Archive of articles published on the 12th of March 2009
Well-known enzyme is unexpected contributor to brain growth
Options for a new Britain: A report card for Britain
Bioinformatics sheds light on evolutionary origin of Rickettsia virulence genes
Steroid doping tests ignore vital ethnic differences in hormone activity
Estrogen activates critical lung genes to improve lung function following preterm birth
Genes identified that are linked to spinal disc degeneration
Specialist nurses boost parental willingness to consent to post-mortem research on children
Drawing enhances emotional verbalization among children under the shadow of drug-addicted fathers
Revealing new applications for carbon nanomaterials in hydrogen storage
Fighting global warming offers growth and development opportunities
Researchers develop a new technique to date forensic death based on corpse microorganisms
The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope provides new evidence for dark matter around small galaxies
American adults flunk basic science
Long, sexy tails not a drag on male birds
Researchers progress toward AIDS vaccine
Families are feeling the stress of economic crisis, researcher finds
Federal government should give greater support to decision makers coping with climate change
Older patients with 1 type of heart failure may receive little or no benefit from drugs
Patients who gave up smoking before surgery had half as many complications afterwards
A new measure for the malignancy of melanoma
Why should Iowa remain the first presidential primary?
Juvenile justice study: Minority youths of single parents more likely detained
A diet rich in calcium aids weight loss
Weighing the options after life-altering stroke
Better health and prosperity in Europe via improved clinical research
Studying the female form
Cracking the spatial memory code
'Mind-reading' experiment highlights how brain records memories
'Mind-reading' experiment highlights how brain records memories
Tracking tigers in 3-D
Survey explores medical care for children with autism using complementary alternative medicine
'Climate change: Global risks, challenges and decisions'
Unraveling the roots of dyslexia
Female birds 'jam' their mates' flirtatious songs
New aerosol observing technique turns gray skies to blue
Discovery may lead to development of safer immunosuppressants
Parkinson's-linked mutation makes neurons vulnerable to calcium-induced death
Argonne scientists reveal interaction between supersonic fuel spray and its shock wave
Researchers take first look at the genetic dynamics of inbreeding depression
Cells get two chances, not just one, to fix their mistakes
Not enough vitamin D in the diet could mean too much fat on adolescents
Blue sky research reveals trends in air pollution, clears way for new climate change studies
Wind shifts may stir CO2 from Antarctic depths
Body clock regulates metabolism, finds UCI study
Caltech scientists discover mechanism for wind detection in fruit flies
'Fridges and washing machines liberated women': researcher
Biofilms: Even stickier than suspected
Researchers devise new way to explore DNA
Researchers develop a structural approach to exploring DNA
Phytoplankton is changing along the Antarctic Peninsula
Random network connectivity can be delayed, but with explosive results, new study finds
Missing piece of plant clock found
Rabies deaths from dog bites could be eliminated
First high-resolution images of bone, tooth and shell formation
A variant form of amyloid beta hinders amyloidogenesis and the development of Alzheimer's disease
Aspirin improves survival in women with stable heart disease, according to WHI study
Experienced air traffic controllers work smarter, not harder, making up for normal mental aging
1 stop-shop for seamount managers and researchers: Launch of new SeamountsOnline portal
Work stress associated with adverse mental and physical health outcomes in police officers
'Peking Man' older than thought; somehow adapted to cold
Tobacco use will continue, possibly grow, during recession, Georgia State expert says
Telehealth for diabetes promotes aging at home, not in the hospital
Patients who wake up with stroke may be candidates for clot-busters
Physicists offer new theory for iron compounds
New investigational treatment for bladder cancer, identified with Columbia-developed research model
Scientists create mouse model of melanoma that generates hope for the use of targeted therapies
Children living near green spaces are more active
CDU research finds street gang activity is a predictor of homicide in LA neighborhoods
New research shows that your looks, creditworthiness may go hand in hand
Genetic differences help protect against cervical cancer
UF study: Preserved shark fossil adds evidence to great white's origins
First-in-class compound proves safe, tolerable in preventing blood clots
Hyperbaric treatment for autism reports significant clinical improvements