Archive of articles published on the 28th of August 2008
Recent advances make cervical cancer control in developing world feasible for first time
Endocrine Society releases guideline on diagnosis and treatment of primary aldosteronism
HIV patients at greater risk for bone fractures
Risk of repeat attacks in heart patients causes concern for doctors
Risk of fracture is significantly higher in HIV-infected patients
Arctic ice on the verge of another all-time low
Queen's researchers provide solution to world's worst mass poisoning case
Clearing the airways in cystic fibrosis
Research Ethics Committees identify and correct problems in applications to do cancer trials
Tiny 3-D ultrasound probe guides catheter procedures
Study says eyes evolved for X-Ray vision
Jumping for joy ... and stronger bones
Variation of normal protein could be key to resistance to common cancer drug
Ceramic material revs up microwaving
Saving lives through smarter hurricane evacuations
Common treatment to delay labor decreases preterm infants' risk for cerebral palsy
Class of diabetes drugs carries significant cardiovascular risks
Unexpected large monkey population discovered
Caltech scientists discover why flies are so hard to swat
New giant clam species offers window into human past
Explosives go 'green'
Variant of mad cow disease may be transmitted by blood transfusions, according to animal study
New beta-blocker to offer hope to heart and lung sufferers
Life under the laser
Breaking harmful bonds
Rapid changes in key Alzheimer's protein described in humans
Crystals improve understanding of volcanic eruption triggers
'Pristine' Amazonian region hosted large, urban civilization, study finds
Bitter-tasting nectar and floral odors optimize outcrossing for plants
'Armored' fish study helps strengthen Darwin's natural selection theory
Treadmill exercise retrains brain and body of stroke victims
Antarctic research helps shed light on climate change on Mars
Great Ape Trust graduate student's paper sheds light on bonobo language
Memory trick shows brain organization
Robots learn to follow
Barrow researchers identify a new approach to detect the early progression of brain tumors
Feats of strength begin a lizard's day
All types of antipsychotic drugs increase the risk of stroke
National guidelines released for earwax removal