Archive of articles published on the 8th of April 2009
Owls' dawn and dusk concerts promote visual communication
Mexican health care program successful at reducing crippling health care costs
New Mexican health-care program successful at reducing crippling health care costs
Reserves found to be 'effective tool' for reducing fires in Brazilian rainforests
Too much protein, eaten along with fat, may lead to insulin resistance
Key protein in cellular respiration discovered
Mexico's health insurance success offers lessons for US reforms, Lancet study suggests
Meat for sex in wild chimpanzees
High-dose radiation improves lung cancer survival, U-M study finds
Telemonitoring changes the working practice of cardiac nurses
How tumor cells move
Community provides essential support to military families
A strong business plan is most important when investing in start-ups
Certain states more aggressive with anti-smoking policies
Einstein researchers devise a fast and sensitive way to detect ricin
Vitamin D deficiency related to increased inflammation in healthy women
Chinese slimming capsules
Impact of floods on soils
NC State researchers find soy may aid in treating canine cancers
Blood tests reveal tobacco smoke residues in non-smoking New Yorkers
Quantum computers will require complex software to manage errors
Rush University Medical Center orthopaedic experts examine overhead
Ma and Pa solutions to global warming
Nano changes rise to macro importance in a key electronics material
Parkinson's disease medication triggers destructive behaviors
Wristbands ease nausea with cancer treatment
Prune juice not necessary: New research should make bowel movements easier
First screening in Italy on children's health in prison
Middle school youth as young as 12 engaging in risky sexual activity
New research shows children take a toll on marital bliss
Did a nickel famine trigger the 'Great Oxidation Event'?
Caltech researchers train computers to analyze fruit-fly behavior
Scientists develop method for comprehensive proteome analysis
UBC, U of T team helps solve mystery of starlight's origins
AGU journal highlights -- April 6, 2009
X marks the spot: Ions coldly go through NIST trap junction
Traditional media provide more comprehensive news than citizen media and blogs, MU researchers find
Scientists identify key gene that protects against leukemia
Ancient diatoms lead to new technology for solar energy
Study compares sound from exploding volcanoes with jet engines
UNH: Pavement sealcoat a source of toxins in stormwater runoff
Research could lead to new non-antibiotic drugs to counter hospital infections
Drug shows activity in men with advanced prostate cancer
Caltech scientists control complex nucleation processes using DNA origami seeds
Aerosols may drive a significant portion of arctic warming
Vitamin D may exacerbate autoimmune disease
Field stations foster serendipitous discoveries in environmental, biological sciences
Heartburn medications do not ease asthma symptoms
Study: Treatment for acid reflux does not improve asthma
Acid reflux without symptoms does not worsen asthma
Stop prescribing heartburn medication to asthma patients without acid reflux
Purple does not stand for prevention in asthma
Enzyme therapy slows kidney function decline
Test predicts who will develop end-stage renal disease
Joslin study identifies 'good' energy burning fat in lean adults
Soybean component reduces menopause effects
A new link between nickel, methane gas and the evolution of complex life forms on Earth
Stem cell therapy makes cloudy corneas clear, according to Pitt researchers