Archive of articles published on the 15th of April 2010
Better patient safety linked to fewer medical malpractice claims in California
Playing a video game before bedtime has only a mild effect on adolescent sleep
Slobbery kisses from 'man's best friend' aid cancer research
Shelve routine use of costly silver wound dressings, says DTB
Slumber aids could improve intensive care outcomes
The association between sleep disturbances and reduced quality of life varies by race
Multimedia search without detours
Trying to eradicate a disease is a waste of money: researcher
Innovation in science
New studies reveal that age-related nerve decline is associated with inflammation, differs by gender
'Black box' plankton found to have huge role in ocean carbon fixation
Neurons growing in line
Quality improvement in neonatal and perinatal medicine covered in Clinics in Perinatology
New satellite image of volcanic ash cloud
Older drivers often involved in daytime crashes more severe than younger drivers' crashes
Novel strategy for generating induced pluripotent stem cells for clinical use is safe and efficient
Routine screening for pediatric chronic kidney disease is not effective
Study shows potential benefit of dark chocolate for liver disease patients
Research findings underscore needed action to safeguard lungs of young cancer survivors
Pitt Dental School researchers find susceptibility for caries, gum disease in genes
It takes only 5 minutes to assess disability in patients with depression
Researchers prove the gene responsible for Duchenne muscular dystrophy can be repaired
Stalagmite reveals carbon footprint of early Native Americans
Quantity may determine quality when choosing romantic partners
Minorities hit hardest by arthritis
Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology
New U of A research goes against mom's advice that routine lifting is bad for your back
Cellular channel may open doors to skin conditions, hair growth
Caltech-led team uncovers new functions of mitochondrial fusion
USC researchers discover new molecular subtype of brain cancer
From wimp to jock: How a cell motor gets pushy
High-altitude metabolism lets mice stay slim and healthy on a high-fat diet
Rare gene variants linked to high risk of broad range of seizure disorders
Temperature-sensing protein linked to skin cancer, hirsutism
MSU study: US needs better-trained math teachers to compete globally
Visualization of geographic patterns may predict spread of disease
Driving ban for epileptics
Growth curve analyses of Finnish population shed light on the genetic regulation of growth in height
Study IDs first molecules that protect cells against deadly ricin poison
For post-boomers, public education worth more than Social Security and Medicare
Black men with chronic pain at higher risk for depression, disability
Switch that enables Salmonella to sabotage host cells revealed in new study
Lessons from the pond: Clues from green algae on the origin of males and females
Perhaps a longer lifespan, certainly a longer 'health span'
'Missing' heat may affect future climate change
Rock of ages: Clues about Mars evolution revealed
Perchance to dream, perchance to write for young children
Low vitamin D levels associated with more asthma symptoms and medication use
Using neutrons to peer inside a battery designed for hybrid locomotives
The forgotten political generation
'Missing' heat may affect future climate change
Hydrocooling shows promise for reducing strawberry weight loss, bruising
Diet high in B vitamins lowers heart risks in Japanese study
Knowing when poultry goes foul
NIST detector counts photons with 99 percent efficiency
Molecular discovery points to new therapies for brain tumors
Human development index linked to stem cell transplant rates and success in leukemia patients
Grape news: New treatment combination safe alternative to sulfur dioxide
Source of zodiac glow identified
Weekend hospital admissions are higher risk for patients with acute kidney injury
Texas Children's Cancer Center first in Texas to magnetically lengthen nine-year-old's leg as she grows
Demystifying yield fluctuations for greenhouse tomatoes
Effectiveness of state-level pecan promotion program evaluated
Many patients don't know they had minor stroke, need emergency care
Switchgrass proves viable as nursery container substrate
Common PGR helps creeping bentgrass weather drought
Weizmann scientists developed an electronic 'nose' that can predict the pleasantness of novel odors
Odor pleasantness shown to be partly hard-wired
Congress takes another stride toward public access to research
For older adults, flu season tends to peak first in Nevada, last in Maine
Gay men and lesbians more likely to experience violent events and subsequent PTSD
Convenience drives US women to buy over-the-counter contraception in Mexico, study finds
Pittsburgh's young workforce among top 5 most educated in US
It's elemental: Potato after-cooking darkening may be affected by nutrients
Solid-state illuminator reduces nitrates in leafy green vegetables
Scientists isolate portion of virus that causes pink eye
Monocyte turnover predicts speed and severity of AIDS and onset of brain disease
Banning trans fats would save lives, say doctors
Drug shared by addicts seems to protect against HIV brain dementia
Questions remain over existence of 'new syndrome' in autistic children
Behavioral incentives mimic effects of medication on brain systems in ADHD
ADHD linked to interaction of genetics and psychology
Lung virus taking its toll on young lives, study finds
Study pins factors behind geography of human disease