Archive of articles published on the 29th of January 2009
New study explores the relationship between preterm birth and autism spectrum disorder
Exposure to perfluorinated chemicals may reduce women's fertility
Anxiety and depression do not affect pregnancy and treatment cancellation rates
Genetic variant predicts poor response to bypass surgery
Study finds preemies more likely to score positive
Study finds 'rescue course' of antenatal steroids improves outcome in premature babies
Scientists make malaria parasite work to reveal its own vulnerabilities
Readers build vivid mental simulations of narrative situations, brain scans suggest
Some of Earth's climate troubles should face burial at sea, scientists say
Diabetes treatment may lie in helping muscles to burn fat better
Black hole outflows from Centaurus A detected with APEX
Novel technology could produce biofuel for around €0.50 a liter ($2.49 a gallon)
Dinosaur fossils fit perfectly into the evolutionary tree of life
Human DNA repair process recorded in action
Water lilies inspire scientists to create large-scale graphene films
Genome sequence shows sorghum's immense potential
UT Southwestern researchers identify protein that may explain 'healthy' obesity
New data show periodontal treatment doesn't reduce preterm birth risk
Global glacier melt continues
Research uncovers surprising lion stronghold in war-torn central Africa
Capture of nanomagnetic 'fingerprints' a boost for next-generation information storage media
Tom Cruise smile comes with a sunburn price
How your body clock avoids hitting the snooze button
Skin color studies on tadpoles lead to cancer advance
New animated films challenge false representation of Native Americans in the media
Process found to play role in rheumatoid arthritis could lead to new treatment
A supercharged metal-ion generator
Language performance and differences in brain activity possibly affected by sex
No such thing as a 'born leader,' study in fish finds
Birds' strategic mobbing fends off parasitic invaders
Perceptions and experiences of homeless youth vary by race, UCSF study shows
What we don’t know still hurts us, environmental researchers warn
Worm provides clues about preventing damage caused by low-oxygen during stroke, heart attack
How a brain chemical changes locusts from harmless grasshoppers to swarming pests
Research links seismic slip and tremor, with implications for subduction zone
Serotonin brings locusts together
Exercise plays large role in recovery from knee replacement and the occurrence of osteoarthritis
Chondroitin slows progression and relieves symptoms of knee osteoarthritis
New pathway is a common thread in age-related neurodegenerative diseases
Stanford scientists identify key component in cell replication
Study: Learning science facts doesn't boost science reasoning
MIT IDs genes linked to Parkinson's side effects
Blue light destroys antibiotic-resistant staph infection
Exercise underutilized for chronic back and neck pain
Genes may predict vascular malformation
Commonly used measure of CKD found not cost-effective
Umbilical cord protein analysis detects early onset infection
Gene mutations increase risk for aggressive prostate cancer
Oncogene inhibits tumor suppressor to promote cancer: Study links B-RAF and LKB1
'SnowMan' software developed at UB helps keep snow drifts off the road
Scientists see the light: How vision sends its message to the brain
'The robots are coming'
Women with high blood pressure during pregnancy face future of complications
New discovery may lead to new class of allergy drugs
Surgical implants coated with one of 'nature's antibiotics' could prevent infection: UBC study
Government services for young people at risk of drugs misuse may be doing more harm than good
Domain walls that conduct electricity
UC Davis research shows that newly discovered drug reduces heart enlargement
Teen smoking could lead to adult depression, study says
Sudden cardiac death without recognizable cause
Stem cell transplant reverses early-stage multiple sclerosis