Archive of articles published on the 5th of July 2010
Digital embryo gains wings
Virtual food causes stress in patients affected by eating disorders
Difficult childhoods lead to teenage drinking
Renewables account for 62 percent of the new electricity generation capacity installed in the EU in 2009
Antagonizing atherosclerosis
New tool to rule out coronary heart disease in primary care
Adolescent cyberbullies and their victims may have physical, mental health problems
Abused children appear likely to have mental disorders as young adults
Heart patients with anxiety disorder experience more cardiovascular events, deaths
Plasma protein appears to be associated with development and severity of Alzheimer's disease
Kids now see fewer television ads for sweets and beverages, but more for fast food
Delayed school start time associated with improvements in adolescent behaviors
Depression symptoms show little change during the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease
Depression may nearly double risk of dementia
Study finds higher STD rates among users of erectile dysfunction drugs
Breath of the Earth: Cycling carbon through terrestrial ecosystems
Revolutionary therapy slows tumor growth in advanced breast cancer, Penn research reports
Antioxidants do help arteries stay healthy
Salmon in hot water
Rhythm of life: Music shows potential in stroke rehabilitation
Diagnostic blood test can identify rare lung disease