Archive of articles published on the 18th of June 2010
Scientist links increase in greenhouse gases to changes in ocean currents
Are school wellness policies stuck in the Ice Age?
Expression of certain transporter proteins may predict resistance to drug therapy
Genealogy may affect clinical differences in systemic lupus erythmatosus patients
Partners grieve rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis as much as patients
Women who consume large amounts of tea have increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis
Chinese systemic lupus erythematosus data reveal differences in epidemiology across continents
Sex lives of patients are negatively affected by rheumatoid arthritis and SLE
Risk of heart attack in patients
Sex lives of patients are negatively affected by RA and SLE
Vitamin D deficiency confirmed as common across a range of rheumatic conditions
The key role of the oceans' subpolar regions in the climate control of the tropics is confirmed
Fringe dwellers 'hold secrets of survival'
Country economy is a stronger predictor of therapy initiation
Teenagers want to finish their studies and leave home
Aerogeophysical survey provides promising prospects of economic development in Afghanistan
WHO guidelines on Buruli ulcer need adjustment
Ocean changes may have dire impact on people
Competition puts the brakes on body evolution in island lizards
Retooling the ocean conveyor belt
Oceanographers call for more ocean observing in Antarctica
Model predicts individual's vitamin D needs
Saint Louis University investigators perfect new version of blood-regulator thrombin
UM scientists design intelligent 3-D simulation robots to compete in the Robocup 2010
Love ballad leaves women more open to a date
Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology
New role for ancient clock
Over two billion hours served
Children with home computers likely to have lower test scores
Like fireflies, earthquakes may fire in synchrony
NASA watching System 94L over Lesser Antilles for development
Tropical Storm Blas bearing bouts of strong convection in NASA imagery
NASA's TRMM Satellite sees Tropical Depression 2-E dissipating
Scientists see billions of miles away
Surveillance may be suitable treatment option for patients with low-risk prostate cancer
Coffee or tea: Enjoy both in moderation for heart benefits
Fly cells flock together, follow the light
Therapeutic potential of embryonic stem cells
Awake sedation for brain surgery may shorten hospital stay
Deadly effect of arsenic in drinking water measured in massive study