Archive of articles published on the 31st of October 2011
IHME develops fast, affordable ways for countries to better identify causes of death in populations
Mayo Clinic: Short training course significantly improves detection of precancerous polyps
Do deficits in brain cannabinoids contribute to eating disorders?
Moffitt Cancer Center researchers find regulatory T-cell clue to help prevent GVHD
Study finds physicians show bias when diagnosing stomach problems
Social media has role in delivery of healthcare but patients should proceed with caution
Psychological traumas experienced over lifetime linked to adult irritable bowel syndrome
Physicians who play Mozart while performing colonoscopy may improve adenoma detection rate
New research on improved treatment options and screening strategies for Hepatitis C
Probiotics effective in combating antibiotic-associated diarrhea
Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
Influencing craving for cigarettes by stimulating the brain
Research examines college students' knowledge about eating disorders
Targeting leg fatigue in heart failure
New rice varieties offer benefits to growers
The 'freshman 15' is just a myth, nationwide study reveals
Noninvasive current stimulation improves sight in patients with optic nerve damage
Computer-based tool to improve diagnosis and prognosis for cancer patients
Rice study: Convenient Election Day voting centers can improve voter turnout
Gladstone scientists identify protein form linked to Huntington's disease
Research team clarifies mechanics of first new cell cycle to be described in more than 20 years
Patterns of new DNA letter in brain suggest distinct function
Key driver of metastasis identified
Hepatitis transmission risk needs to be studied in nail salons, barbershops
Fecal microbiota transplants effective treatment for C. difficile, Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Celiac patients face potential hazard as information on cosmetic ingredients difficult to find
Zinc oxide microwires improve the performance of light-emitting diodes
Drugs used to tackle hospital-acquired infections can increase post-op complications
Using math and light to detect misshapen red blood cells
UV light controls antibodies, improves biosensors
Don't worry, be happy – understanding mindfulness meditation
Relief from 'parking wars'
Fat cells in abdomen fuel spread of ovarian cancer
UK HealthCare surgeons are first to perform novel procedures prior to transplant
Live longer with fewer calories
Shared genes with Neanderthal relatives not unusual
Mathematically detecting bubbles before they burst
Technical aptitude: Do women score lower because they just aren't interested?
Fighting fire with fire: 'Vampire' bacteria has potential as living antibiotic
Obesity and depression independently increase health costs
Savannas, forests in a battle of the biomes, Princeton researchers find
Navy researchers fire 1,000th shot on laboratory electromagnetic railgun
Nerve protein linked to learning and memory
Modern genetics answers age-old question on Garrod's fourth inborn error of metabolism
Enzymes act like a switch, turning antibiotic resistance on and off in enterococci
Putting the body back into the mind of schizophrenia
Doctors can learn empathy through a computer-based tutorial