Archive of articles published on the 10th of September 2008
Moderate quantities of dirt make more rain
PTB unites magnetic resonance and radar technology in 1 prototype
Cortisol and fatty liver: Researchers find cause of severe metabolic disorders
Abuse of painkillers can predispose adolescents to lifelong addiction
UC Davis researcher begins study of Osama bin Laden audio tapes
Is yakult helpful in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome?
How do Lactobacilli treat Helicobacter pylori-related diseases?
Searching in space and minds: IU research suggests underlying link
Boston physicists celebrate first beam for Large Hadron Collider
Terrorism: What the next president will face
Private equity companies purchase nursing homes, but care does not suffer
Retail medical clinics attract patients who do not have regular health care providers
New way to help schizophrenia sufferers' social skills
70 years old and going strong with Down syndrome and no dementia
Eating fish while pregnant, longer breastfeeding, lead to better infant development
Physicists harness effects of disorder in magnetic sensors
Human embryonic stem cell secretions minimized tissue injury after heart attack
Silent streams? Escalating endangerment for North American freshwater fish
Penn researchers identify natural tumor suppressor
Older adults can take medicines more safely and effectively by charting their daily routines
Genetic region linked to a 5 times higher lung cancer risk
Off-label medicine combinations are the predominant treatment in survey of schizophrenics
Rapeseed grown for biofuel can help clean up toxic soils
Titanium work surfaces could cut food poisoning cases say scientists
Food poisoning bacteria prefer duck to beef on meat factory surfaces
Food soil stuck to surfaces can hold bacteria in food processing factories
Giant honeybees use Mexican waves to repel predatory wasps
Copper-bottomed guarantee for safe shellfish in restaurants
Oil-eating microbes give clue to ancient energy source
Bacteria stop sheep dip poisoning fish and bees
Light-activated treatments could solve MRSA problems after surgery
Switched-on new nanotechnology paints for hospitals could kill superbugs
Bacteria's sticky glue is clue to vaccine says scientist
Study in JAMA study links primary care shortage with salary disparities
UCLA study finds medical student diversity has educational benefits
Racial diversity among medical students appears to better prepare them to care for minority patients
Also in the Sept. 9 JNCI
Evaluation of quality measure for colon cancer care suggests considerable improvements needed
US hospitals 'flunk' colon cancer
Cryopreservation techniques bring hopes for women cancer victims and endangered species
First beam for Large Hadron Collider
U-M physicists' analysis leads to discovery of new particle
Maths aids mayonnaise production
Tsunami survivors experienced complex trauma and grieving process says new study
University of Miami scientist uncovers miscalculation in geological undersea record
'Dodgy dossier' partly to blame for failure of war against malaria in the tropics
Sexual harassment 10 times more likely in casual and contract jobs
Computational biochemist uncovers a molecular clue to evolution
Gap junction protein vital to successful pregnancy, researchers find
Protein found that regulates gene critical to dopamine-releasing brain cells
New gecko-like adhesive shakes off dirt
Calcium during pregnancy reduces harmful blood lead levels
Troubled kids hurt classmates' test scores, behavior
Report reveals communication needs, recreation use during fires
UT Southwestern: Killing bacteria isn't enough to restore immune function after infection
DNA 'tattoos' link adult, daughter stem cells in planarians
Which is more accurate, serology test or C14-urea breath test?
Fuel-saving designs improve efficiency of hydraulic systems
Herpes drug acyclovir also suppresses HIV in herpes-infected tissue
Brains rely on old and new mechanisms for diminishing fear
Male-specific neurons directly linked to gender-specific behaviors
Brains rely on old and new mechanisms to diminish fear, NYU and Rutgers researchers find
Help from herpes? Coinfection induces acyclovir to inhibit HIV
New method for creating inducible stem cells is remarkably efficient
Old growth forests are valuable carbon sinks
The double firing burst
Immaturity of the brain may cause schizophrenia
1843 stellar eruption may be new type of star explosion
Maths model helps to unravel relationship between nutrients and biodiversity
Survival instincts propel 'difficult patient' to insist on quality care
Brightest stellar explosion heralds new type of long-distance astronomy
Patients who recover well from head injury never feel quite the same
Photo reveals rare okapi survived poaching onslaught
May 2008 earthquake in China could be followed by another significant rupture
Reasons vary for decline by medical students in choosing internal medicine as career choice
Increased on-call workload associated with various negative effects for medical interns
In spiders, size matters: Small males are more often meals
Heads up: Stanford DNA study reveals evolution of beer yeasts
Clinicians debate use of arthroscopy in patients with osteoarthritis
Popular surgery provides no relief for osteoarthritis of the knee
Brewing better beer: Scientists determine the genomic origins of lager yeasts
Aberrations in region of chromosome 1q21.1 associated with broad range of disorders in children
Army still using physicians in interrogation, bioethicist says
First beam for Large Hadron Collider, world's mightiest particle accelerator
NASA study illustrates how global peak oil could impact climate
As head and neck cancer risks evolve, more treatment options emerge
Individuals vary their immune response according to age, sex and the costs
Aerobic exercise for the wheelchair-bound
Color-coded bacteria can spot oil spills or leaky pipes and storage tanks
Protein opens hope of treatment for cystic fibrosis patients
Switchable bio-adhesion
Over 1 in 4 South African men report using physical violence against their female partners
A potential approach to treatment of hepatitis B virus infection
Infectious heart disease death rates rising again say scientists
Bleeding gums linked to heart disease
National study finds post-traumatic stress disorder common among injured patients