous cases of leprosy found in the Southern United States: Human contamination through contact with armadillos from Science Daily
The doctor will see all of you now? Group doctor visits may be feasible for Parkinson's disease from Science Daily
NASA mission seeks to uncover a rainfall mystery from Science Daily
Prototypes framework developed for evaluating sustainability standards from Science Daily
Recipes for Health: Red Coconut Rice Pudding With Mango from NY Times Health