Archive of articles published on the 20th of June 2008
Attitude determines student success in rural schools
Positive school environments can help reduce student smoking
Government resources urgently needed to reduce childhood injury, say experts
The Montreal Heart Institute presents findings on congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation
Intimate examinations should not be performed without consent
Scientists use Iceland's genealogical database to pinpoint the heritage of a deadly disease
Predicting the risk of a common fungal infection after stem cell transplantation
Researchers track Lyme disease spirochetes
Effective treatment for sickle cell underused by doctors
'Astronomy without borders' on show in China
Ocean satellite launch critical to Australian science
Birds migrate earlier, but some may be left behind as the climate warms rapidly
Clinical trial of nonsurgical intervention for aortic valve stenosis
Mental and physical exercise improves genetic mental impairment
Record boost for ATV to raise ISS orbit
PTB testing method for finger ring dosemeters has proven its effectiveness
Scientifics develop computer software that permits tourists to customize their visits
Opioids and cannabinoids influence mobility of spermatozoids
A novel X-ray source could be brightest in the world
Microscopic 'clutch' puts flagellum in neutral
'Feeling fat' is worse than being it
New discovery proves 'selfish gene' exists
When it comes to female red squirrels, it seems any male will do
University of Minnesota study uncovers the educational benefits of social networking sites
Warning for teens: Teeth and jewelry don't mix
Identification of 5 genes involved in the metastasis of breast tumors to the lung
Changes in local health care markets affect national patient safety project
Family stress and child's temper extremes contribute to anxiety and depression in children
Could new discovery about a shape-shifting protein lead to a mighty 'morpheein' bacteria fighter?
National Zoo giant panda pregnancy update
Sexually transmitted disease, urinary tract infections may be bad combination for birth defect
Study shows that chronic grief activates pleasure areas of the brain
Common cooking spice shows promise in combating diabetes and obesity
Elderly's restless nights helped by ancient martial art
Battle of the bulge: Low leptin levels undermine successful weight loss
Mayo researchers discover how measles virus spreads (in its host)
New report available on ecosystems and climate change
Smoking out the mediators of airway damage caused by pollutants
UC researchers find new ways to regulate genes, reduce heart damage