Archive of articles published on the 5th of December 2011
When the heat's on, fish can cope
Preoperative aspirin therapy can benefit cardiac surgery patients
Autism may involve disordered white matter in the brain
Marine predators in trouble: UBC researchers
Global winds could explain record rains, tornadoes
Dust storms affect subsequent emergency hospital admissions
Chemists become molecular sculptors, synthesizing tiny, molecular traps
Where is the accurate memory? The eyes have it
Can companies, political groups or organizations have a single mind?
NASA sees birth of first Southern Indian Ocean season tropical storm
Ancient dry spells offer clues about the future of drought
'Double tsunami' doubled Japan destruction
A new study suggests that a neurotransmitter might improve the treatment of cancer
Infectious fungus, thought to be asexual, isn't
Rice as a source of arsenic exposure
Lessons learned from yeast about human leukemia: The power of basic model organisms in human health
American Society of Clinical Oncology issues annual report on progress against cancer
Post-partum psychiatric episodes linked with increased risk of developing bipolar affective disorder
State laws mandating P.E., recess linked with increased in-school physical activity among children
Young women may reduce heart disease risk eating fish with omega 3 fatty acids
Past abuse leads to loss of gray matter in brains of adolescents
Study finds nursing shortage may be easing
Blood protein EPO involved in origin and spread of cancer
Giant super-earths made of diamond are possible
MU veterinarians find infections faster by monitoring blood compound
Orphan experiences lead to changes in children's genome functioning
Researchers find confidence is key to women's spatial skills
Record massive black holes discovered lurking in monster galaxies
Scientists discover how brain corrects bumps to body
Early Earth may have been prone to deep freezes, says CU-Boulder study
Scientists rediscover rarest US bumblebee
Proton beam experiments open new areas of research
Whitefly, tomato growers find truce in new Texas variety
Few parents recall being told by doctors that their child is overweight
Chinese health coverage increases with new government efforts
Memory and attention problems may follow preemies into adulthood
Study finds climate changes faster than species can adapt
Acquired traits can be inherited via small RNAs
Child abuse changes the brain
WCS confirms the return of the Persian leopard In Afghanistan's central highlands