Archive of articles published on the 14th of September 2010
End-of-life discussions need skilled and sensitive approach
Centralized health care more cost-effective, offers better access to preventive services
Discrimination hurts, but how much?
OHSU researchers able to determine brain maturity through analyzing MRI scans
WSU researchers discover key mechanism behind sleep
How do your crystals grow?
Computer in wrapping-paper form
Improving crisis prediction, disaster control and damage reduction
New microfluidic chip for discriminating bacteria
Lead-free piezoelectric materials of the future
Measuring preference for multitasking
Study shows tranquil scenes have positive impact on brain
Ending the oceans' 'tragedy of the commons'
Research will help ID bodies left behind by Chilean earthquake, Pinochet regime
Largest ever white-shouldered ibis count
Researchers build 'artificial ovary' to develop oocytes into mature human eggs
Fla. med student study reveals disparity of skin cancer knowledge -- Ben-Gurion U. study
From chemical engineering to the catwalk
Hybrids as city runabouts, natural gas fueled cars for the country
Why 'scientific consensus' fails to persuade
New current meter provides answers for lobster industry, oyster farmers, scientists
Molecule identified that increases survival of stomach cancer patients
Long-term stenting of aortic coarctation yields 77 percent success rate
VCU study: Team uncovers possible risk gene for schizophrenia
First US trial of bone-marrow stem cells for heart attack patients proves safe
New American Chemical Society podcast: Big building blocks from nanoparticles
Chandra finds evidence for stellar cannibalism
Neuralstem stem cells survive and differentiate into neurons in rats with stroke
Researchers nationwide ask for new focus on 'sudden death' heart disorder
Watercress may 'turn off' breast cancer signal
Women more likely than men to accept global warming
GOES-13 sees system 92L looking more like a tropical depression
Enigmatic star devours companion; possibly pregnant with second-generation planets
Human impacts on the deep seafloor
Outsmarting killer bacteria
Global fisheries research finds promise and peril
New treatment for rabies advances after successful phase 1 trial in India
False memories of self-performance result from watching others' actions
Do children understand irony?
Stunning NASA infrared imagery of Hurricane Igor reveals a 170 degree temperature difference
ORNL scientists reveal battery behavior at the nanoscale
Report shows federal poverty guidelines leave state's seniors destitute
New study finds positive return on investment for states that invest in quit smoking treatments
Legal analysis: The health insurance mandate is constitutional
Present imperfect: Doctors in training work even when ill
Study identifies students at risk for difficulties in medical school
Medical students report critical attitudes about depression among peers, U-M study shows
Mayo Clinic study: Med school burnout linked to unprofessional behavior
Lower admission scores, non-white race/ethnicity may increase chance of withdrawal from medical school
Educational intervention may help medical students adapt care for patients needing nonstandard care
Depressed medical students more likely to associate stigma with depression
Burnout associated with self-reported unprofessional conduct among medical students
Carnegie Mellon research: How doctors rationalize acceptance of industry gifts
Type D personality associated with higher future heart risk
Clerkship order linked with outcomes on clerkship subject exams, grades, not clinical performance
Personal sacrifices, rationalization may play role for physicians who accept gifts from industry
Adapting to darkness: How behavioral and genetic changes helped cavefish survive extreme environment
Researchers find selfishness can sometimes help the common good
Teaching doctors to treat the individual
Informatics = essential MD competency
Last strongholds for tigers identified in new study
Making bees less busy: Social environment changes internal clocks
Benefits of healthy lifestyle factors stronger in combination
Mount Sinai researchers find mechanism behind cleft palate development
Combined impact of lifestyle factors on mortality among Chinese women
Blood test accurately predicts death from prostate cancer up to 25 years in advance
No support for routine prostate screening, but one-off test at 60 may be beneficial
Radiation exposure poses similar risk of first and second cancers in atomic bomb survivors
Cognitive skills in children with autism vary and improve, study finds
Children under 4 and children with autism don't yawn contagiously