Archive of articles published on the 1st of October 2010
Researchers find no difference in drugs for macular degeneration
Adjunctive rufinamide reduces refractory partial-onset seizures
Genetically altered trees, plants could help counter global warming
Is photoscreening the best way to catch 'lazy eye'?
Most suicidal adolescents receive follow-up care after ER visits
Flow of empty calories into children's food supply must be reduced
Major disease-vector mosquito reveals the secrets of its immune system
Iowa State University researcher examines mosquito gene for new disease response
Glutamate and dopamine: Biological predictors of the transition to psychosis?
Study shows real partners are no match for ideal mate
Women who get dental care have lower risk of heart disease, says study
How warm was this summer?
Scarless brain surgery is new option for patients
Language delays found in siblings of children with autism
Researchers discover genetic changes that make some forms of brain cancer more aggressive
Classroom canines stimulate children's love of literacy
Boston Medical Center research study validates the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale
New league table of Spanish savings banks created
Think saturated fat contributes to heart disease? Think again
Newly discovered planet may be first truly habitable exoplanet
Pension reform vital to maintaining Canadians' standard of living
New USDA study shows extent of land degradation and recovery on western rangelands
Protein provides link between calcium signaling in excitable and non-excitable cells
Research identifies a new bacterial foe in CF
Researchers engineer adult stem cells that do not age
Proposed dietary guidelines for Americans sharply debated
Experts urge making cigarettes non-addictive a research priority
Gene variations that alter key enzyme linked to prostate cancer
Growth of biofuel industry hurt by GMO regulations
Ocean conditions likely to reduce Colorado River flows during this winter's drought
Research suggests climate change target 'not safe'
JCI online early table of contents: Oct. 1, 2010
Mayo Clinic review of ethical decision making with end-of-life care
Climate change forcing a 'move it or lose it' approach to species conservation?
NASA's Webb telescope MIRI instrument takes one step closer to space
GOES-13 sees an unholy matrimony: Nicole and low pressure swamp the US East Coast
Johns Hopkins researchers turn off severe food allergies in mice
Parkinson's disease: Excess of special protein identified as key to symptoms and possible new target for treatment with widely used anti-cancer drug imatinib
University of Hawaii at Manoa professor co-authors study on tennis grunting effects
Vigorous exercise reduces breast cancer risk in African-American women
Adults in Puerto Rico aware of genetic testing, but use remains low
Low socioeconomic status linked with more severe colorectal cancer