Archive of articles published on the 8th of February 2011
Evolution led to genetic variation that may affect diabetes, Stanford scientist says
Popular kids more likely to bully peers
Study: Popular kids -- but not the most popular -- more likely to torment peers
Pollution controls used during China Olympics could save lives if continued
Study: Neighborhood natives move out when immigrants move in
Figuring out fetal alcohol syndrome in fruit flies
Impact of FDA regulations restricting outdoor cigarette advertising near schools examined
Speedy generic approval may not benefit consumers as much as expected, Rotman model shows
Late nights can lead to higher risk of strokes and heart attacks
Using pharmacist-directed service improves quality of care for patients
Brain's 'radio stations' have much to tell scientists
What your TV habits may say about your fear of crime
Combining brain imaging, genetic analysis may help identify people at early risk of Alzheimer's
Brain 'network maps' reveal clue to mental decline in old age
Cannabis linked to earlier onset of psychosis
Paper archives reveal pollution's history
Hope for stroke victims
When worms stick together and swim on thin water, what happens and why does it matter?
Turning off stress
Eggs are now naturally lower in cholesterol
Malnutrition: A skeleton in the health care closet
Major step taken toward an open and shared digital brain atlasing framework
Western Australia's incredible underground orchid
CeBIT 2011: Electronic fitness trainer
New data obtained on liposomes employed in drug encapsulation and gene therapies
Fingerprint makes chips counterfeit-proof
The success of male bustards is measured by their 'beards'
The great tonsil dilemma
Lower mental health co-pays do not help seniors seek care
Language may play important role in learning the meanings of numbers
Lack of sleep found to be a new risk factor for colon cancer
Elder law expert: Health care reform act a mixed bag for seniors
Experimental approach may improve healing of diabetic wounds and bed sores
Wolverines threatened by climate change, earlier springs
The most genes in an animal? Tiny crustacean holds the record
In February journal, UC and industry researchers predict future of electronic devices
Income inequalities are increasing the occurence of depression during financial crisis
Single-cell marine predator's unique survival mechanisms revealed: UBC research
Polar bear births could plummet with climate change
MU researcher says the next large central US earthquake may not be in New Madrid
Dutasteride not a cost-effective way to prevent prostate cancer in some men
Quality varies in social networking websites for diabetics
Story tips from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory February 2011
The international digital divide
Thoughts of hopes, opportunities keep people from clinging to failing investments
Study: Consumers value safer food more than current analyses suggest
Turning bacteria against themselves
Brief diversions vastly improve focus, researchers find
Study shows delayed-enhancement MRI may predict, prevent strokes
Tool makes search for Martian life easier
JAMA features NJIT biomedical engineer helping stroke patients
Why leatherback turtles linger in South Pacific Gyre, and why it matters
Hydrogels used to make precise new sensor
Detecting pathogens in waterways: An improved approach
Scientists develop method to identify fleetingly ordered protein structures
NRL researchers view the sun in 3-D
Dramatic improvement in Parkinson disease symptoms
The hitch in the drug? The itch in the drug
UT Study: Charismatic leadership can be measured, learned
Limited lymph node removal for certain breast cancer does not appear to result in poorer survival
Increased levels of cardiac enzymes after heart bypass associated with increased mortality
Male cancer survivor offspring slightly higher risk of congenital birth abnormalities
Elevated levels of cardiac biomarkers following CABG surgery associated with increased risk of death
Electronic cigarettes hold promise as aid to quitting
Gene protects lung from damage due to pneumonia, sepsis, trauma, transplants
New techniques for stapling peptides could spur development of drugs for cancer
Study suggests why HIV-uninfected babies of mothers with HIV might be more prone to infections
Infants exposed to HIV at birth but not infected may have lower antibody levels
Not just for raincoats
Huge decline in HIV rates in Zimbabwe driven by fear of infection, says study
Heavy drinking in older teenagers has long- and short-term consequences
Possible crimes against humanity by Burmese military in Chin State, Burma
Trial and error: The brain learns from mistakes
Childhood cancer research in danger
Researchers predict nearly 1.3 million cancer deaths in Europe in 2011