Archive of articles published on the 16th of July 2009
Indigenous health experts reject MP's call for removal of alcohol restriction
UT Southwestern researchers investigate high-risk populations for bladder-cancer screenings
Possible dinosaur burrows clues to survival strategies
Study to assess hip exercises as treatment for osteoarthritis in the knee joints
34 US Nobel Laureates urge inclusion of $150 billion in climate legislation
Primate archaeology, proposal of a new research field
Gliomas exploit immune cells of the brain for rapid expansion
Less trouble at mill, thanks to earthworms
Improving postoperative quality of life in gastric cancer patients by a special reconstruction method
What are the characteristics of clarithromycin-resistant Helicobacter pylori?
1 disease, 2 effects: Stroke
Obesity raises risk of complications in pregnancy, study shows
Cystic fibrosis treatments may have unseen long-term benefits
An eagle of cosmic proportions
Is a society with smokers profitable?
Researchers find that eating high levels of fructose impairs memory in rats
Estrogen can reduce stroke damage by inactivating protein
New study finds 'delinquent behavior among boys contagious'
Survey finds 6 in 10 Americans believe serious outbreak of H1N1 likely in fall/winter
Knowing me, myself and I: What psychology can contribute to self-knowledge
Multitasking ability can be improved through training
New geothermal heat extraction process to deliver clean power generation
Stress and depression worsen childhood asthma, UB researchers show
Solar cycle linked to global climate
Active video games a good alternative for kids
Military model shows why defeating insurgent groups like Taliban is so difficult
Targeting MMPs to halt advanced metastatic breast cancer
New pheromone helps female flies tell suitors to 'buzz off'
Cost-effective strategy to screen second primary colorectal cancers in cancer survivors
A potential targeting gene therapy for developing HCV
Nepean Dyspepsia Index applies to functional dyspepsia in China
Enhancement of pancreatic cancer on dynamic CT: Does it correlate with angiogenesis and fibrosis?
Solar cycle linked to global climate, drives events similar to El Nino, La Nina
Technology is key for biofuel success
Data show ATryn effectively prevents serious blood clots
Caltech, JPL scientists say that microbial mats built 3.4-billion-year-old stromatolites
Study reveals sandfish tucks legs and swims like a snake through desert sand
'Motion picture' of past warming paves way for snapshots of future climate change
Learning is social, computational, supported by neural systems linking people
New science of learning offers preview of tomorrow's classroom
Researchers discover evolutionary event underlying the origin of dachshunds, dogs with short legs
Falling birth rates shift rotavirus epidemics
Research indicates ocean current shutdown may be gradual
Secrets of a life-giving amino acid revealed by Yale researchers
La Jolla Institute discovers genetic trigger for disease-fighting antibodies
Genetic source of muscular dystrophy neutralized
Barrow researchers identify new brain receptor, possible target for Alzheimer's treatment
Mayo Clinic researchers find previous exercise helps stroke patients recover faster
Argonne develops program for cyber security 'neighborhood watch'
JNCI news brief: Thalidomide does not improve survival in small cell lung cancer
Edible coating makes fish filets longer-lasting, healthier
Higher speed limits cost lives
11 leading national experts reach consensus on beneficial biofuels
USC study finds links between obesity and adolescents' social networks
Ancient global warming episode holds clues to future climate, UH Manoa researcher says
New information about DNA repair mechanism could lead to better cancer drugs
Gene regulates immune cells' ability to harm the body
Baking soda: For cooking, cleaning, and kidney health?
Discovery of new transmission patterns may help prevent rotavirus epidemics
Serum bile acid profiling for inflammatory bowel disease characterization
Our metallic reflection: Considering future human-android interactions
Male sex chromosome losing genes by rapid evolution, study reveals
Researchers uncover genetic variants linked to blood pressure in African-Americans
Hospital software improves patient satisfaction at discharge from hospital