Archive of articles published on the 7th of October 2008
Study unveils structural details of enzyme vital to DNA repair
Mayo Clinic collaborates to advance Crohn's treatment
Bipolar disorder in children appears likely to continue into young adulthood
Pediatricians more likely to disclose medical errors that are apparent to families, survey finds
Hopkins children's experts say doctors and parents can sort out symptoms with a checklist
Mayo Clinic study shows stool DNA testing for colorectal cancer has potential, but challenges remain
Red wine may lower lung cancer risk
Anti-cancer drug prevents, reverses cardiovascular damage in mouse model of premature aging disorder
Withdrawal of life support often an imperfect compromise
New light on link between snoring and cognitive deficits in children
C. difficile and antibiotics not necessarily linked
C. difficile infection not always associated with antibiotic use
Researchers discover that SLC2A9 is a high-capacity urate transporter in humans
Field Museum provides gold standard for mammal survey
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory scientists trace a novel way cells are disrupted in cancer
Why current publication practices may distort science
'Deadly dozen' reports diseases worsened by climate change
Discovering drugs, biofuels in tropical seas
How are children choosing their food portions?
Scent on demand: Hebrew University scientists enhance the scent of flowers
2008 ozone hole larger than last year
Stars stop forming when big galaxies collide
Genetic finding implicates innate immune system in major cause of blindness
Mentally ill smoke at 4 times the rate of general population, says University of Melbourne study
Extinction by asteroid a rarity
Hack-a-vote: Students at Rice learn how vulnerable electronic voting really is
Study: Even occasional smoking can impair arteries
Burnham researchers turn cancer friend into cancer foe
Study provides insight on a common heart rhythm disorder
UCI study shows how fatty foods curb hunger
An epidemiologic study of microscopic colitis in Turkey
Atomic-resolution views suggest function of enzyme that regulates light-detecting signals in eye
Wheezing and asthma in young children
Electricity supply: Sustainable sources remain expensive
Post-term pregnancies risk infant's life and health, UCSF studies show
U of T creates fake proof personality test
Rong Li Lab probes mechanism of asymmetry in meiotic cell division
Killing 'angry' immune cells in fat could fight diabetes
Novel imaging approach may assist in predicting success of treatment for atrial fibrillation
Herbal menopause therapy a good fit for breast cancer patients?
Egg whites solve the 3-D problem
Narcissistic people most likely to emerge as leaders
New knowledge about thermoelectric materials could give better energy efficiency
Why could prednisolone suppress the hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury?
Mayo Clinic estimates new, tiny, super-sensitive probe could cut colon polyp removal in half
Olive oil ingredient ups the time between meals
Tamoxifen chemoprevention tied to early detection of breast cancer
Tamoxifen chemoprevention associated with earlier diagnosis of ER-negative breast cancer
Compassion meditation may improve physical and emotional responses to psychological stress
Largest review of its kind associates anti-inflammatory drugs with reduced breast cancer risk
Study highlights benefits of end-of-life conversations for patients, caregivers
Use of medication for enlarged prostate not associated with increased risk of hip fracture
End-of-life discussions with physicians may have benefits for patients and caregivers
Also in the Oct. 7 JNCI
Older renal cancer patients appear to benefit from sorafenib treatment
Scientists simulate gut reaction to arsenic exposure
Protein shown to play a key role in normal development of nervous system
Honey helps to heal wounds
Burn treatment cream may delay healing
Can stem cells heal damaged hearts? No easy answers, but some signs of hope
Early breast cancer: LHRH agonists show considerable promise
St. John's wort relieves symptoms of major depression
Probiotic bacteria don't make eczema better -- and may have side effects
Formoterol for asthma: Evidence of serious adverse effects
Groundbreaking, lifesaving TB vaccine a step closer
Biological alternatives to chemical pesticides