Archive of articles published on the 22nd of August 2008
MIT zeroes in on Alzheimer's structures
Stroke incidence declines among Swedish diabetics
Elephant legs are much bendier than Shakespeare thought
Stellar still births
GOCE Earth explorer satellite to look at the Earth's surface and core
Life isn't 2-D, so why should our encyclopedias be?
Munich researchers discover key allergy gene
Chips are down as Manchester makes protein scanning breakthrough
Genome of simplest animal reveals ancient lineage, confounding array of complex capabilities
Even seaweeds get sunburned
Dense tissue promotes aggressive cancers
Public involvement in environmental decisions
UC San Diego engineers part of nationwide effort to make buildings earthquake safe
When charities ask for time, people give more money
Asthma monitoring on the Web
Going from ulcers to cancer
Public involvement usually leads to better environmental decision making
JCI table of contents: Aug. 21, 2008
Anti-tumor effects are enhanced by inhibiting 2 pathways rather than 1
Research finds America's elderly suffering abuse
A reason to smile: New immigrants respond best to oral hygiene campaign
Operations research promises continued gains for HIV treatment in resource-limited countries
Healthy people and enhancement drugs
Powerful donor motivators for fundraising
Part of the in-group? A surprising new strategy helps reduce unhealthy behaviors
Charities take note: Personal relationships increase donations
Seeing through tooth decay
Low-income? No car? Expect to pay more for groceries
A room with a viewpoint: conservation messages and motivation
The big gulp: consumers avoid extremes in soda sizes
Pay attention! Small packages may lead to overeating
How much risk can you handle? Making better investment decisions
Action research helps people make positive changes
Women exposed to negative life events at greater risk of breast cancer: BGU study
M&Ms as diet food? 100-calorie pack misconceptions
Iowa State University experts can discuss new FDA produce irradiation rule
UC Davis researchers define characteristics, treatment options for XXYY syndrome
Yale undergrads' Amazon trip yields a treasure trove of diversity