Archive of articles published on the 31st of August 2010
Marine animals suggest evidence for a trans-Antarctic seaway
Nation's leading ID experts call for mandatory flu vaccine for all health-care personnel
The neural basis of the depressive self
Success stops drug trial
Drug trial results refine treatment during angioplasty operations
Lower-dose heparin use during coronary procedure does not appear to reduce risk of major bleeding
Heart attacks jump in young Italian women
Sangart reports positive Phase IIa data for novel oxygen therapeutic agent MP4OX in trauma patients
Children raised by gay couples show good progress through school
Virus related to smallpox rising sharply in Africa, UCLA researchers find
High-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at low cost
Reading Arabic isn't easy
Tiny rulers to measure nanoscale structures
Hospitals face legal dilemma if they test incapacitated patients after needle accidents
Goodbye to cold nights
New study suggests migration does not bring happiness
Study: The bright red of cardinals means less in urban areas
Archaeological study shows human activity may have boosted shellfish size
New discovery suggests our lungs are 'innately prone' to silicosis and related diseases
Scientists discover new protein that gets to the roots of obesity and osteoporosis
American women are happier going to church than shopping on Sundays -- Ben-Gurion U. Study
Silicon oxide circuits break barrier
Why Americans believe Obama is a Muslim
Study findings show value of dietary supplement SAMe in treatment of adults with major depressive disorders
York U researcher finds new bee in downtown Toronto
Girls' early puberty linked to unstable environment via insecure attachment in infancy
Treatment for S. aureus skin infection works in mouse model
Breakthrough news involving migraine
Photo album tells story of wildlife decline
With new technique, UF astronomers find potassium in giant planet's atmosphere
The impact of new media and technology on customer relationships
Diverse diet of veggies may decrease lung cancer risk
Increasing selenium intake may decrease bladder cancer risk
Off-the-shelf dyes improve solar cells
University of Colorado students, staff help NASA decommission satellite
Developments in nanobiotechnology at UCSB point to medical applications
IceCube neutrino observatory nears complete
Obesity, diabetes epidemics continue to grow in California, UCLA study finds
LEDs illuminate eye for ocular disease screening
Free as a bird?
Researchers develop simulation to better understand the effects of sound on marine life
Hourly workforce carries burden during recession
GOES-13 catches 3 tropical cyclones thrashing through the Atlantic
NASA's Terra Satellite captures 3 tropical cyclones in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
High-fat diet during puberty linked to breast cancer risk later in life
Fuel-efficiency formula needs cars wired with better brainpower, less vroom
DASH eating plan lowers long-term heart attack risk, especially among African-Americans
Preventive cancer surgeries save women's lives
Analysis sees higher death rate for very low-birth-weight infants born at less-specialized hospitals
Home-based intervention may provide some benefit to patients with dementia and their caregivers
Babies born past term associated with increased risk of cerebral palsy
Starvation keeps sleep-deprived fly brain sharp
Tracking marine animal travel
Physical activity can reduce the genetic predisposition to obesity by 40 percent
Buying common medicines can push poor people further into poverty
Starving to avoid sleepiness, and cognitive impairments when sleep deprived
Mosquitoes use several different kinds of odor sensors to track human prey
Mosquitoes use several different kinds of odor sensors to track human prey
Health advice from pharmacists saves hundreds of millions of euros
Evolution rewritten, again and again
A decade of studying the Earth's magnetic shield, in 3-D
Mothers matter
Study links shorter sleep durations with greater risks of mental distress in young adults
Researchers analyze 'the environmentalist's paradox'
Study finds an increased risk of death in men with insomnia and a short sleep duration
Antibacterial peptide could aid in treating soldiers' burn wound infections
Hispanic kids show greater risk of substance use
Staggered radiologist work shifts improve patient care, study suggests
Risk of surgery for Crohn's disease lower than reported in recent studies
Privatizing Sweden's retail alcohol sales will increase alcohol-related violence and other harms
People want to be asked before sharing genetic data