Archive of articles published on the 4th of February 2010
Possible pharmacological target(s) identified in pediatric OSA
NIH scientists identify maternal and fetal genes that increase preterm birth risk
New research shows genes of pregnant women and their fetuses can increase the risk of preterm labor
Genes of pregnant women and their fetuses can increase the risk of preterm labor
Yale-developed test can help predict and diagnose preeclampsia
Acupuncture found effective against depression during pregnancy
Ultrasound measurement of fetal adrenal gland a better predictor of preterm birth
Report documents statewide initiative to reduce near-term scheduled births
Study finds sutures cause fewer complications than staples with cesarean deliveries
Waiting for birth or inducing found equally effective for women with IUGR
Genes that regulate maternal inflammatory response, bacterial vaginosis and preterm birth related
Madly mapping the universe
Promising results shown for kidney cancer drug
In schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, life is not black and white
Patient interest in video recording of colonoscopy
Commercial fishing endangers dolphin populations
Habit-learning device will lower energy bills under new clean energy cashback scheme
Soft intelligence for hard decisions
York study maps the effects of acupuncture on the brain
According to new survey, Americans support strong climate, energy policies
Melatonin precursor stimulates growth factor circuits in brain
Breakthrough by Danish scientists in preventing maternal malaria
Cocaine or ecstasy consumption during adolescence increases risk of addiction
Economist's study finds that immigration doesn't threaten US-born students' chances at college
3 years out, safety checklist continues to keep hospital infections in check
Forming the present-day spiral galaxies
Where did today's spiral galaxies come from?
MIT researchers build first germanium laser
Use of acetaminophen in pregnancy associated with increased asthma symptoms in children
More than 30 percent of seniors are not immunized against pneumonia in 36 states
New material absorbs, conserves oil
ARS scientists turn to a wild oat to combat crown rust
Study reveals potential evolutionary role for same-sex attraction
Patients with mild gallstone pancreatitis can undergo surgery sooner, shortening hospital stays
It looks, feels and tastes like chicken, but it's made of soy
Cracking the code on common wrist injury
'Subjective time' can improve your bottom line
UCSF researchers identify regulator of human sperm cells
How sperm get a move on; discovery suggests new target for male contraception
Nuclear pore complexes harbor new class of gene regulators
Research finds water movements can shape fish evolution
First discovery of the female sex hormone progesterone in a plant
Moss helps chart the conquest of land by plants
Molecular 'firing squad' in mice triggered by overeating destroys metabolism
Oceans reveal further impacts of climate change, says UAB expert
A feasible and safe treatment for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma in elderly patients
Prion leaves lasting mark on memory
Online programs improve fruit and vegetable consumption
Aiming to the side
Scientists ID a protein that splices and dices genes
Yale scientists complete color palette of a dinosaur for the first time
Migrating insects fly in the fast lane
'Zen' bats hit their target by not aiming at it
Yes, ecology shapes evolution, but guppies show reverse also true
$32 million CU-Boulder instrument package to study space weather set for NASA launch Feb. 9
Tests showing smokers their individual risk of future disease will help them quit, says paper
Endoscopy-based research can effect quality of life in healthy volunteers?
More study needed to halt Illinois job slump, economist says
NIST's second 'quantum logic clock' based on aluminum ion is now world's most precise clock
Ancient remains put teeth into Barker hypothesis
Democratic, republican presidents have had similar economic records, says political scientist
New ORNL system provides hybrid electric autos with power to spare
Pentagon and Congress should act quickly to end gay military ban, APA says
U of I faculty assist in evaluating US food security programs
GOES-P all fueled up
Rice physicists kill cancer with 'nanobubbles'
Panel calls for reducing colorectal cancer deaths by striking down barriers to screening
New study finds possible source of beta cell destruction that leads to Type 1 diabetes
Cyclone Oli reaches category 4 strength on its way to open waters
'Artificial pancreas' a step nearer for children with type 1 diabetes
Bacteria toxic to wound-treating maggots