Archive of articles published on the 21st of April 2010
Mercury is higher in some tuna species, according to DNA barcoding
Does the weather cause northerners to get more prostate cancer?
Computer model better than clinical judgment for diagnosing fever in young children
Using death rates to judge hospital performance 'a bad idea'
Death rates not best judge of hospital quality, researchers say
Does foreign policy help or hinder global health?
Standardized testing method for cranberry products will reveal effectiveness of UTI treatments
Breast density change linked to cancer development in WHI hormone replacement study
Mammographic density and risk of breast cancer
Researchers show that nitric oxide-donating naproxen can boost colorectal cancer prevention
Excessive alcohol consumption may lead to increased cancer risk
A little less force: Making atomic force microscopy work for cells
Rattlesnakes sound warning on biodiversity and habitat fragmentation
1 big problem with many possible solutions
Breeding orchid species creates a new perfume
Consumer preferences for Hawaiian orchids revealed
Low-tech cool: Shade trees for subtropical streets
Singapore scientists make breakthrough findings on early embryonic development
Bigger molecular-sized anesthetics do not promote amyloid beta peptide micro-aggregation
Study finds public reporting of heart-bypass surgery outcomes in California has not reduced access
Cover crop mulches tested for no-till organic onions
Chloride channels render nerve cells more excitable
Ovarian cancer study offers vital clues for new therapies
Age dramatically delays recovery of the sense of taste
VISTA captures celestial cat's hidden secrets
Surfing an alien atmosphere
Discovery of a primate more than 11 million years old
More accurate mapping of ash cloud with Risø DTU's wind energy measuring equipment
All-volunteer US military still offers a pathway for young men
Physics strategy tested as solution for antibiotic resistance
Planting depth affects popular landscape tree
Research restores credit for an engineering feat
Researchers identify a new breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene
UT Southwestern researchers identify key molecular step to fighting off viruses
CCTA: Cost-effective, noninvasive alternative to invasive cardiac catheterization for the evaluation of significant CAD
Poultry research leads to breakthrough in genetic studies of animal domestication
Framingham risk assessment doesn't accurately predict coronary artery disease, study suggests
Fish oil supplements provide no benefit to brain power
'Ancestral Eve' crystal may explain origin of life's left-handedness
Another kind of paper chase: The new quest for soft toilet paper
Toward a urine test for detecting colon cancer
Topography of mountains could complicate rates of global warming
Animal feed worse than traffic for San Joaquin Valley smog
Fossil-fuel subsidies hurting global environment, security
Experimental explanation of supercooling: Why water does not freeze in the clouds
New evidence in plants shows micro-RNA can move
Carbon, nitrogen link may provide new ways to mitigate pollution problems
Bizarre matter could find use in quantum computers
Gene therapy cures canines of inherited form of day blindness, Penn veterinary researchers say
Searching for dark energy with the whole world's supernova dataset
How red wine may shield brain from stroke damage
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans interpreted for practical use
Patient-physician compatibility increases odds of following doctor's orders
Student research team sequences genome of bacterium discovered in Virginia Tech garden
Distance-education students utilize computer-mediated communication
Coronary CTA a cost-effective alternative to cardiac catheterization for the evaluation of CAD
A gassy mystery: Researchers discover surprising exoplanetary atmosphere
Water, fair and foul
Telephone counseling increases daily servings of fruit, vegetables, U-M study says
NIH-led interagency group identifies research needs to study climate change and human health impacts
Research team discovers genetic variance in cancer protection from statin drugs
Color-blind racial ideology linked to racism, both online and offline
Researchers find ethnicity key to accurate obesity measurements
Do pressures to publish increase scientists' bias?
Children who lose a parent to suicide more likely to die the same way
Researchers successfully lower radiation dose associated with pediatric chest CT scans
Caltech researchers create 'sound bullets'
Expert commentary on Earth Day's 40th anniversary
ASTRO president speaks on prostate cancer at MEDCAC meeting
British heroin substitute may be associated with wide-ranging sight problems
Sports stars are no role models, say scientists
Lengthier treatment for very preterm babies has not improved survival rates
Martial arts training for elderly patients gets the green light