Archive of articles published on the 26th of May 2009
Well water should be tested annually to reduce health risks to children
A new mouse model provides insight into genetic neurological disorders
Zebrafish provide a model for cancerous melanoma in humans
Poor attention in kindergarten predicts lower high school test scores, UC Davis researchers find
New technique could find water on Earth-like planets orbiting distant suns
Comprehensive cardiogenetic testing for families of sudden unexplained death victims can save lives
Targeting the more lethal form of the cancer rhabdomyosarcoma
Pediatrician creates easier way to identify kids' high BP
Computer-based programs provide help for smokers trying to quit
Monash researchers lead the way in blood clotting discovery
Refusing immunizations puts children at increased risk of pertussis infection
What is the function of lymph nodes?
MSU discoveries upend traditional thinking about how plants make certain compounds
The neurobiology of musicality related to the intrinsic attachment behavior?
One size does not fit all
The evolution of gene regulation
Scientists find city rats are loyal to their 'hoods
Caffeic acid inhibits colitis in a mouse model -- is a drug-metabolizing gene crucial?
Arthritis drug might prove effective in fighting the flu, study suggests
Researchers gain ground in efforts to fight parasite infection
BUSM researchers find no adjustment method fully resolves confounding by indication
Strict maternal feeding practices not linked to child weight gain
PET scan can non invasively measure early assessment of treatment for common type of breast cancer
Study shows bank risk-assessment tool not responding adequately to market fluctuations
Mayo study finds that team preop briefing improves communication, reduces errors
NASA/University team develops new method to find alien oceans
Fast and cheap forecasting system for Mediterranean cyclones
Jeepers creepers: Climate change threatens endangered honeycreepers
New research helps explain how connexin hemichannels are kept closed
Is vitamin D deficiency linked to Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia?
Can we afford the cancer care of the future?
Carbohydrate restriction may slow prostate tumor growth
Scientists reaching consensus on how brain processes speech
Spring agricultural fires have large impact on melting Arctic
Microfossils challenge prevailing views of the effects of 'Snowball Earth' glaciations on life
Activated stem cells in damaged lungs could be first step toward cancer
'Disordered' amino acids may really be there to provide wiggle room for signaling protein
Nearly 1 million Californians seek medical care in Mexico annually
NEJM study finds drug-eluting stents more effective than bare-metal stents in heart attack patients
New therapy substitutes missing protein in those with muscular dystrophy
Mayo Clinic Proceedings: The evolution of migraine from episodic headache to chronic disorder
Study questions whether Ontario's primary health care reforms serve the sick and poor
National study finds youth baseball-related injuries down 25 percent
Researchers identify biological markers that may indicate poor breast cancer prognosis
Less-toxic drug prolongs survival in metastatic breast cancer
Markers for inflammation discovered in breast cancer survivors are linked to survival
Green tea extract shows promise in leukemia trials
M. D. Anderson study finds dramatic increase in metastatic colon cancer survival
Study compares NFL players' health to that of other healthy young men
JAMA study: Effectively managing pain with depression
Intervention helps reduce pain and depression
Diabetes drug shows promise against multiple sclerosis
A hidden drip, drip, drip beneath Earth's surface
NASA uses satellite to unearth innovation in crop forecasting
Pediatric carbon monoxide poisoning linked to video games after Hurricane Ike
Use of acid-suppressive medications associated with increased risk of hospital-acquired pneumonia
JNCI May 26 issue tip sheet
New broad-spectrum vaccine to prevent cervical cancer induces strong responses in animals
Lifelong cancer risk for patients treated for childhood cancer
Cancer drug causes patient to lose fingerprints and be detained by US immigration
Predicting higher risk for prostate cancer diagnosis
Culture change to encourage whistleblowing needed, says expert
Study questions impact of GP pay incentives on patient care
New way of gauging professional behavior in medical students
Oldest evidence of leprosy found in India
What is the function of lymph nodes?
Meet the complete mouse -- whole mouse genome sequence published
Shellfish face an uncertain future in a high CO2 world
In rare disease, a familiar protein disrupts gene function
In a rare disorder, a familiar protein disrupts gene function
Did the North Atlantic fisheries collapse due to fisheries-induced evolution?
Viruses are sneakier than we thought
Scientists find formula to uncover our planet's past and help predict its future
Study: Teachers choose schools according to student race
Following a healthy lifestyle is on the decline in the US