Archive of articles published on the 12th of January 2011
New research aims to shut down viral assembly line
Virus killer gets supercharged
Biomedical breakthrough: Blood vessels for lab-grown tissues
Link between fracture prevention and treatment adherence not fully understood by patients
Acne bug could be the cause of your infections
Study finds more breaks from sitting are good for waistlines and hearts
Study sheds new light on river blindness parasite
Baby-led weaning is feasible but could cause nutritional problems for minority of infants
Scaling up: The future of nanoscience
New UCLA-designed microscope records firing of thousands of individual neurons in 3-D
First genetic test for predicting IVF success
New responsive click-track software lets drummers set their own pace
Measles virus, a weapon against cancer?
Texas A&M study finds courtship affects gene expression in flies
US family physicians miss opportunities to discuss IUDs with patients
Sleep mode: The energy cost of sleep deprivation
Drug reduces the increase in fear caused by previous traumatic experiences in mice
The 'Spaser' heats up laser technology
'Yo-yo' effect of slimming diets explained
Sleep-disordered breathing comes at a heavy cost
People neglect who they really are when predicting their own future happiness
New approach to modeling power system aims for better monitoring and control of blackouts
Climate disasters: New Baylor study explores how people respond
Some school social workers don't feel prepared to manage cyberbullying, study finds
MicroRNAs could increase the risk of amputation in diabetics
Researchers show how 1 gene becomes 2 (with different functions)
New Baylor study explores how partners perceive each other's emotion during a relationship fight
Toronto astronomers among those announcing first scientific results of Planck satellite mission
Hold the Red Bull: Energy drinks don't blunt effects of alcohol, study finds
Musical chills: Why they give us thrills
New responsive click-track software lets drummers set their own pace
Some heart attack rates declining and survival improving
New insight into neuronal survival after brain injury
GUMC researcher says tinnitus is much more than a 'hearing problem'
Fastest movie in the world recorded
BRNI identifies new therapies for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Seeing the invisible: New CSI tool visualizes bloodstains and other substances
New 'frozen smoke' material: 1 ounce could carpet three football fields
Customer representatives mean increased efficiency in radiology
LSUHSC research shows emotional stress can change brain function
Scientific evidence supports effectiveness of Chinese drug for cataracts
'Thirdhand smoke' may be bigger health hazard than previously believed
Preoperative breast MRI suggests high cancer yield
Elastography helps identify patients who need biopsy
The quest for rat poisons that mimic the Pied Piper's magic flute
UBC-VCH researchers find critical link between Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease
Extent of corruption in countries around the world tied to earthquake fatalities
Cosmic magnifying lenses distort view of distant galaxies
Adrenaline receptor 'frozen in action' by VIB researchers
Astronomers discover close-knit pairs of massive black holes
Quantum quirk contained
Cracking a tooth
In deep galaxy surveys, astronomers get a boost -- from gravity
How children cope with the aftermath of a hurricane
Nature article focuses on tinnitus treatment
Rebooting the brain helps stop the ring of tinnitus in rats
Middle school is when the right friends may matter most
Caltech-led team creates damage-tolerant metallic glass
Attention ladies and gentlemen: Courtship affects gene expression
Natural dissolved organic matter plays dual role in cycling of mercury
New method will triple amount of genetic information from newborn blood spot screenings
23andMe presents top 10 most interesting genetic findings of 2010
Robotic surgery of 'tremendous benefit' to patients, say JGH researchers
Cancer costs projected to reach at least $158 billion in 2020
Projections of cancer care costs in the US: 2010-2020
Astronomers identify most distant galaxy cluster
Taking the pulse of a black hole system
New measure trumps HDL levels in protecting against heart disease
Antibiotics best treatment for ear infections in toddlers, NIH grantees find
It takes 2 for improved control of blood pressure
Origins of the pandemic: Study reveals lessons of H1N1