Archive of articles published on the 23rd of August 2010
Rectal cancer rates are rising in young individuals
'Legacy of Katrina' report details impact of stalled recovery on mental health status of children
Cost of prostate cancer care varies with initial treatment choice
New study: More than 20,000 sledding injuries each year
New technology may prolong the life of implanted devices, from pacemakers to chemotherapy ports
Cactus genes connect modern Mexico to its prehistoric past
Study offers historic buildings protection from climate change
Good vibrations: New atom-scale products on horizon
Ancient microbes responsible for breathing life into ocean 'deserts'
Body clock drugs could ease psychiatric disorders and jet lag
Researchers connect APC protein to autism and mental retardation
Antibiotic may reduce stroke risk and injury in diabetics
Math from the heart: Simulating stent design and coating
AgriLife research identifies wheat streak resistance gene
Powerful new way to control magnetism
Smithsonian scientists help create first frozen repository for Hawaiian coral
People don't really like unselfish colleagues
New analysis weighs lost trade, costs to control invasive species against economic damages
Fermi detects gamma-rays from exploding nova
A cluster bomb for cancer care
Decade-long trial confirms benefts of steroid withdrawal for transplant patients
Government urges universal flu vaccinations
CSR origins earlier than supposed
What the locals ate 10,000 years ago
Disasters especially tough on people with disabilities, mental disorders
Sign language speakers' hands, mouths operate separately
ORNL scientists help explain graphene mystery
'Media detective' tool empowers children to skirt alcohol and tobacco marketing messages
Number of uninsured in California counties grew during recession
Canada needs health-care leadership at federal level
Polyphenol antioxidants inhibit iron absorption
Munich researchers demonstrate rocking movement in the anti-stress protein Hsp90
Plants give up some deep secrets of drought resistance
UCLA study identifies genetic variation linked to lupus in Asian men
University of Colorado Denver Business School study shows failure better teacher than success
Nicotine binding to receptor linked to breast cancer cell growth
Alcohol intake increases certain types of breast cancer
More research needed on cardiovascular disease in Asian-Americans
Regulation of cell proliferation is dependent on nucleocytoplasmic trafficking
Sensor important to understanding root, seedling development
Reshaping the gut microbiome could herald new treatments for bowel diseases
Vitamin D linked to autoimmune and cancer disease genes, underscoring risks of deficiency
Vitamin D found to influence over 200 genes, highlighting links to disease
Health diagnosis made simpler
A promising target for developing treatments against Parkinson's disease
Diabetes can cause a sugar coating that smothers body's immune defences
Alcohol-based hand disinfectants improve business productivity
Radiologists call for national strategy to address medical imaging overuse
New nuclear breast imaging technologies associated with higher cancer risks
Child abuse declines nationally in spite of economic deterioration