Archive of articles published on the 29th of March 2010
Few drive well while yakking on cell phones
Inequities exists in disease burden, health care and access for minority children
Childhood cancer patients enrolled in clinical trials need clearer communication about their role
Measuring the stability of organic waste
Diabetes raises risk of death in cancer surgery patients
Common mechanisms of drug abuse and obesity
Cutting fat -- and calories -- from cakes and frostings
Breakthrough design opens door to 'full screen' Braille displays for the blind
Study from CWRU Nursing School finds a year after cardiac event only 37 percent still exercising
University of Guam professors publish article in International Journal of Intercultural Relations
The forests of the Basque Country are progressing -- slowly, according to research group
New ethical guidelines needed for dementia research
E20 fuel reduces carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions in automobiles
Weathercasters take on role of science educators; feel some uncertainty on issue of climate change
Why metastasic cells migrate
Chemical cocktail affects humans and the environment
Plant hormone regulates nectar production
Practice doesn't make perfect, but it comes fairly close
Exotic plant takes over dunes of Southern Spain
Researchers equip robot sub with sensory system inspired by blind fish
'That was my idea' -- Group brainstorming settings and fixation
Advances reported in quest for drugs targeting childhood cancer
Scientists discover world's smallest superconductor
Promising strategy for treatment of lung cancer
From the clinics to the bench and back -- phenytoin as a mood stabilizer?
Predicting what they say
New clinical prediction index to help patients considering kidney transplant
Deep vein thrombosis is more likely to occur on the left side of pregnant women
The death of euthanasia
Queen's University professor's chemistry discovery may revolutionize cooking oil production
Alzheimer's rat created for human research
1980s video icon glows on Saturn moon
Researchers identify potential new target for treating hepatitis C
Molecular middle managers make more decisions than bosses
Microbes reprogrammed to ooze oil for renewable biofuel
After the next sunset, please turn right
CSHL scientists reverse Alzheimer's-like memory loss in fruit flies
Moral judgments can be altered
U of I researchers identify new soybean aphid biotype
UC San Diego energy dashboard to help campus curb appetite for power
Scorpion venom provides clues to cause, treatment of pancreatitis
Business affiliation could increase potential risk of farm-to-farm transmission of avian influenza
An archaeological mystery in a half-ton lead coffin
Radiation after mastectomy underused, U-M study finds
Orange corn holds promise for reducing blindness, child death
Protein linked to problems with executive thinking skills
Clues to pregnancy-associated breast cancer found
Microorganisms in toxic groundwater fine-tuned to survive
Did climate influence Angkor's collapse?
Study shows that mutations in 1 gene cause many cancers
Children's sense of threat from parental fighting determines trauma symptoms
Dangerous plaques in blood vessels rupture by overproducing protein-busting enzymes
Brown University-led team discovers how bats avoid collisions
Having plenty of supportive relatives increases fear of dying
How immune cells 'sniff out' bacteria
Possible 'superbug' status for STI
Urine sprays during courtship send mixed messages
Acupuncture calms highly anxious dental patients
Hyenas' laughter signals deciphered
Bacterial 'food supplements' for small algae
Fibromyalgia symptoms improved by lifestyle adjustments
Personalizing medicine to prevent pandemics
Can animal models of disease reliably inform human studies?
Vital role for bacteria in climate-change gas cycle
New mathematical model helps biologists understand how coral dies in warming waters
Preventing road deaths -- new research and magazine articles from PLoS Medicine
UT Southwestern researchers find clues to TB drug resistance