Archive of articles published on the 30th of August 2010
All genes in 1 go
Study identifies risk factors for cardiovascular events in patients with atherothrombosis
Heart disorder hits national epidemic proportions
Core knowledge of tree fruit expands with apple genome sequencing
IU chemists develop new 'light switch' chloride binder
Over 50? You probably prefer negative stories about young people
Research demonstrates benefits of medical cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain
Concussions in young athletes on the rise
Dramatic climate change is unpredictable
Study finds asking about pregnancy coercion and intimate-partner violence can reduce their incidence
Going live to the beating heart
Survey says: Genetics affect whether we're willing to take surveys
Networks -- not size -- give cities competitive advantage
Researchers to activate anti-cancer gene
Structural defects precede functional decline in heart muscle
Hurts so good -- neural clues to the calming effects of self-harm
Parenting study: Italians strict, French moderate, Canadians lenient
ISU researchers develop hybrid protein tools for gene cutting and editing
School-based intervention successfully lowers drinking rates in at risk children
Eye movements reveal readers' wandering minds
'Greener' than expected
Governments should pay for smoking cessation therapies
Microfluidic device allows collection, analysis of hard-to-handle immune cells
Climate change implicated in decline of horseshoe crabs
BUSPH study observes link between decongestant use in pregnant women and lower risk of preterm birth
Vancouver's supervised injection facility challenges Canada's drug laws
New study shows that oilsands mining and processing are polluting the Athabasca River
U of M research provides insights into the roots of gamblers' fallacies and other superstitions
Social isolation worsens cardiac arrest effects on heart regulation
Impact hypothesis loses its sparkle
'Stocky dragon' dinosaur terrorized Late Cretaceous Europe
First clear evidence of feasting in early humans
Strange predatory dinosaur from Europe's Late Cretaceous
Older adults experience 'destination amnesia'
UNH researchers develop improved tool for cycling fitness
UBC researchers unveil 'toolbox of MiniPromoters' for gene research and therapy
New research shows how disease-causing parasite gets around human innate immunity
African-Americans have higher risk for blood clots after receiving drug-coated stent
Get with the Guidelines -- Stroke program could be global model
Multiple sclerosis activity changes with the seasons
Devastating psychological effects of BP Gulf disaster are explored in Ecopsychology journal
Feasts at a funeral
U of Alberta researchers discover important mechanism in fighting infection
'Co-conspirator' cells could hold key to melanoma prediction, prevention
Story tips from the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, September 2010
For the first time, researchers identify and isolate adult mammary stem cells in mice
Workers rate safety most important workplace issue in new Labor Day study
Combining resistance and endurance training best for heart health