Archive of feed items published on the 2nd of September 2013
Slower Warming Trend Explained from C&EN
Firms Tangled In The Intellectual Property Weeds from C&EN
Unemployment Down, Salaries Up from C&EN
Understanding Anatase from C&EN
Weekend Revelry Cut Short After 2 Die at Electronic Music Festival from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Cucumber and Radish Salad With Yogurt and Cumin from NY Times Health
Bob Filner's successor could carry his agenda forward from LA Times - Science
Asteroid Steins in 3D from European Space Agency
Monster crocodile traps tourist on Australian island from Physorg
Western Japan records hottest summer ever from Physorg
Cattle ranching goes green in the Brazilian Amazon from Physorg
'Lifelogging' camera shrugs off privacy to seize the moment from Physorg
Scientists sequence genome of high-value grape, seek secrets of wine's aroma from Physorg
Japan heads back to nuclear zero for reactor checkups from Physorg
New fracking touted as Quebec eyes energy boom from Physorg
Video games becoming required coursework in schools from CBC: Technology & Science
George Zweig At ICNFP 2013
Has 'smart' Songdo been a success? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Q&A: Sarin nerve agent from BBC News: Science & Nature
Glasgow's bubonic plague outbreak from BBC News: Science & Nature
Top 10 Electric Guitar Colors of 2013 from Live Science
Younger Workers Happier Than Boomers at Work from Live Science
TB origins traced back to humans from BBC News: Science & Nature
Men's height 'up 11cm since 1870s' from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Molecular basis' for jet lag found from BBC News: Science & Nature
Chemistry World podcast - September 2013 from Chemistry World
Endo Health to buy Boca Pharmacal for $225m from Chemistry World
Science 2.0 For Collaboration
Vietnam's social media censorship takes effect from CBC: Technology & Science
New oxidation state of uranium discovered from Chemistry World
Genomes Reveal Roots of TB Drug Resistance from Scientific American
Crop Pests Spreading North with Global Warming from Scientific American
LISA Pathfinder: From CAD models to ready-to-fly hardware from Physorg
New Mexican skies protected with Dark Sky Park designation from Physorg
Desalination to secure water in the desert from Physorg
Butterfly inspires new nanotechnology from Physorg
Scientists call for religious help to save our wildlife from Physorg
Toddlers rush online—to unknown risks from Physorg
Bringing coral reefs back from the brink from Physorg
Asteroid Steins in 3-D from Physorg
This Is What An Urban Heat Island Looks Like from PopSci
Shedding new light on the 'electron highways' of organic solar cells from Physorg
The long and rich life of tropical clouds: Understanding environmental conditions that help tropical clouds flourish from Physorg
Sorting out top-class wines from Physorg
Asteroid deflection from Physorg
Lab plays key role in identifying dolphin virus, urges people not to touch stranded animals from Physorg
A hitchhiker's guide to pumice from Physorg
OpenMSI: A science gateway to sort through bio-imaging's big datasets from Physorg
Pico-satellites have a new brain on board from Physorg
Language and tool-making skills evolved at same time, study says from Physorg
Exotic legume improves livestock feeding from Physorg
Plastic: The new energy source from Physorg
Intelligent, efficient and sustainable use of water on golf courses from Physorg
Study reveals secrets of exporting success from Physorg
Cracking bacteria's secrets may lead to new treatments from Physorg
Opinion: African Lions Should Not Be Listed as Endangered from National Geographic
NASA to Launch New Moon Probe This Week from
Galileo’s secure service tested by Member States from European Space Agency
Secrets of pineapple nutrition revealed from Physorg
Consumer confidence eases in August, reflecting economic cross-currents from Physorg
Climate science alarming, irrefutable: Kerry from Physorg
Do barchans birth or collide? Two papers have different stories from Physorg
'Black budget' shows massive bureaucracy, misplaced priorities, expert says from Physorg
Final excavations underway at Ham Hill from Physorg
Writing the history of the 'Cosmic Dark Ages' from Physorg
You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours from Physorg
Safer shipping with high-tech radar from Physorg
Australia on the cusp of a disability benefit blowout? from Physorg
Aerial 'hexacopter' gives geography research a lift from Physorg
Researchers identify wildlife refugia in Dartmoor National Park from Physorg
Brown dwarf companion stars from Physorg
Could A Treatment For Parkinson’s Be The Key To Reverse The Brain Abnormalities Triggered By Early Life Stress?
Discoloured detection of sarin from Chemistry World
U.S. drug agents mine AT&T phone records dating back decades from UPI
Ingredient for life more plentiful on ancient Mars than Earth from CBSNews - Science
Are we from Mars? Inside theory linking Earth to red planet from CBSNews - Science
Van Allen Probes mark first anniversary with new discoveries and new investigations from Science Daily
NuSTAR delivers the X-ray goods from Science Daily
Solar energy for sensor nodes from Physorg
Research shows some people are surprisingly good at getting along with dangerous neighbours from Physorg
Lava lamps: 50 years old and still groovy from Physorg
Suggested DAD over CAD could save millions from Physorg
Arylamine functionalization of carbon anodes for improved microbial electrocatalysis from Physorg
Scientists sequence genome of high-value grape, seek secrets of wine's aroma from Science Daily
Average height of European males has grown by 11 centimeters in just over a century from Science Daily
Stomach bacteria switch off human immune defenses to cause disease from Science Daily
Robotic IV insertion device means less pain for kids from Science Daily
New test to predict women at risk of pregnancy complications? from Science Daily
Surprising result: Risk factors for cardiovascular problems found to be inverse to disease and deaths from Science Daily
New superheavy elements can be uniquely identified from Science Daily
Next generation cures born from the sea from Physorg
Researchers find phosphate in more soluble form on Mars from Physorg
Modular battery concept for short-distance traffic from Physorg
Adding precision to plastics testing from Physorg
New ceramic can handle the heat from Chemistry World
FYI: Can I Buy The Moon? from PopSci
Google Chrome browser turns 5 from CBSNews - Science
Solar-powered lights stem sex assaults in Somalia from CBSNews - Science
Health of older women in developed countries continues to improve: Gap with developing countries grows from Science Daily
Paradox of polar ice sheet formation solved from Science Daily
Modular battery concept for short-distance traffic from Science Daily
HIV: Predicting treatment response more accurately from Science Daily
Astronomy: World's first interferometric image at 500 GHz with ALMA Band 8 receivers from Science Daily
Drug reduces hospitalizations and cost of treating young children with sickle cell anemia from Science Daily
Experimental Lakes Area to stay open with funding from Ontario, Manitoba from CBC: Technology & Science
Japan's maglev train runs test at over 310 mph (w/ Video) from Physorg
The world's first interferometric image at 500 GHz with ALMA Band 8 receivers from Physorg
Are trees in Central Europe defying climate change? from Physorg
In pictures: Beautiful Britain from BBC News: Science & Nature
Time To Talk About Islamophobia
The never-ending story from Chemistry World
Video: China rockets remote-sensing satellite into space from CBSNews - Science
Next generation cures born from the sea? from Science Daily
Evidence of production of luxury textiles and the extraction of copper from an unknown part of a Cypriote Bronze Age city from Science Daily
Music video platform Vevo comes to Germany from Physorg
Quantum cryptography is coming to mobile phones from Physics World
Move it and lose it: Every ‘brisk’ minute counts from Science Blog
Museum makes learning fun, helps stop the 'summer slide' from CBSNews - Science
Video: Math museum kept kids on track this summer from CBSNews - Science
Could A Treatment For Parkinson’s Reverse The Effects Of Early Life Stress In The Brain?
European males have grown by 11cm in just over a century from Science Blog
How antibiotics enable pathogenic gut infections from Science Blog
Scientists sequence genome of high-value grape seeking secrets of wine from Science Blog
Paradigms for dual antiplatelet therapy after PCI challenged by PARIS trial from Science Daily
Global analysis shows cardiac stents beneficial in women from Science Daily
Treatment with the anti-diabetic drug alogliptin does not increase CV risk in patients with ACS from Science Daily
ASSURE study of experimental agent to raise HDL yields 'disappointing and surprising' results from Science Daily
TAVI feasible in bicuspid aortic valve, study suggests from Science Daily
Verizon agrees to buy out Vodafone in $140B US deal from CBC: Technology & Science
US, Sweden unveil $25 mln clean water technology grant from Physorg
Verizon and Vodafone agree $130 billion deal from Physorg
Badger cullers 'pleased at progress' from BBC News: Science & Nature
The Search For The Genetic Secrets Of Wine's Aroma
9 Trippy Photos Of Soap Film from PopSci
"DuckTales: Remastered" plays heavily on nostalgia from CBSNews - Science
Comics come to life in Singapore from CBSNews - Science
Pharmacies, doctors fail to stop narcotic shopping spree from CBC: Health
Amazon asks Supreme Court to block NY sales tax from Physorg
Analysis: Yahoo needs more than eyeballs to grow from Physorg
DNA ‘cages’ may aid drug delivery from Science Blog
Common blood pressure drug reduces aortic enlargement in Marfan syndrome from Science Daily
TAVI is safe alternative to redo cardiac surgery, study suggests from Science Daily
Pacemaker for slow heart rhythm restores life expectancy, study suggests from Science Daily
Women less likely to die after TAVI than men from Science Daily
Metabolically healthy women have same CVD risk regardless of BMI from Science Daily
Hokusai-VTE study suggests certain sub-groups of venous thromboembolism patients may need review from Science Daily
Privacy issues shadow medical apps' claims to improve care from Physorg
Facebook aims for piece of big TV ad budgets from Physorg
$1 Syphilis Test To Make Diagnosis Readily Available Throughout Latin America
Atmosphere's Emission Fingerprint Affected By How Clouds Are Stacked
Magnetic resonance imaging before ablation for atrial fibrosis helps predict success of treatment from Science Daily
Heart attack patients: Preventive PCI results in better outcomes than culprit artery PCI alone in ST elevation MI from Science Daily
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival just 7 percent from Science Daily
Quitting smoking drops heart attack risk to levels of never smokers from Science Daily
A shorter interruption of anti-thrombotics does not influence peri-operative complications, studu suggests from Science Daily
Listening to favorite music improves endothelial function in CAD from Science Daily
Physical activity decreases sudden cardiac death risk in unfit men from Science Daily
Pre-treatment with prasugrel -- more risk, no benefit: ACCOAST from Science Daily
Cold weather produces more heart attacks, but air pollution doesn't from Science Daily
Cardiovascular risk factors highest in winter and lowest in summer from Science Daily
Get dialed in on how to safeguard your smartphones from Physorg
Review: Google Glass needs lots of polishing from Physorg
Fukushima crisis 'has not ended' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Moon mission to suck up lunar dust from News @ Nature
Last-minute reprieve for Canada’s research lakes from News @ Nature
NASA to launch new moon probe this week from CBSNews - Science
TASTE trial challenge current practice of blood clot aspiration after heart attack from Science Daily
Big belly increases death risk in heart attack survivors from Science Daily
Frogs without ears hear with their mouth from Physorg
Generosity leads to evolutionary success, biologists show from Physorg
Long-held assumption about emergence of new species questioned from Physorg
Prehistoric climate change due to cosmic crash in Canada: Team reveals cause of global climate shift 12,900 years ago from Physorg
Red cedar tree study shows that Clean Air Act is reducing pollution, improving forests from Physorg
Giant Triassic amphibian was a burrowing youngster from Physorg
Salamanders under threat from deadly skin-eating fungus from Physorg
Soot suspect in mid-1800s Alps glacier retreat from Physorg
The true raw material footprint of nations from Physorg
Primate calls, like human speech, can help infants form categories from Physorg
This Weird Tiny Frog Hears With Its Mouth from PopSci
Red Cedar Trees Rebounded After Clean Air Act from Live Science
Did Ancient Earth-Chilling Meteor Crash Near Canada? from Live Science
Sandy's 'freaky' path may be less likely in future from AP Science
Vinci beats Giorgi, rain to make US Open quarters from AP Science
Average European man got 11 cm taller since 1870s from CBC: Health
A Fly's Hearing from Newswise - Scinews
Boy Interrupted: Y-Chromosome Mutations Reveal Precariousness of Male Development from Newswise - Scinews
Long-Held Assumption About Emergence of New Species Questioned from Newswise - Scinews
Red Cedar Tree Study Shows That Clean Air Act Is Reducing Pollution, Improving Forests from Newswise - Scinews
How soot killed the Little Ice Age from News @ Nature
Evidence found for planet-cooling asteroid from News @ Nature
Say what? Human baby brains are wired to hear the call of the lemur from MSNBC: Science
ScienceShot: Mysterious Meltback Explained? from Science NOW
Average European man got 11 cm taller since 1870s from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists: Climate Change May Offer Hurricane Help from National Geographic
Sandy's 'freaky' path may be less likely in future from Physorg
'Oldest' Gondwana land creature discovered from Physorg
Climate at five minutes to midnight: IPCC head from Physorg
Frogs that hear with their mouth: X-rays reveal a new hearing mechanism for animals without an ear from Science Daily
A fly's hearing: Fruit fly is ideal model to study hearing loss in people from Science Daily
Pinched minds from Harvard Science
Quebec may hold traces of meteor strike that helped cool Earth from CBC: Technology & Science
Verizon agrees to buy stake from Vodafone for $130B from CBSNews - Science
Prehistoric climate shift linked to cosmic impact from Science Daily
Genetic reproductive barriers: Long-held assumption about emergence of new species questioned from Science Daily
Did ancient Earth-chilling meteor crash near Canada? from MSNBC: Science
Verizon not entering Canadian wireless market from CBC: Technology & Science
Red cedar trees rebounded after Clean Air Act from MSNBC: Science
Frogs that hear with their mouth from Biology News Net
Salamanders under threat from deadly skin-eating fungus from Biology News Net
Giant Triassic amphibian was a burrowing youngster from Biology News Net
Boy interrupted: Y-chromosome mutations reveal precariousness of male development from Biology News Net
Salamanders under threat from deadly skin-eating fungus from Science Daily
Sandy's 'freaky' path may be less likely in future from MSNBC: Science
Rallies call for increased midwifery funding from CBC: Health
Weird! Tiny Frog Uses Its Mouth to Hear from Live Science
The Real Science of Kim Stanley Robinson's 'Shaman' from Live Science
Global Health: Life Expectancy Grows for Women Age 50 and Up from NY Times Health
Nyad Completes Cuba-to-Florida Swim from NY Times Health
Primate calls, like human speech, can help infants form categories from Science Daily
Expecting the Best Yields Results in Massachusetts from NY Times Science
With Common Core, Fewer Topics Covered More Rigorously from NY Times Science
Guesses and Hype Give Way to Data in Study of Education from NY Times Science
Basics: Mystery of the Missing Women in Science from NY Times Science
Milestones in Science Education from NY Times Science
‘Sesame Street’ Widens Its Focus from NY Times Science
Chinese Educators Look to American Classrooms from NY Times Science
Eugenie C. Scott Fights the Teaching of Creationism in Schools from NY Times Science
Young Students Against Bad Science from NY Times Science
Cognitive Science Meets Pre-Algebra from NY Times Science
Field-Testing the Math Apps from NY Times Science
Ideas for Improving Science Education in the U.S. from NY Times Science
Visuals: The High School Challenge from NY Times Science
Rim Fire Endangers Experimental Forest from Live Science
Study reveals 'true' cost of imports from BBC News: Science & Nature
Animals carry '320,000 new viruses' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tiny frog listens with its mouth from BBC News: Science & Nature
Skin-eating fungus kills salamanders from BBC News: Science & Nature
Soot suspect in mid-1800s Alps glacier retreat from Science Daily
Bugs, Pollen, Heat: Summer Extending Beyond Labor Day? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
The great Cold War potato beetle battle from BBC News: Science & Nature
The digital innovators inspiring India from BBC News: Science & Nature
Biologists show that generosity leads to evolutionary success from Science Daily
The true raw material footprint of nations from Science Daily
Giant Triassic amphibian was a burrowing youngster from Science Daily
Single tone alerts brain to complete sound pattern from Science Daily
Red cedar tree study shows that clean air act is reducing pollution, improving forests from Science Daily
Remember toddler privacy online from Science Daily
Following a Mediterranean diet not associated with delay to clinical onset of Huntington disease from Science Daily
Maternal posttraumatic stress disorder associated with increased risk for child maltreatment from Science Daily
Gap in earnings persists between male and female physicians, research letter suggests from Science Daily
Costs of health care-associated infections: 9.8 billion annually in US from Science Daily
Between the water and fire of Peruvian volcanoes from Science Daily
Peru: Liver cancer like no other from Science Daily
'Shocks' could help damaged reefs from Science Alert
Butterfly inspires new nanodevice from Science Alert
FEATURE: Sip on this: do diet drinks make you fatter? from Science Alert
How mouth cells resist Candida infection from Science Daily
Call for religion to aid wildlife from Science Alert
Mistletoe birds are 'cheats' from Science Alert
Microencapsulation produces uniform drug release vehicle from Physorg