Archive of articles published on the 10th of June 2010
Uninsured Americans have 50 percent higher odds of dying in hospital from heart attack or stroke
Asthma control? We've got an app for that
AMA's position on coverage expansion was inconsistent with the views of most physicians
New function discovered in cancer-prevention protein
Videoconferencing with family members enriches the lives of nursing home residents
Collagen manufactured from transgenic tobacco plants at Hebrew University
Storm elves and sprites recorded on video
European patient survey add weight to expert call for greater clinical consensus on BTCP
New system developed for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
Researchers closer to untying autism's genetic knot
Study shows Hodgkin lymphoma survivors lack post-treatment screening for other cancers
Anxiety affects attention processes
Self-defense strategies of moss
Frontal cortex dysfunction may contribute to compulsive sexual behavior
Professor to present vision for a zero-carbon future
Flu's evolution strategy strikes perfect balance
Botox eases nerve pain in certain patients
Research: Major breakthrough will revolutionize the screening and treatment of genetic diseases
Changing Chesapeake Bay acidity impacting oyster shell growth
Do toddlers pick up gender roles during play?
Diabetes may double cancer risk in women
Experts identify biological control to contain fungus killer in Kenya's maize supply
Waste steel in the Gulf of Mexico
Nuclear pores call on different assembly mechanisms at different cell cycle stages
Sharks can really sniff out their prey, and this is how they do it
Is the current recession compromising hospital quality?
Youth clubs strengthen kids' self image to keep them out of trouble
Biologists identify genes regulating sleeping and feeding
Biologists isolate genes that regulate the sleep-feeding conflict
Researchers discover how mutations in presenilin gene cause early onset Alzheimer's disease
With fungi on their side, rice plants grow to be big
Helping the brain's messengers get from A to B
New study finds strong association between smoking and flat precancerous polyps
Many comets originally formed in other solar systems: Queen's University astronomer
Scientists strive to replace silicon with graphene on nanocircuitry
Making cancer killers
Stretching single molecules allows precision studies of interacting electrons
Many famous comets originally formed in other solar systems
Exoplanet caught on the move
Gypsy moths wreak havoc, but their own enemies are not far behind
Researchers discover mechanism that limits scar formation
New model is proposed to explain absence of organic compounds on surface of Mars
Fern's evolution gives arsenic tolerance that may clean toxic land
Stretching molecules yields new understanding of electricity
Study: Seasoned profs prepare students for advanced learning
MSU researcher identifies links between hypertension, bipolar disorders
Suspended animation protects against lethal hypothermia, study shows
Model explains rapid transition toward division of labor in biological evolution
Gout drug benefits kidney disease patients
Popular cancer drug can cause kidney damage
Family carers share the illness experience of the dying patient
Inexpensive drug to stop sight loss shown to be effective
Scottish people 'living dangerously'
Harbor seals' whiskers as good at detecting fish as echolocating dolphins