Archive of articles published on the 23rd of March 2009
CDC analysis finds unique social and behavior intervention helps reduce MRSA rates up to 62 percent
Alcohol-induced flushing is a risk factor for esophageal cancer from alcohol consumption
Gulf War veterans display abnormal brain response to specific chemicals
Genetic risk factors identified for sudden cardiac death
Review of probiotic trial research finds only Bifantis able to claim efficacy for IBS symptoms
Germany: Colonoscopy prevents 15,000 cancer cases
After the collapse
School kids 'wagging' breakfast are missing healthy brain fuel
10 genes identified in connection with sudden cardiac death
Software fits flexible components
New research highlights dramatically reduced risk of developing dementia
Time (and PPAR-beta/delta) heals all wounds
Lipid droplets lead a Spartin existence
Telltale heat
Common gene variants influence risk factor for sudden cardiac death
Alcohol 'flush' signals increased cancer risk among East Asians
Stroke survivors improve balance with tai chi
Study shows how Salmonella survives in environment
Groups share information in workplace, but not the 'right' information
Super micro-surgery offers new hope for breast cancer patients with lymphedema
'Cold fusion' rebirth? New evidence for existence of controversial energy source
Racial biases fade away toward members of your own group
Physical abuse raises women's health costs over 40 percent
New 'green' pesticides are first to exploit plant defenses in battle of the fungi
Inhaling a heart attack: How air pollution can cause heart disease
Herpes: Scientists find cellular process that fights virus
Brain wave patterns can predict blunders, new study finds
Redefining DNA: Darwin from the atom up
New stem cell therapy may lead to treatment for deafness
A possible risk group for statin use
Surgery safe for babies and toddlers suffering from seizures
Human adult testes cells can become embryonic-like
Astrocytes help separate man from mouse
Fear or romance could make you change your mind, U of Minnesota study finds
'Ice that burns' may yield clean, sustainable bridge to global energy future
Tales of the 'Trojan horse drug' and the 'miracle dogs'
New method of assessing women's eggs could enhance IVF success, Stanford study shows
Support for racial equality may be victim of Obama's election
Strategy discovered for fighting persistent bacterial infections
Solving a subatomic shell game
Proteins by design: Penn biochemists create new protein from scratch
Eating red and processed meat associated with increased risk of death
Caltech researchers find tiny genetic change keeps nicotine from binding to muscle cells
Florida Tech research may save lives in suicide bombings
On demand doctor's appointments do not improve diabetes care
Researchers identify genes for thiostrepton, a powerful drug whose use is now limited
Vertigo linked to osteoporosis
Small investments to battle soybean pest paying off big, says MSU researcher
Wild grass became maize crop more than 8,700 years ago
Licorice compound offers new cancer prevention strategy
Researchers find the earliest evidence of domesticated maize
New research reveals the earliest evidence for corn in the New World
Licorice extract blocks colorectal cancer in mice
Early agriculture left traces in animal bones
Columbia researchers identify early brain marker for familial form of depression
Listening to pleasant music could help restore vision in stroke patients, suggests study
Plastic protein protects bacteria from stomach acid's unfolding power
Coenzyme rare to bacteria critical to Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival
DNA duplication: A mechanism for 'survival of the fittest'
Combination of very low LDL and normal systolic blood pressure attenuate coronary artery disease
Caltech scientists create new enzymes for biofuel production
Research links evolution of fins and limbs with that of gills
Social isolation makes strokes more deadly, study finds
Inflation 'felt' to be not so bad as a wage cut
Food choices evolve through information overload
Scientists find climate change to have paradoxical effects in coastal wetlands
Molecular fingerprints point the way to earlier cancer diagnosis and more targeted treatment
MIT: New material could lead to faster chips