Archive of articles published on the 14th of October 2011
Annual cost of violence pegged at $6.9 billion after women leave abusive partners, UBC research
Better ways to predict kidney disease risk for African Americans
Pulse oximetry: A viable screening tool for infants with suspected congenital heart disease
Gender differences in blood pressure appears as early as adolescence
Exercise before and during early pregnancy increases two beneficial proteins for mothers-to-be
Another clue to how obesity works
Heart health impacts wellbeing of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Breast tenderness in women getting combo hormone therapy associated with increase in breast density
Endangered species? Should cheap phosphorus be first on an elemental 'Red List?'
Differing structures underlie differing brain rhythms in healthy and ill
Brain scans reveal drugs' effects on attention
MRIs could become powerful tools for monitoring cholesteral therapy
Bad eggs and oil slicks
Researchers discover material with graphene-like properties
Imaging technology might help doctors determine best treatment for Crohn's disease patients
Frustration inspires new form of graphene
Psychopathic killers: Computerized text analysis uncovers the word patterns of a predator
Three for the price of one – mobile electrons multiplied in quantum dot films