Archive of articles published on the 6th of October 2011
Chagas disease may be a threat in South Texas, says researcher
Dioxin-like chemical messenger makes brain tumors more aggressive
Study suggests children's food choices are affected by direct advertising and parental influence
Is chivalry the norm for insects?
Southern California's tectonic plates revealed in detail
Scientists identify cause of severe hypoglycemia
Crab pulsar beams most energetic gamma rays ever detected from a pulsar
Workplace sabotage fueled by envy, unleashed by disengagement: UBC research
Mine-hunting software helping doctors to identify rare cells in human cancer
Older cancer survivor population to increase substantially
Everest expedition suggests nitric oxide benefits for intensive care patients
Detecting glaucoma before it blinds
Hypothetically tweaking: Research shows questions can influence behavior, promote bias
Children find human-made objects more likely to be owned than natural objects
Hold the phone for vital signs
Archaeologist argues world's oldest temples were not temples at all
Australia's endangered bettong reveals how weather effects species distribution
People without cars, financial assets less likely to marry: study
Why does conflict arise when social identity is threatened?
A 3-D look at Philippe provided clues of transition into a hurricane
Study finds liver cancer increasing in low risk countries, decreasing in high risk countries
Ancient gene found to control potent antibody response to retroviruses
Incompatible assumptions common in biomedical research
Genetic makeup affects testosterone concentrations in men