Archive of articles published on the 22nd of March 2009
Education slowing AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa
Hollow gold nanospheres show promise for biomedical and other applications
Confusion, not cheating, major factor in plagiarism among some students
Proteins from garden pea may help fight high blood pressure, kidney disease
Special gold nanoparticles show promise for 'cooking' cancer cells
MSU scientists help lead teams in detection of fundamental component of matter
Keeping golf courses green when fresh water is limited
Clinical trial backs use of special yogurt to fight stomach ulcer bacteria
Hopkins scientists ID 10 genes associated with a risk factor for sudden cardiac death
First automated carbohydrate 'assembly line' opens door to new field of medicine
Blue light specials
TV crime drama compound highlights immune cells' misdeeds
Covering the bases: Quantum effect may hold promise for low-cost DNA sequencing, sensor applications
U-M researcher's idea jells into potential new disease-detection method