Archive of articles published on the 18th of October 2011
Nourishing protein slows brain disease
400,000 farmers in southern Africa using 'fertilizer trees' to improve food security
Light dependency underlies beneficial jetlag in racehorses
Babies and toddlers should learn from play, not screens
CSI-style investigation of meteorite hits on Earth
Piecing together the priceless 'Cairo Genizah'
Technology targets genetic disorders linked to X chromosome
MIT's Lincoln Lab: Seeing through walls
More poor kids in more poor places, Carsey Institute finds
Simple nerve cells regulate swimming depth of marine plankton
CHEO scientist advances biotherapeutics as published in Cancer Cell
Trudeau Institute announces its latest discovery in the fight against tuberculosis
From tropics to poles: Study reveals diversity of life in soils
Fatal crashes in the US: Fewer Canadian drivers under the influence
Forgetting is part of remembering
Whether we know it or not, we can 'see' through 1 eye at a time
Scientists create computing building blocks from bacteria and DNA
Has our violent history led to an evolved preference for physically strong political leaders?
Salk breathes new life into fight against primary killer of premature infants
Premature babies at risk of ill health in later life, research suggests
Expanding HIV treatment for discordant couples could significantly reduce global HIV epidemic
Cough may warn of danger for patients with lung-scarring disease
'Generation Squeezed': Today's family staggering under the pressure
Commonwealth Fund Commission national health care scorecard: US scores 64 out of 100
Optimal modulation of ion channels rescues neurons associated with epilepsy
Shift work in teens linked to increased multiple sclerosis risk
New, higher estimates of endangered humpback whales in the North Pacific
Cells are crawling all over our bodies, but how?
Analyzing the sheep genome for parasite resistance
Malaria vaccine candidate, RTS,S reduces the risk of malaria by half in African children
UCSF study finds steroids could help heal some corneal ulcers
Georgia Tech turns iPhone into spiPhone
Relationships more important than genetic ties when deciding who cares for aging family, study finds
Penn researchers demonstrate efficacy of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma vaccine
2 new bee species are mysterious pieces in the Panama puzzle
New study finds gay and bisexual men have varied sexual repertoires