Archive of articles published on the 13th of January 2009
Cross-border health programs could reduce maternal and child deaths
Antibodies produced within joints in rheumatoid arthritis
Tequila boom triggers social, environmental hangover in Mexico
Study in mice shows mechanisms behind immune responses to brain tumors
Gene therapy eliminates brain tumors through selective recruitment of immune cells
Popular cold and cough treatment may create respiratory distress in young children
Misuse of Vicks VapoRub may harm infants and toddlers
Switchboard in the brain helps us learn and remember at the same time
Children's National scientists uncover key developmental mechanisms of the amygdala
Race and gender determine how politicians speak
Letting infants watch TV can do more harm than good says wide-ranging international review
XMM-Newton measures speedy spin of rare celestial object
Great Lakes water level sensitive to climate change
Smoking during pregnancy may impair thyroid function of mom and fetus
UNC study supports role of circadian clock in response to chemotherapy
When it comes to sleep research, fruit flies and people make unlikely bedfellows
The auto change bicycle
Better MRI scans of cancers made possible by TU Delft
JCI online early table of contents: Jan. 12, 2009
MyFitness Planner really moves you
Older women less likely than men to be listed for kidney transplants
A case of mistaken dino-identity
Study links swings in North Atlantic oscillation variability to climate warming
Delusions associated with consistent pattern of brain injury
Education professor dispels myths about gifted children
Smart lighting: New LED drops the 'droop'
Diabetics with previous foot ulcers may be able to participate in walking program
Novel technique changes lymph node biopsy, reduces radiaiton exposure
Human beta cells can be easily induced to replicate, according to study in Diabetes
Small changes can lead to big rewards, says ASN president
Study: Most young violent offenders in two NYC neighborhoods have seen someone killed
Athletes not spared from health risks of metabolic syndrome
Study shows workplace benefits of influenza vaccination in 50-64 year olds
Cell 'anchors' required to prevent muscular dystrophy
Hospital diabetes care standards not met by US academic medical centers
Voracious sponges save reef
Transplanted fatty livers associated with worse prognosis for patients with HCV
Study looks at how mental health care affects outcomes for foster children
Study examines burden of diabetes on US hospitals
Free exercise and nutrition program in Brazil could serve as model in United States
Treatment may need to be modified for elderly brain cancer patients
Chasing thundersnow could lead to more accurate forecasts
Researchers identify another potential biomarker
Can you see me now? Flexible photodetectors could help sharpen photos
RAND launches unique tool to evaluate health reform proposals
Cognitive rehab helps people with acquired brain injury
Carnegie Mellon researchers develop new research tool
Low-cost strategy developed for curbing computer worms
'Green' gasoline on the horizon
HPV testing followed by cytology and repeat HPV testing may improve cervical cancer screening
Mobile phone use not associated with melanoma of the eye
Fatty liver disease medication may have no effect
Novel drugs selectively target pathway important in rheumatoid arthritis
Story tips from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory -- January 2009
Women may be more likely to experience EMS delays for heart care
Intake of certain fatty acid appears to improve neurodevelopment for preterm girls, but not boys
Use of antidepressants associated with improvement in symptoms of fibromyalgia
New NIST method accelerates stability testing of soy-based biofuel
Hepatitis C may increase pancreatic cancer risk
Super sensitive gas detector goes down the nanotubes
Simply weird stuff: Making supersolids with ultracold gas atoms
'2-faced' bioacids put a new face on carbon nanotube self-assembly
New co-chair of atomic scientists calls on US administration to reduce nuclear threat
New tool gives researchers a glimpse of biomolecules in motion
New analysis estimates numbers of older US adults who may benefit from statin therapy
Treadmill exercise improves walking endurance for patients with peripheral arterial disease
Insights into polymer film instability could aid high tech industries
Sorting diamonds from toothbrushes: New guide to protecting personal information
Greater quadriceps strength may benefit those with knee osteoarthritis
Argonne scientists prove unconventional superconductivityin new iron arsenide compounds
High caffeine intake linked to hallucination proneness
Rheumatoid arthritis: Worse in women?