Archive of articles published on the 20th of February 2011
Better mapping of human settlements to support crisis management operations
Stanford researchers develop new technology for cheaper, more efficient solar cells
Spent nuclear fuel is anything but waste
It's time to take a unified approach toward measuring sustainability
Skin color: Handy tool for teaching evolution
Water, water, everywhere… but is it safe to drink?
Family planning programs have success in developing countries, but need to be expanded
How many will we be? Are population estimates off the mark?
Is the link between poverty and water-related disease making rich people sick?
Iowa State, Ames Lab physicist talks superconductivity at AAAS annual meeting
Manipulating molecules for a new breed of electronics
Trichinosis parasite gets DNA decoded
Earth's core rotating faster than rest of the planet but slower than previously believed
Arizona State University archaeologist models past and future landscapes
Research examines callous-unemotional traits, conduct problems in children
Look after your brain
How to leave your body
One Health: From ideas to implementation, rhetoric to reality
Too hot, too cold, just right: Testing the limits of where humans can live
New assessment of black carbon and tropospheric ozone's role in climate change
Arizona State University geographer calls for complexity in sustainability science models
Using amphetamines may increase risk of Parkinson's disease
Relatives of melanoma patients ignore their skin cancer risk
Groundbreaking technology will revolutionize blood pressure measurement
Floating spores kill malaria mosquito larvae
Macavity wasn't there! How absent reoviruses kill cancer