Archive of articles published on the 7th of April 2009
Weight gain early in life leads to physical disabilities in older adults
Cigarette smoke may alter immune response in COPD exacerbations
Acupuncture 'probably ineffective' in treatment of hot flushes
Rare window on spinal muscular atrophy genetics
Major breakthrough in transplantation immunity
Scientists discover pentagonal ice
New security and medical sensor devices made possible by metallic nanostructures
New, simple method identifies preterm infants at risk of eye disease
Rhythmic genomics -- the yeast metronome and the walk of life
Better living through chemistry
Separating the beneficial effects of a drug from the adverse side effects
I'm forever imploding bubbles
Has HIV become more virulent?
Not just a long-distance relationship: Immune cells in skin fight off infection better than the rest
Earthshine reflects Earth's oceans and continents from the dark side of the moon
When physical and mental health problems co-occur and money gets tight, which prescriptions go unfilled?
Tiny super-plant can clean up animal waste and be used for ethanol production
Altered gene can increase risk of schizophrenia
Fitting pieces for biosensors
U study shows MRI-based method holds promise for predicting treatment outcomes in patients with AF
'Pain in the ICU' report suggests comprehensive approach
VA/UAB study looks at functional decline in older patients after hospitalization
Intervention reduces children's viewing of violent TV
Cheap and efficient white light LEDs new design described in AIP's Journal of Applied Physics
Joslin study pinpoints role of insulin on glucagon levels
Genetic risk factors play role in autoantibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis
Oral contraceptives associated with increased risk of lupus
Fat-derived inflammatory factor may explain diseases that come with obesity
New drug shows promising results for psoriatic arthritis
Patient preferences play role in racial disparities in rheumatoid arthritis treatment
High-fat diets plus extra protein make for bad mix
UIC biologists use DNA to study migration of threatened whale sharks
Weight discrimination could contribute to the glass ceiling effect for women, study finds
Desert woodrats switch one dietary poison for another
Human impacts on coral reefs of Northwestern Hawaiian islands revealed
Bridging the gap between wireless sensor networks and the scientists who use them
Is love at first sight real? Geneticists offer tantalizing clues
Gene therapy appears safe to regenerate gum tissue
Digital album puts focus on kids' health
New medications show promise in treating drug-resistant prostate cancer
Waist size found to be predictor of heart failure in both men and women
Cognitive behavior therapy helps older adults with anxiety reduce worry, improve mental health
Teaching autistic teens to make friends
More intense bladder cancer treatment does not improve survival, U-M study finds
More intensive treatment not associated with better outcomes in early bladder cancer
Violent video games can improve vision
Studies indicate exercise training may provide some benefit for patients with heart failure
Exercise improves quality of life for heart failure patients
Exercise is safe, improves outcomes for patients with heart failure
Exercise is safe, improves quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure
Also in the April 7 JNCI
Multifocal lung cancers appear to originate from single cancer clone
Adult brain processes fractions 'effortlessly'
Mayo researchers discover mechanism of cell type-specific signaling in tumor development
Growth factor TGF-B helps maintain health of retinal blood vessels
Wild chimpanzees exchange meat for sex
Climate change to spur rapid shifts in wildfire hotspots