Archive of articles published on the 20th of January 2011
How much sex is enough?
Creating simplicity: How music fools the ear
Couples sometimes communicate no better than strangers
Scientists grow human liver tissue to be used for transplantation
Vitamin E may increase the life expectancy of restricted groups of men
WSU researchers apply fatigue model to fatal commuter air crash
New math theories reveal the nature of numbers
Coronary imaging enhances ability to identify plaques likely to cause future heart disease
New device may revolutionize computer memory
Breastfeeding -- added protection for cancer survivors?
Warning about 'benevolent sexism' and men's apparently positive attitudes towards women
Thwarting attacks on cell phone mesh networks
How computer games could help us all make better decisions in life
If you become unemployed you will earn less in your next job
Awake despite anesthesia
Study examines risk factors of a mass shooting
Fat associated with chemical changes in DNA that may help explain obesity-related disease
NIST puts a new twist on the electron beam
Stretching the truth: JILA biophysicists help unravel DNA stretching mystery
Real-world graphene devices may have a bumpy ride
NIST advances single photon management for quantum computers
Eggs show arctic mercury cycling may be linked to ice cover
New wave: JILA develops efficient source of terahertz radiation
Study yields better turbine spacing for large wind farms
Identifying factors in atrazine's reduced weed control
Illegal use of human growth hormone common among young male weightlifters
With chemical modification, stable RNA nanoparticles go 3-D
Are positive emotions good for your health in old age?
Causes of death shifting in patients diagnosed with COPD
U of Alberta researcher working towards pharmacological targets for cholera
Intrafamilial medically assisted reproduction
Study maps process used by T cells to discriminate pathogens from the body's own cells
Scripps Research scientists find measles' natural nemesis
Latest American Chemical Society podcast: Biodegradable foam from milk protein and clay
Louisiana Tech University professor visits India as part of US delegation on energy issues
Insect eyes inspire improved solar cells
War, plague no match for deforestation in driving CO2 buildup
Brain's clock influenced by senses
Unfolding amyloid secrets
Global view of blood cell development reveals new and complex circuitry
For robust robots, let them be babies first
Gene test shows which bladder cancer patients may have cancer spread
Simple, ingenious way to create lab-on-a-chip devices could become a model for teaching and research
UC Davis study shows plants moved downhill, not up, in warming world
Contagious cancer thrives in dogs by adopting host's genes
University of Tokyo, Rutgers physicists unveil unexpected properties in superconducting material
Dino-era sex riddle solved by new fossil find
Viral protein mimic keeps immune system quiet
Long-distance migration may help reduce infectious disease risks for many animal species
Controlling symptoms can lead to improved quality of life for end-of-life patients
Red blood cell hormone modulates the immune system
Newly discovered group of algae live in both fresh water and ocean
Strong social ties benefit breast cancer patients
Speaking the same language means better health care quality, Wayne State University study finds
Go figure: Math model may help researchers with stem cell, cancer therapies
NASA prepares to launch next Earth-observing satellite mission
State of the Union 2011: Will President Obama commit to R&D, for jobs and economic growth?
How the hat fits: Structural biology study reveals shape of epigenetic enzyme complex
Gulf grows between research practice and participant preferences in genetic studies
Swift survey finds 'missing' active galaxies
Mammograms: Detecting more than breast cancer, may help assess heart risk in kidney disease patients
Gene mutation play a major role in 1 cause of kidney disease