Archive of feed items published on the 6th of September 2013
Research Cites Role of Warming in Extremes from NY Times Science
Russian Cosmonaut Resigns Space Station Command for 'Better Job' from
Seagrass: blue carbon gold mine from Science Alert
Protein may offer new drugs from Science Alert
Women missing out on exercise from Science Alert
Fertility Rate Stabilizes as the Economy Grows from NY Times Health
Your Money Adviser: When Health Deductibles Rise, Men Delay Emergency Care from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Cucumber Raita from NY Times Health
FEATURE: The man who turned coffee into theorems from Science Alert
Maleness secrets revealed from Science Alert
Inflatable antennae could give CubeSats greater reach from MIT Research
Reflecting on Earth’s albedo from European Space Agency
Island mountain from European Space Agency
Sea of blue disabled placards in many US cities from AP Health
N Korea volcano spurs co-operation from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dallas Zoo welcomes 2 cheetah cubs ... and puppy from Physorg
Carnival to cut pollution from cruise ships from Physorg
A lot less sea turtles arriving in Nicaragua from Physorg
Climate change threatens Caribbean's water supply from Physorg
Europe completes second instrument for James Webb Space Telescope from European Space Agency
Franklin search waiting for new high-tech tools from CBC: Technology & Science
Key nurse reassigned during Brian Sinclair's 34-hour ER wait from CBC: Health
Dash Robotics crowdfunding 'origami' runner you can assemble at home from Physorg
Silver trumps gold in nano advance from BBC News: Science & Nature
Moon mission ready for lift-off from BBC News: Science & Nature
Second whale stranded in Forth from BBC News: Science & Nature
New method of incorporating fluoride into drugs from Physorg
ESA completes second instrument for James Webb Space Telescope from European Space Agency
NASA Launch Shoots for the Moon from Virginia Tonight: Watch It Online from
Virgin Galactic's Record-Breaking SpaceShipTwo Test Flight Sets Stage for Passenger Trips By 2014 from
Secret 'Slave' Tunnels Discovered Under Roman Emperor's Villa from Live Science
Photos: The Secret Passageways of Hadrian's Villa from Live Science
Electronic cigarettes growing in popularity with teens from LA Times - Health
Researching New Detectors for Chemical, Biological Threats from Newswise - Scinews
New Technologies Aim to Save Energy--and Lives--with Better Air Conditioning from Scientific American
Teen Birth Rate Reached New Historic Low in 2012 from Live Science
Clock ticking on 2015 climate talks deal: EU from Physorg
Pornography reinforces sexist attitudes among a subgroup of heterosexuals, study says from Physorg
Researchers discover rare fossil ape cranium in China from Physorg
Week in Images from European Space Agency
Global first as Witsies split pollen from Physorg
You can linger longer with a digital death from Physorg
Breaking nature's superfluid symmetry from Physorg
NASA's HS3 Mission Global Hawk data used in National Hurricane Center forecast of Gabrielle from Physorg
UEFA's 'home-grown player' rule delivers only 'modest improvement' from Physorg
Scientists develop new technique to track algae from Physorg
Inflatable antennae could give CubeSats greater reach from Physorg
Back from the ice: Research team returns from Fram Strait from Physorg
Physicists find enhanced fluctuations in nanomagnets from Physorg
Study documents cigarette environmental hazards from Physorg
Iron in the sun: A greenhouse gas for X-ray radiation from Physorg
All-in-one 3D printing from Chemistry World
Unravelling stereochemistry via mass spectrometry from Chemistry World
Newborn Gene Screens from C&EN
The Syria saga, explained from Harvard Science
New Connection between Stacked Solar Cells Can Handle Energy of 70,000 Suns from Science Blog
Particle physics-inspired art installation opens in London from Science Blog
Important mechanism underlying Alzheimer’s found from Science Blog
Pornography reinforces sexism among a subgroup of straights from Science Blog
Rare cranium fossil of ape Lufengpithecus found in China from Science Blog
Research Creates New Opportunities from Waste Heat from Science Blog
Health officer says boost booze costs to put brakes on binging from CBC: Health
African-American students may improve grades if teachers convey high standards, study shows from Physorg
Static killers? from Physorg
On genetic treasure island, voles show DNA antiquity from Physorg
Using digital SLRs to measure the height of Northern Lights from Physorg
Making things cold: A history of science, technology and culture from Physorg
Researchers design a collective protection system for building works on sloping work surfaces from Physorg
New tool pinpoints oil reserves from Physorg
First-ever deep-drilling expedition to the Baltic Sea launches from Physorg
Science, mathematics, creativity and innovation, when it counts most from Physorg
Hubble catches a spiral in the air pump from Physorg
Many genes in dolphins and bats evolved in the same way to allow echolocation from
Canadian university apologizes for student sex chant from UPI
AUDIO: Asian hornets 'heading for Britain' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Video: NASA heads back to the moon from CBSNews - Science
West Antarctic Ice Sheet's Age Gains 20 Million Years from Live Science
Air Force, DARPA Team Up on New Hypersonic Flight Project from
A radiating beauty on Mars from Physorg
Professors work to quickly, accurately identify deadly bacteria from Physorg
New connection between stacked solar cells can handle energy of 70,000 suns from Physorg
Molecular structure reveals how the antibiotic streptomycin works from Physorg
Physicists find a compound to more efficiently convert waste heat to electrical power from Physorg
Shining a little light changes metal into semiconductor from Physorg
News in Brief: World's largest volcano lurks beneath Pacific Ocean from
After years of decline, US births leveling off? from AP Health
Space History Photo: The Wright Brothers First Heavier-than-air Flight from
Study suggests debris flows on frozen arctic sand dunes are similar to dark dune spot-seepage flows on Mars from Physorg
Review lobbies for closer look at management techniques from Physorg
Researchers develop first iron-based catalyst that can reduce dinitrogen to ammonia in a solution from Physorg
Reflecting on Earth's albedo from Physorg
Searching for ways to control an agricultural nuisance from Physorg
Another drug suspension overturned in India from Chemistry World
Indiana Jones meets George Jetson from Science Blog
Space colonization plans have great vision, no money: Bob McDonald from CBC: Technology & Science
Fewer sea turtles arriving in Nicaragua from CBSNews - Science
Shining a little light changes metal into semiconductor from Science Daily
New opportunites found for waste heat from Science Daily
New connection between stacked solar cells can handle energy of 70,000 suns from Science Daily
Rare fossil ape cranium discovered in China from Science Daily
Good asthma control during pregnancy is vital from Science Daily
Human gut microbes alter mouse metabolism, depending on diet from Science Daily
Finally mapped: The brain region that distinguishes bits from bounty from Science Daily
Elon Musk Reveals ‘Iron Man’ Tech for Rocket Design | Video from
Theoretical device could bring practical spintronics closer to reality from Physorg
Exotic isotopes step on the scale from Physorg
Otsuka to buy Astex for $886 million from Chemistry World
Well: Drinking When Young Increases Breast Cancer Risk from NY Times Health
Japan's Fukushima region fishery products banned in South Korea from CBC: Technology & Science
Growing Thin Films of Germanium from Newswise - Scinews
Indiana Jones Meets George Jetson from Newswise - Scinews
NASA moon mission targets lunar dust, "exosphere" from CBSNews - Science
1 baby in every 46 born with a congenital anomaly says new report from Science Daily
Pornography reinforces sexist attitudes among a subgroup of heterosexuals from Science Daily
First detailed view of morphing Parkinson's protein revealed from Science Daily
Neuroscientists show that monkeys can decide to call out or keep silent from Science Daily
Education protects women from the obesity associated with urban living from Science Daily
Lost Tudor sculptures reassembled with help from 3-D scanning from Science Daily
Combination of social media, behavior psychology leads to HIV testing, better health behaviors from Science Daily
Are You Safer From Tornadoes In A Valley? from Live Science
Saving Historic Watts Towers from Mystery Cracks from Live Science
SpaceShipTwo makes second supersonic test flight from Physorg
NY judge orders Apple to modify e-book contracts from Physorg
Mother chimps crucial for offspring's social skills from Physorg
Growing thin films of germanium from Physorg
ISFM takes a stand on welfare of unowned cats from Physorg
New microplasma source excites matter in controlled way, may revolutionize how archaeologists date objects in the field from Physorg
NASA sees Tropical Storm Lorena bringing heavy rains to Mexico's west coast from Physorg
Watching Battery Chemistry With MRI from C&EN
Misconduct: on the blog and in the open from Chemistry World
Cancer drug Sutent linked to severe skin reactions from CBC: Health
Solar Eclipse Casts Shadow On Curiosity | Video from
Research duo confirm that yes, people do blush in the dark from Physorg
Secret 'slave' tunnels discovered under Roman emperor's villa from MSNBC: Science
Dot Earth Blog: Assessing the Role of Global Warming in Extreme Weather of 2012 from NY Times Science
Podcast: King With Worms, Monkey Alarm Calls, and More from Science NOW
Meditation Offers Lasting Peace from Science Blog
Mother chimps crucial for offspring’s social skills from Science Blog
Gut bacteria may be key to fighting obesity from CBC: Technology & Science
Mother chimps crucial for offspring's social skills from Science Daily
Here Be Dragons: The Evolution of Sea Monsters on Medieval Maps from Live Science
In Images: Ancient Maps and Sea Monsters from Live Science
NASA Ponders Hobbled Kepler Spacecraft's Future from Scientific American
Report: NSA cracked most online encryption from CBSNews - Science
Microsoft works to save face after Xbox backlash from Physorg
NASA image: Rim Fire update—Sept. 6, 2013 from Physorg
Surprising ally protecting snow leopards: Buddhist monks from MSNBC: Science
Cosmonaut due to command space station resigns for 'better job' from MSNBC: Science
Laser imaging spots brain cancer from Physics World
Rare ape cranium fossil uncovered in China from CBC: Technology & Science
NASA heads back to the moon with unmanned explorer from CBC: Technology & Science
Bone growth factor may increase benign tumors but not malignant cancer from Science Daily
For NASA Spacecraft Launching Friday, It's 'Destination: Moon' from Live Science
Global Warming: News, Facts, Causes & Effects from Live Science
Pew! Pew! Pew! How NASA's Space Laser Communications System Works (Infographic) from
5 bright planets align, but daylight prevents us from seeing it from MSNBC: Science
Chilean Union Leader Speaks on ALMA Strike from Science NOW
NASA's LADEE launch visible tonight on East Coast, online from UPI
Dying stars' nebulae mysteriously aligned near galaxy's heart from LA Times - Science
Could lemur hibernation answer space travel questions? from LA Times - Science
World's Biggest Volcano Lies Beneath Pacific Ocean from Live Science
Ultraluminous Contortionist | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Tudor-Era Tombs Reconstructed in 3D from Live Science
Video: First elephant was born conceived from frozen sperm from CBSNews - Science
Pew! Pew! Pew! NASA Moon Probe Carries Space Laser for Big Tech Test from
Top Stories: Microbes to Make You Thin, Universal DNA Sequencing, and More from Science NOW
West Antarctic Ice Sheet just got 20 million years older from MSNBC: Science
Melanoma Cancer Vaccine Fails from Science NOW
Arsenic Levels in Rice Products Not a Health Risk, F.D.A. Says from NY Times Health
Observatory: Hyperactivity Linked to Inner Ear Defect from NY Times Health
Well: A Cool Classic, Sliced and Diced from NY Times Health
NASA launches Instagram account with moon pic from UPI
Touch Goes Digital from Newswise - Scinews
Debris flows on Arctic sand dunes are similar to dark dune spot-seepage flows on Mars from Science Daily
Arsenic in Rice Not a Risk Over Short Term, FDA Finds from Live Science
LADEE Moon Probe's Minotaur V Rocket Up Close (Photo) from
Scientists use DNA to assemble a transistor from graphene from Science Daily
Novel therapeutic cancer vaccine goes to human clinical trials from Science Daily
Indiana Jones meets George Jetson from Science Daily
Why the Latest NSA Leak Is the Scariest of All from Live Science
Rescued Kitten Infected Girl with Rare Virus from Live Science
Bill Nye the Science Guy Gears Up for 'Dancing With the Stars' from Live Science
Pictures: Jaguar Kills Caiman in "Spectacular" Attack from National Geographic
SpaceShipTwo's Intense Rocket Ride - Tail View and Cockpit Recording | Video from
NASA launching robotic explorer to moon from Va. from Physorg
Magnetic shielding of exomoons: to be or not to be from Physorg
NASA satellites and HS3 Mission cover Tropical Storm Gabrielle's demise, watch other areas from Physorg
Scientists use DNA to assemble a transistor from graphene from Physorg
Fate of Spanish Neutron Facility Up in the Air from Science NOW
Clean Energy Program Moves University Tech to Market from Newswise - Scinews
Stanford scientists use DNA to assemble a transistor from graphene from Science Blog
First Nations mental health focus of aid project from CBC: Health
Video: Watch: Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo makes second supersonic flight from CBSNews - Science
Bill Nye the Science Guy Gears Up for 'Dancing With the Stars' from
Obama pledges probe of reported NSA spying on Brazil, Mexico from UPI
NIH launches first national Down syndrome registry from Science Blog
FDA Explores Impact of Arsenic in Rice from Science Blog
South Pole experiences more record heat in August to end warmest winter ever from Science Blog
FDA approves Abraxane for late-stage pancreatic cancer from Science Blog
Biggest single volcano uncovered underwater from CBC: Technology & Science
Inside the Battle Over a Strip-Mine Cemetery from National Geographic
What The Fox Actually Sounds Like from Live Science
Astronomers find 'failed stars' no hotter than a home oven from UPI
Cancer vaccine begins Phase I clinical trials from Science Blog
Bacteria from Lean Mice Prevent Obesity in Peers from Scientific American
Magic 'Mushroom Diet'? Experts Scoff at Weight-Loss Claim from Live Science
Global Sleep Survey: Who Prays First, Who Sleeps Naked from Live Science
Study: Shark migrations could be behind Hawaii attacks from UPI
The Interstellar Wind Changed Direction Over The Last 40 Years
Iron Ions In The Sun: A Greenhouse Gas For X-Ray Radiation
Stacked Solar Cells Can Handle Energy Of 70,000 Suns Without Losing Voltage
Use Your Digital SLR Camera To Measure The Height Of Aurora Borealis
LADEE Heads for the Moon from Science NOW
Quirks & Quarks examines lab-grown meat from CBC: Technology & Science
Officials say "okay" to processed chicken from China from CBSNews - Science
World's largest volcano identified off coast of Japan from CBSNews - Science
Where to watch the LADEE moon launch from CBSNews - Science
Stormy Saturn | Space Wallpaper from
Museum Exhibit Honors Pioneering DC-X Reusable Rocket Prototype from
Gallery: Artifacts of the DC-X Reusable Rocket Prototype from
Chemistry studies of human urine could yield improved medical testing from UPI
Proposed Russian spacecraft to have a modern convenience -- a toilet from UPI
Study: Expect more record heat days in U.S. with global warming from UPI
Birds Protect Coffee Crop from Scientific American
What Is a Medically Induced Coma? from Live Science
Hawaii Beach Erosion Blamed on Rising Seas from Live Science
After 2,500 Studies, It's Time to Declare Animal Sentience Proven (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Elon Musk Unveils 'Iron Man'-like Design Tech for SpaceX Rockets (Video) from
Amazing Mars Solar Eclipse Videos Caught by Curiosity Rover from
Computer program analyzes Twitter postings to gauge public moods from UPI
Report: Apple's next version of OS X set for October release from UPI
Search is on for artificial 'formula milk' to help panda cubs survive from UPI
Breakthrough discerns normal memory loss from disease from Science Blog
Space Pictures This Week: Solar Storm, Spiral Galaxy from National Geographic
Lights Outs: Physicists Find a Faster Way to Switch LCDs from Science NOW
Need to dial down your anger? There's an app for that from UPI
Scientists track a change in the weather -- cosmic weather, that is from UPI
On genetic treasure island, voles show DNA antiquity from Science Blog
Astronaut Reveals 'Lucky Charm' Floating on Space Station from
In wake of NSA encryption revelation, is privacy an illusion? from CBSNews - Science
Meet LADEE, NASA's Next Moon Probe: Small Probe, Big Science (Photo) from
Ark. girl recovering from rare infection can swim from AP Health
High-tech -- and high-risk -- at the America's Cup from CBSNews - Science
Horseshoe Crab Harvests Driving Red Knot 'Moonbirds' to Extinction (Op-Ed) from Live Science
DIY Laser Interferometer (an Introduction To Interferometry)
Canadian college student leaders quit over sex chant from UPI
Destination space from Harvard Science
Cancer vaccine begins Phase I clinical trials from Harvard Science
War-Weary Nation? Why Fewer Want Action in Syria Than in Past Conflicts from Live Science
Drug patch treatment sees new breakthrough from Science Daily
Moon Pies for Sale at NASA LADEE Lunar Launch (Photo) from
Is Comet ISON a UFO? Hubble's scientists do a reality check from MSNBC: Science
Inflatable antennae could give CubeSats greater reach: Design inflates with powder that turns into gas from Science Daily
Touch goes digital: Electronic recording and replay of human touch demonstrated from Science Daily
26-year-old sheds 95 pounds to run Chicago half marathon from Science Daily
Growing thin films of germanium from Science Daily
Short-term blood sugar control protects the kidney but not the heart in patients with diabetes from Science Daily
Protection system for building works on sloping work surfaces, such as roofs from Science Daily
Static killers? Natural killer cell activity can be influenced by phosphorylating a protein in NK cells from Science Daily
Iron in the sun: A greenhouse gas for X-ray radiation from Science Daily
Using digital cameras to measure the height of Northern Lights from Science Daily
Researching new detectors for chemical, biological threats from Science Daily
Important mechanism underlying Alzheimer's disease discovered from Science Daily
Certification of aquaculture: one of the strategies to sustainable seafood production from Science Daily
Well: Think Like a Doctor: The Gymnast’s Big Belly Solved from NY Times Health
Rocket launch lights up East Coast, sends NASA probe on moon trip from MSNBC: Science
NASA robotic spacecraft lifts off to probe lunar dust from Reuters:Science
NASA launches robotic explorer to moon from Va. from CBSNews - Science
Liftoff! NASA Moon Probe Launches from Va. to Hunt 40-Year Lunar Mystery from
Launch Photos! NASA's LADEE Moon Dust Mission Blasts Off (Gallery) from
NASA Launches Robotic Explorer to Moon From Va. from NY Times Science
Insurance Rolls to Rise in State Fighting Plan from NY Times Health
F.D.A. Approves a Drug for Late-Stage Pancreatic Cancer from NY Times Health
Debating a Fix For Hospitals In Dire Straits from NY Times Health
Fitness: Rowing Revives in the Gym from NY Times Health