Archive of articles published on the 1st of May 2010
Fighting fungal infections with bacteria
Sleeping well at 100 years of age: Study searches for the secrets to healthy longevity
US Latinos have high rates of developing vision loss and certain eye conditions
New commentary suggests alternatives to routine use of OTC cold/cough meds in children
Commentary suggests alternatives to routine use of OTC cold/cough meds in children
Living in a high-crime neighborhood may worsen children's asthma
Brief treatment can ease depression in mothers
Reading level of Medicaid renewal applications often too high
Social networking sites may provide clues to teens' sexual intentions
Giving DHA supplements to breastfeeding mothers
AGA presents cutting-edge research during DDW
Study finds high rates of at-risk drinking among elderly adults
Access to primary care may reduce surgeries among children
Comprehensive asthma care keeps kids out of the hospital
Children's well-being another casualty of recession
Probiotics help extremely premature infants gain weight
Lung cancer risk particularly high for heart and liver transplant recipients
AMD risk on the rise for Asians; retinal vein 'bypass' may help many CRVO patients
In the green of health: Just 5 minutes of 'green exercise' optimal for good mental health
Beyond postpartum -- treating depression in mothers of older children
Children living in apartments with nonsmoking adults still exposed
Teens dangerously uninformed about OTC medication
Olive oil could guard against developing ulcerative colitis