Archive of articles published on the 21st of January 2010
Stain repellent chemical linked to thyroid disease in adults
PrEP treatment prevented HIV transmission in humanized mice
Heart attack victims who have ECGs in the field experience shorter time-to-treatment
Even small dietary reductions in salt could mean fewer heart attacks, strokes and deaths
Researchers develop new bushfire warning device
Low vitamin D levels associated with greater risk of relapse in childhood-onset multiple sclerosis
Researchers identify a new gene involved in autophagy, the cellular recycling program
UVa engineers find significant environmental impacts with algae-based biofuel
Unwanted guests: How herpes simplex virus gets rid of the cell's security guards
Teaching computer games
Bubble physicist counts bubbles in the ocean to answer questions about climate, sound, light
Mountain plants unable to withstand invasion
Adverse reactions from gadolinium-based contrast agents used during MRI rarely occur, study suggests
Digital mammography delivers significantly less radiation than conventional mammography
Disease severity in H1N1 patients
Study finds face masks and hand hygiene can help limit influenza's spread
Team finds childhood clues to adult schizophrenia
Can modern-day plants trace their New Zealand ancestry?
Engineers: New sensor could help treat, combat diabetes, other diseases
Ultrasound plus proteomic blood analyses may help physicians diagnose early-stage ovarian cancer
Large medical center reduces CT scans and patient radiation exposure through a simple, educational intervention
Inflammation 'on switch' also serves as 'off switch'
Identification of the gene responsible for a new form of adult muscular dystrophy
Lack of cellular enzyme triggers switch in glucose processing
Obesity ups cancer risk, and here's how
Changing flowering times protect tobacco plants against insect herbivory
Link between obesity and enhanced cancer risk elucidated
Tobacco plant thwarts caterpillar onslaught by opening flowers in the morning
Stroke's 'death signal' discovered; may aid drug development
LSUHSC research yields promising stroke treatment
Discovery of algae's toxic hunting habits could help curb fish kills
'Cooling' forests can heat too
New evidence links humans to megafauna demise
San Andreas Fault study unearths new quake information
Video of virus in action shows viruses can spread faster than thought possible
Scientists discover cells critical to childhood leukemia
Watching crystals grow provides clues to making smoother, defect-free thin films
Tracking MRSA evolution and transmission
Slime design mimics Tokyo's rail system
Scientists using X-ray vision to produce more nutritious flour
Go easy on the environment -- and our wallets, says Generation Y
Language structure is partly determined by social structure, says Penn psychology study
Popular handheld devices show promise in the field of emergency radiology
Notre Dame study focuses on protein dynamics
Pitt research explores how categories and environment create satisfied and well-informed consumers
Ask the non-experts
Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology
How does an outfielder know where to run for a fly ball?
Zebrafish swim into drug development
Degree of obesity raises risk of stroke, regardless of gender, race
Tropical Storm Magda puts North Western Australian on alert
Managing Pacific Northwest dams for a changing climate
NASA research finds last decade was warmest on record, 2009 one of warmest years
A computer per student leads to higher performance than traditional classroom settings
NYSCF Fellow lead author on study that creates blood vessel cells from stem cells
Study shows value of sexual reproduction versus asexual reproduction
Water hits and sticks: Findings challenge a century of assumptions about soil hydrology
CWRU research finds first oral bacteria linking a mother and her stillborn baby
Lung cancer patients who quit smoking double their survival chances
High vitamin D levels linked to lower risk of colon cancer
Malnutrition higher in children born to child brides
Genetics helps to crack down on chimpanzee smuggling
US birth weights on the decline