Archive of articles published on the 11th of January 2010
A solid case of entanglement
Ongoing human evolution could explain recent rise in certain disorders
New ways to pressure HIV
Why do people 'play the longshot' and buy insurance? It's in our genes
A new species of lichen discovered in the Iberian Peninsula
Neuroimaging may shed light on how Alzheimer's disease develops
Physicians' moods affect quality of care, according to Ben-Gurion University study
Considering the evidence in health care
The Asia-Pacific Partnership and the Kyoto Protocols: In conflict or cooperation?
New spider species discovered by University of Haifa scientists
Race, obesity affect outcomes among diabetics following prostatectomy
Segregating out UbcH10's role in tumor formation
New target discovered for treatment of cancer
IOM report recommends steps to tackle hepatitis B and C
Economists: Appliance rebates waste government money
Study shows key role environment plays in developing reading skills
Study reveals how one form of natural vitamin E protects brain after stroke
A deadly scorpion provides a safe pesticide
Yoga reduces cytokine levels known to promote inflammation
Biologists merge methods, results from different disciplines to find new meaning in old data
Mango effective in preventing, stopping certain colon, breast cancer cells
Insecticide-treated net program in Tanzania
Ancient Egyptian cosmetics: 'Magical' makeup may have been medicine for eye disease
Excess protein in urine is indicator of heart disease risk in whites, but not blacks
Still safely at sea, Edzani now a tropical storm
Drug shows promise as new treatment for gut tumor
Friendship may help stem rise of obesity in children, study finds
Got cognitive activity? It does a mind good
Microbe understudies await their turn in the limelight
Study shows that delivering stem cells improves repair of major bone injuries in rats
Discovery provides new drug targets for malaria cure
Researchers trace HIV mutations that lead to drug resistance
Blocking nuclear receptor may cut off tumor blood supply
Use of body ornamentation shows Neanderthal mind capable of advanced thought
Climate conditions in 2050 crucial to avoid harmful impacts in 2100
Genetic variant associated with aggressive form of prostate cancer
Raft or bridge: How did iguanas reach tiny Pacific islands?
Disconnect between brain regions in ADHD
Bifocals may slow progression of nearsightedness in children
Diabetic eye disease more severe in African-Americans who consume more calories, sodium
New quantum cascade lasers emit more light than heat
Faster and more efficient software for the US Air Force
Reducing dosage of Parkinson's drugs can cause symptoms similar to those of cocaine withdrawal
Cornea cell density predictive of graft failure at 6 months post-transplant
Exercise associated with preventing, improving mild cognitive impairment
Small amounts of lead may damage children's kidneys
UC Davis study: Butterflies reeling from impacts of climate and development
For gunshot and stab victims, on-scene spine immobilization may do more harm than good
Scientists sequence genome of the woodland strawberry, a model system for rosaceae plants
Regulatory network balances stem cell maintenance, differentiation
FDA warnings associated with reduced atypical antipsychotic use among older adults with dementia
Study examines prescribing of antipsychotic medications for nursing home residents
Breast cancer multigene test helping patients avoid chemotherapy
Impact of FDA safety warnings examined
Gastroenterologists study mind/body techniques for treating celiac disease
Workers' comp research provides insight into curbing health-care costs
Growth factor hit by cancer drugs also protects heart
Program may prevent knee injuries in young female soccer players
Weekend strokes may receive more aggressive treatment
Sedentary TV time may cut life short
Imaging studies help detect underlying cancers in patients with neurologic symptoms
Clustering MRSA in Europe indicates diffusion through regional health-care networks
Tobacco company helped shape European policy system favoring corporate profits over public health