Archive of articles published on the 12th of August 2008
CSHL neuroscientists glimpse how the brain decides what to believe
Proton pump inhibitors increase risk of bone fractures
Actions of individuals key to saving biodiversity-and ourselves, Stanford biologists say
Experimental chemotherapy regimen shows promise in treating advanced lung cancer
Rare case explains why some infected with HIV remain symptom free without antiretroviral drugs
Scientists call for trial of 'hen harrier ceiling'
Cardiac resynchromization: Race, age, geography matter, study shows
Losing weight soon after type 2 diabetes diagnosis doubles positive outcomes
PET scans may help assess presence of brain plaques related to Alzheimer's disease
Anemia of chronic disease: an adaptive response?
UCR graduate student discovers, names bacterium linked to psyllid yellows
X-rays use diamonds as a window to the center of the Earth
Southern Ocean seals dive deep for climate data
Cancer cells with a long breath: seeking the origin of brain tumors in children
Tiny molecule helps control blood-vessel development, UT Southwestern researchers find
Overweight Hispanic children at significant risk for pre-diabetes, according to new USC study
Study reveals surprising details of the evolution of protein translation
Researchers examine safety of Internet prescriber service providing erectile dysfunction medications
Public health clinic study links 'Americanization' and depression
Scientists use old enemy to K.O. cancer
Alternative energy hits the road
Long-term care workers struggle with elderly population boom
Changes in work force, not pay, narrowing the gender wage gap
Case Western Reserve University study finds caregivers of spouses with dementia enjoy life less
Nature or nurture -- Are you who your brain chemistry says you are?
Prostatectomy improves outcome of some men with prostate cancer over watchful waiting
Green roofs differ in building cooling, water handling capabilities
Images for 3-D video games without high price tags or stretch marks from UC San Diego
Targeted radiation therapy can control limited cancer spread
Breast cancer patients still have risk of relapse after 5 years of systemic therapy
Hurricanes and climate change: A sharper view
Risk assessment plays key role in long-term treatment of breast cancer
Physical therapists offer low-cost solution to high-cost expenditures for acute low back pain
Reserve, National Guard at higher risk of alcohol-related problems after returning from combat
Liberian fighters exposed to sexual violence have more mental health disorders after war
Former child soldiers of Nepal at increased risk for range of mental health problems
Mental health intervention at school reduces PTSD among indonesian children affected by violence
HIV risk higher among Indian women who are abused by husbands
Women in India abused by husbands at far greater risk for HIV infection
'Erasing' drug-associated memories may stop drug addiction relapses
Halting retrieval of drug-associated memories may prevent addiction relapse
Strange molecule in the sky cleans acid rain, scientists discover
Study: Massaging muscles facilitates recovery after exercise
Oil and gas projects in western Amazon threaten biodiversity and indigenous peoples
Towards zero training for brain-computer interfacing