Archive of articles published on the 8th of February 2010
Marijuana ineffective as an Alzheimer's treatment: UBC-Vancouver Coastal Health research
Soft drink consumption may increase risk of pancreatic cancer
Financial hardship contributes to diagnosis anxiety
Medicare reimbursement change meant to save money has opposite effect
More smokers than non-smokers accept HPV vaccination for their daughters
A potent suppressor of endometrial cancer is revealed
Mice shed new light on causes of childhood deafness
Few women take tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer
Research reveals link between beer and bone health
Family meals, adequate sleep and limited TV may lower childhood obesity
UC Davis study confirms link between advanced maternal age and autism
Metabolite common among cancers
Morality research sheds light on the origins of religion
New CATCH rule to determine need for CT scans in children with minor head injury
The private sale of drugs in public hospitals
Hand-grip strength associated with poor survival
Study reveals new details on the dangers of third-hand smoke
Brown biologist solves mystery of tropical grasses' origin
Caltech neuroscientists discover brain area responsible for fear of losing money
Patients 'unafraid' to gamble highlight role of amygdala in decision-making
Drug shows promise for Huntington's disease
Medication appears well-tolerated, beneficial in Huntington's disease patients
Mediterranean diet may lower risk of brain damage that causes thinking problems
Infection-fighting antibodies made in plants as effective as costlier conventional version
High-altitude climbs may cause corneal swelling, but do not appear to affect vision
Glaucoma medications may be associated with reduced risk of death over 4-year period
Hypertension may predict dementia in older adults with certain cognitive deficits
Usual care often not consistent with clinical guidelines for low back pain
Study examines course and treatment of unexplained chest pain
Lower detection of prostate cancer with PSA screening in US than in a European randomized trial
Method of the future uses single-cell imaging to identify gene interactions
Marker of Ewing sarcoma: Potential new drug target?
Gadgets not related to teenagers' brain pain
Depressed people feel more gray than blue
JCI online early table of contents: Feb. 8, 2010
Enhancing arrest of cell growth to treat cancer in mice
Will earlier springs throw nature out of step?
Nicotine replacement therapy is over-promoted since most ex-smokers quit unassisted