Archive of articles published on the 4th of November 2008
New spaceship force field makes Mars trip possible
Fuels of the future may come from 'ice that burns,' water and sunshine
NYU biologists identify genes that prevent changes in physical traits due to environmental changes
Lung airway cells activate vitamin D and increase immune response
Hip resurfacing is not for everyone
Coral reefs found growing in cold, deep ocean
Hydrogen tank lighter than battery
Research shows raised incidence of psychoses among migrant groups
Consumer not ready for tailor-made nutrition
MRI can eliminate unnecessary surgery for children with suspected musculosketal infections
Moores UCSD Cancer Center studying novel leukemia vaccine for high-risk patients
Community support wins 'ghost'
Rhode Island Hospital simulation center examines benefits and applications of medical simulation
New journal shows half-broken gene is enough to cause cancer
Loggerhead release to provide vital information to scientific community
Diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease predicts high risk and rate of further infection in teenagers
Is ADHD more likely to affect movement in boys or girls?
NIAID media availability: Seizures following parasitic infection associated with brain swelling
Study finds ADHD affects motor skills of boys more than girls
Computer model improves ultrasound image
Pregnancy disorder signals need to screen for heart disease
Penn scientists show how body determines optimal amount of germ-fighting B cells
An anti-frailty pill for seniors?
Apelin to rescue diabetics
Apelin hormone injections powerfully lower blood sugar
Drug mimics low-cal diet to ward off weight gain, boost running endurance
MDCT: Noninvasive alternative to bronchoscopy in patients with airway stent complications
Cone-beam CT: Just as useful as MDCT before and after percutaneous vertebroplasty
Genetic disorder sheds light on enzyme's role in bone metabolism
Wide variability in rheumatoid arthritis drug suggests alternative dosing should be considered
Research shows that time invested in practicing pays off for young musicians
Medicaid policies vary widely for rheumatoid arthritis drugs
Studies examine treatment for gout and the condition's protective effects
Just scratching the surface: New technique maps nanomaterials as they grow
Penn scientists map molecular regulation of fat-cell genetics
Maternal obesity can program fetal brain to induce adult-onset obesity
Healthy bones program reduces hip fractures by 37 percent
Risk of sudden cardiac death appears increased within 30 days of heart attack
Mayo Clinic study finds risk of sudden cardiac death highest early after attack
Folic acid, B vitamins do not appear to affect cancer risk
Impact of insulin pump under study
'Junk' DNA proves functional
Vitamin B3 reduces Alzheimer's symptoms, lesions
DNA provides 'smoking gun' in the case of the missing songbirds
Response rates to antidepressants differ among English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanics