Archive of articles published on the 17th of March 2011
Today's children do engage in active play
Risk of hospital patient mortality increases with nurse staffing shortfalls, study finds
UCLA researchers engineer E. coli to produce record-setting amounts of alternative fuel
Study provides new tool to monitor coral reef 'vital signs'
Production of mustard oils: On the origin of an enzyme
Human prejudice has ancient evolutionary roots
Johns Hopkins team creates stem cells from schizophrenia patients
US healthcare system can't keep up with number of baby boomers' bone fractures
Personlized dendritic cell vaccine increases survival in patients with deadly brain cancer
Study finds more efficient means of creating, arranging carbon nanofibers
Psychological impact of Japan disaster will be felt 'for some time to come'
Chemical-free pest management cuts rice waste
New targeted drug helps smokers stub it out
Tiny 'on-chip detectors' count individual photons
Studies on heart disease and stroke prevention overlook ethnic groups: Study
Green sludge can protect groundwater from radioactive contamination
In pilot study, screening detects potentially serious heart conditions in healthy children
Neuropsychological treatment reduces after-effects in patients with acquired brain injury
Researchers discover possible biomarker and therapeutic target for melanoma
New plant species gives insights into evolution
UF researcher: Flowering plant study 'catches evolution in the act'
Versatile vitamin A plays multiple roles in the immune system
Self-administered light therapy may improve cognitive function after traumatic brain injury
Cranky? On a diet? How self-control leads to anger
Sealing manifest occlusal caries in permanent teeth -- 2.5-year results
Stem cells may be key to understanding the origins of colon cancer and detecting relapse
Getting healthy: When does prediction help people change their habits?
Virtual conversation simulator found beneficial for adults with autism
Smart phones not replacing other media for news access -- at least yet
ATS issues joint statement on the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Study indicates vitamin A plays key role in the human body
Scientists ID possible biomarker to gauge Alzheimer's prognosis, effect of therapies
Buying a new product: When is it better to ask a novice rather than an expert?
What does signing your name mean in the marketplace?
Upgrading the vanadium redox battery
How do consumers estimate a good time?
Intervention offers 'best chance' to save species endangered by climate change
Horticulture students link problem-solving to employment
New software calculates heating costs in greenhouse operations
Optimizing yield and fruit size of figs
Corn gluten meal tested on squash survival, yields
Gardening linked to increased vegetable consumption in older adults
Berkeley Lab scientists take a look at systems biology and cellular networking
Stanford psychologists design 60-minute exercise that raises GPAs of minority students
Recycling perlite: New, improved method saves resources
Cytokinetics announces fundamental research in cardiac myosin activation in the journal Science
Sexual plant reproduction: Male and female talk in the same way as do cells in your brain
Survival matching should be used to allocate donated kidneys to transplant recipients
Solar greenhouses: China's winning solution to global energy crisis
New research tool targets microRNA expression in zebrafish
Want more zest for life? Consider gardening!
Product choice: Why do consumers misestimate their abilities?
Standards education vital for global business needs, says Asia-Pacific Economic Group
Max Planck researchers urge more prominent role for zoos
Integrating instructional multimedia in nursery management, production courses
Are the wealthiest countries the smartest countries?
Cassini spacecraft observes seasonal rains on Titan
Heart damage improves, reverses after stem cell injections in a preliminary human trial
Experimental philosophy opens new avenues into old questions
Wind and solar can reliably supply 25 percent of Oahu's electricity need, new study shows
A mutation causing wrinkled skin of Shar-Pei dogs is linked to periodic fever disorder
A new evolutionary history of primates
Transmissible treatment proposed for HIV could target superspreaders to curb epidemic
Daily home dialysis makes 'restless legs' better
New study adds weight to diabetes drug link to heart problems
Life expectancy rising in UK and Europe despite obesity epidemic