Archive of articles published on the 14th of May 2010
Links between child care and academic achievement, behavior persist into adolescence
Family child care providers' behavior found to affect children's stress
Poor children more vulnerable to effects of poor sleep
Parent involvement continues to be important in elementary years
Home, preschool and school coordination boosts achievement
Study finds effects of early child care at age 15
Spitting cobras track first, predict later
Immune system compromised during spaceflight, study finds
Rise in immigration may help explain drop in violent crimes, says CU-Boulder study
Advanced geographical models bring new perspective to study of archaeology
Going to the dogs: What can shy dogs teach us about longevity?
Unstable chromosome regions are the origin of yeast's brewing capacity
New information on the development of the brain
Impact sensor provides athletic support
A warm sensor maintains skin barrier
Quantum dynamics of matter waves reveal exotic multibody collisions
Trials begin on potent new hepatitis C drug
Researchers define traits associated with prescription drug disorders in a primary care setting
Space Propulsion Congress in San Sebastián brings together 500 international experts
Clue to switch of bladder cancer from locally contained to invasive found by Jefferson scientists
Tips from the Journals of the American Society for Microbiology
Growers can boost benefits of broccoli and tomatoes
Homeless adults have significant unmet health care needs
AMP cautions consumers about direct access genetic testing
Muscle mass in elderly boosted by combining resistance exercise and blood flow restriction
The fear of falling
Belly fat or hip fat -- it really is all in your genes, says UT Southwestern researcher
New twist on potential malaria drug target acts by trapping parasites in cells
Middle-aged men: Could dwindling testosterone levels decrease sleep?
Men with bigger wallets have bigger waistlines
Baby corals dance their way home
ATS publishes joint statement on renal failure in the ICU patient