Archive of articles published on the 10th of February 2011
44-year-old mystery of how fleas jump resolved
Cancer breakthrough to prevent heart failure and increase survival rates
Long- and short-sleeved physician workwear receive same amount of bacterial and MRSA contamination
New research helps explain how progesterone preventspreterm birth
Study finds magnesium sulfate may offer protection from cerebral palsy
Think manager, think male? Impact of gender in sport administration hiring
When first-time mothers are induced, breaking the amniotic membrane shortens delivery time
Study finds women used 30 percent less analgesia during labor when self-administered
Study finds that folate does not offer protection against preterm delivery
Use of 17-hydroxyprogesterone doesn't reduce rate of preterm delivery or complications in twins
New research helps explain how progesterone prevents preterm birth
UK companies respond to recession by 'training smarter,' study finds
New hybrid drug, derived from common spice, may protect, rebuild brain cells after stroke
Hearing with your nose: How nasal stem cells could tackle childhood hearing problems
New study finds eyewitness memory susceptible to misinformation after testing
NRL scientists elevate warfighter readiness against invisible threats
Spring break
Noninvasive test for trisomy 21 closer at hand
Salivary glands as organs of immunity: New research makes oral immunization easier to swallow
Look at your body to reduce pain
New mode of dementia care improves health, lowers hospitalization rates
Common insecticide used in homes associated with delayed mental development of young children
Coastal Canadians living in high-risk neighborhoods in poorer health: Study
Exercise helps overweight children think better, do better in math
Extensive research demonstrates fructose does not increase food intake or impact weight
Looking at a tough hill to climb? Depends on your point of view
Study shows that defensive military alliances enhance peace
Childhood physical abuse linked to peptic ulcers
New online tool predicts probability of death from stroke
Kenya's fisheries management promotes species that grow larger and live longer
Welders can breathe easier with chromium-free alloy
New evolutionary research disproves living missing link theories
MRI can help decide therapy in patients with unclear-onset stroke
Final data show experimental agent better than aspirin at preventing stroke
More advantages found for new drug: McMaster study
Young, uninsured or Medicare Part D survivors often can't afford medicines
Lake-effect theory sinks, but quake timing questions go on
SMFM highlights significance of spina bifida research findings
Non-dopaminergic drug preladenant reduces motor fluctuations in patients with Parkinson's disease
SLU research implicates natural toxin as triggering Parkinson's disease
Homogeneous tuberculosis treatment ineffective in children, UT Southwestern researchers find
Newly discovered pheromone linked to aggressive behavior in squid
Squid pheromone sparks extreme aggression on contact
New model reveals pesticide-free method that takes a bite out of mosquito-borne disease
When nature calls
LED products billed as eco-friendly contain toxic metals, study finds
Robot therapy can improve arm, shoulder mobility after stroke
Circulating blood antibodies are not required for HIV protection
UCSB chemists make discovery that may lead to drug treatment possibilities for Alzheimer's
Chinks in the brain circuitry make some more vulnerable to anxiety
Sandia security experts help Kazakhstan safely transport, store Soviet-era bomb materials
Restructuring natural resource majors
UTHealth, Athersys preclinical research on stem cell therapy for stroke presented at AHA conference
Tumor microvesicles reveal detailed genetic information
High blood pressure may be caused by mutation in adrenal gland
Virus, parasite may combine to increase harm to humans
How much information is there in the world?
Yale researchers hit 'jackpot' linking gene mutations to high blood pressure
On their own 2 feet
Foot bone suggests Lucy's kin had arched foot, for walking
Wayne State study: Enhance romance by going out with other couples
University of Arizona experts determine age of book 'nobody can read'
VCU Massey first to combine targeted agents to kill multiple myeloma cells
Powerful new ways to electronically mine research may lead to scientific breakthroughs
Roses get celery gene to help fight disease
JPEG for the mind: How the brain compresses visual information
Yale researchers find clues to mystery of preterm delivery
2 NASA satellites see a newborn tropical storm near Madagascar
WSU researcher designs multilingual instruction materials for world's largest mall
NASA infrared satellite data gives System 96S a fair shot at becoming a tropical cyclone
Study examines phenomenon of women caring for ex-husbands
Inhibiting MRSA's ability to degrade RNA slows the spread of the bacteria
A new way to attack pathogens
Trial will test whether surgery is the best option for type 2 diabetes
Leafcutter ant genome reveals secrets of fungus farming ways
Most stroke patients not getting clot-busting treatment in timely manner
Flu reduction policies don't need to start at the beginning of an outbreak, study suggests
Is it time for all skiers to wear helmets?
Heat therapy could be new treatment for parasitic skin disease
Experts urge even greater caution in use of X-rays during pregnancy and infancy
Microarray analysis can identify unsuspected incest